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Everything posted by Perfection

  1. Perfection

    ECW 7.10.07

    TI enjoyed that match but the problem is that richards has been booked to be nothing more than a jobber for a long time and yet punk still has this much trouble putting him away. This is not a knock on richards but it just doesn't make any sense for your #1 contender to have so much trouble with someone like richards.
  2. Perfection

    ECW 7.10.07

    I'm surprised they even like to acknowledge it considering how bad the wwe/ecw is compared to the old ecw.
  3. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    lol..he didn't do a bad job at all though.
  4. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    from the torch. U.S. Congressman Cliff Stearns of Florida was quoted in the Baltimore Sun on Monday that Congress should hold hearings on steroids in wrestling, similar to Major League Baseball in 2005. "Between 1985 and 2006, 89 wrestlers have died before the age of 50," Stearns told the paper. "Of course, not all of these deaths can be attributed to steroid use. However, this abnormally high number of deaths of young, fit athletes should raise congressional alarms." Stearns was involved in MLB and NFL steroid investigation two years ago, and he's urging the Commerce, Trade & Consumer Protection Subcommittee to look into the prevalence of steroids in wrestling to determine how it can be eliminated from the business.
  5. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I don't or wouldn't mind her being on numerous shows to tell her story but its the way she comes across while being on the shows that gives the impression she has an agenda besides trying to "save people" as she claims. She comes across damn near hysterical at times. Never mind the fact that we really haven't heard anything from her until now and the claim that she was too scared to say anything doesn't pass the stink test. It's one thing if this had just happened and she couldn't talk about it...perfectly understandable, but this long after the fact? I hate and truly despise men who hit women and Austin should have his ass whooped a hundred times over for doing it. Likewise the world should know about what he did, but something just doesn't come across as genuine with her to me.
  6. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    CNN and msnbc are not any better. Each network has their own biases and it doesn't take long to see that cnn/msnbc are to the left while fox is to the right. But the point I was trying to make is that as an individual show H&C's seem to have an agenda. Greta van Ugly face's show hasn't been nearly as bad as H&C.
  7. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    This may rub some people the wrong way but am I honestly the only person who thinks congress desire to care about steroids is stupid? I thought the same thing about the baseball stuff too....... We're in a dumb war where people die everyday, we have to worry about terrorism and they want to have hearings about steroids..good priorities guys. I absolutely think its stupid. When they actually held hearings on this over fucking baseball, I just wanted to hit something. I mean really, all the problems this country has, they find the need to spend tax payer money on damn steroid hearings? Its motherfucking baseball for christ's sake. I could see it if they were dropping like flies like they are in wrestling but if some guy that hits a ball for a living shoots some steroids, is it really that big of a deal? Damn, you would think the stuff is worse than crack. I have always found all the attention it gets absurd, especially when you consider all the problems we face.
  8. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Well needless to say, Larry King was an enjoyable show tonight. It's nice that a serious and frank discussion without all the interrupting by the hosts finally took place and with different people besides mero and blackman. How on earth did he ever get booked this many times though? I do not like Larry king for the most part because most of his shows are boring as hell and he lets his guests say anything without ever confronting them but on this night it was a good show, because of the quality of the guests. It's a shame though that Hannity and Colmes has like 2 or 3 times higher ratings than King does because a lot more people got exposed to more debra and poffo. Its clear that hannity and colmes have a certain agenda because they keep booking the same people, which either don't talk communicate very well or are strongly "anti wrestling". Colmes and Hannity rarely agree on anything but they seem to have made a tag team for themselves on this issue.
  9. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I agree. I think it's impossible to delete him forever. He's been part of too many classic moments. I'm sure we'll never see his embrace with Eddie at WM 20 ever again, but I'm sure he'll still be in Flair's Nitro return promo, and be put back in the Monday Night Wars and other 24/7 stuff. Besides the obvious reasons of why I'm angry and disgusted with him (the killings duh), selfishly I'm disgusted with him because of how many great moments that he was apart of will now either be forever tainted or never even shown because of what he did. There was an article in the AJC a week or so back about this very topic and he hit the nail on the head in every way about how I feel. It seems rather disgusting to even be angry about something like WM XX's match/celebration when two people are dead but as a wrestling fan it kills me that probably the greatest wrestlemania moment in history for yours truly is forever going to be damned by the wwe and rarely shown. Besides the obvious questions of why would he do what he did, the evilness of it all, why in the world he would throw away what he worked for so hard his entire life with respect to the wrestling business, is one of the big questions for me too. Its hard to understand why someone who loved what he did so much and believed in what he did for a living with such a passion, would be so willing to piss it all away. Of course this is asking for logic from someone who killed an innocent woman and a child. So its probably futile to wonder such things.
  10. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I think Johnny Nitro is mic skills away from being a mega star. Too bad Paul Heyman is not around any more to work with him. There are dollars to be made with Nitro. Nitro also needs a better gimmick. This "Hollywood A-lister" crap just smacks of midcardiness. Amen to that. He's a decent worker and many have said he deserves a push but man his gimmick simply sucks and is about as boring as it can get. The gimmick was fine, especially in light of how much attention/play in the mainstream media "stars" like Paris Hilton/Lohan/Spears get. Ahving a "cocky" wrestler has always been gold for a heel. The gimmick fizzled when A) he was depushed (sec. to Melina's backstage issues?) B) His was separated from his posse (Mercury b/c drugs and Melina). Obviously he needs improvment on the mike, but I enjoy his offense which is often unique, at least in the WWE. Heavyweight champ may be a little too much too fast, but he was really good as IC champ until he was made a whipping boy for a returning bloated Jeff Hardy. I've liked Jeff Hardy's work since he's returned. Bloated Jeff blotches moves/spots alot less. Jeff and Matt deserve bigger singles pushes. For whatever reason, the public absolutely loves Jeff Hardy. I remember that ladder match with the undertaker on raw a number of years ago and it was a fantastic match and even had me rooting for him. The crowd would go ballistic i think if he ever did win the world title. Of course since he doesn't fit Mcmahons idea for what a top star should look like, he probably won't ever get near it...no matter how popular he is.
  11. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'm shocked that Hogan hasn't made the round on the tv shows yet. God knows he loves publicity, even if he was a huge steroid junky back in the day, or might still be.
  12. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    i thought that was a pretty interesting yet strange segment when I watched it last night. On one hand you had the mountie say what happend was "100% because of steriods) while Poffo just seemed sort of strange and rambled, while Graham was easily the most interesting to listen to.
  13. Perfection

    ECW/Smackdown spoilers

    pretty good "scientific" match, I suppose. they were both working over each other's legs, setting up for submissions and all that. Finlay won with the Indian Deathlock, or whatever he calls it. overall, the highlight of the show. Thanks, I appreciate it. I figured it would be. I hope someone uploads it to youtube.
  14. Perfection

    ECW/Smackdown spoilers

    I didn't get home in time to see smackdown, how was the Flair/Finley match?
  15. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Are you talking about the show with Mero & Blackman? That wasn't Grace hosting, she's off for whatever reason. But believe me, she's 10 times worse than the fill-in they had on tonight. Damn...didn't see this post..This woman was an angel compared to her.
  16. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    That wasn't Nancy Grace though...Nancy Grace is a thousand times worse than the lady in the mero/blackman interview
  17. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Wonder if this was a case of Roid rage ??
  18. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I think Johnny Nitro is mic skills away from being a mega star. Too bad Paul Heyman is not around any more to work with him. There are dollars to be made with Nitro. Nitro also needs a better gimmick. This "Hollywood A-lister" crap just smacks of midcardiness. Amen to that. He's a decent worker and many have said he deserves a push but man his gimmick simply sucks and is about as boring as it can get.
  19. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I saw the entire thing and he pretty much owned both colmes and whoever the woman was. He made a really good point that there was some alcohol found (which i was under the impression it was just one bottle but i could be wrong), but its not sexy enough for the media if it was just alcohol related. He goes on to say just look how many people are in jail for serious crimes related to alcohol but you don't see any outrage by the media if someone does something wrong while they were drinking. He has a very good point there. He goes on to say there is a lot of misinformation out there in the media. Whoever that woman was really came across as a grade A bitch, she was really condescending and arrogant. Nash admitted to taking steroids but said he had never personally seen any roid rage himself. She said that made his credibility questionable (apparently she thinks everyone who has ever taken them goes nuts all the time). You could tell this really annoyed him, He comes back and said something "lady have you ever taken steroids?" she says no of course not, and he says "well then how do you know anything about it" (paraphrasing here as colmes was cutting him off). he was shaking his head when they faded to black. Funny stuff.
  20. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    lmao...by far the best one.
  21. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    As someone else already said, if you don't like it or care about it anymore, don't click on the thread. It's really not that hard. There's a whole lot of reason this thread is still going. I think there's three groups of people out there. The people who are ready to damn Benoit to hell, to slag him off and kill his memory and legacy. The people who say it's a fit-up, that Kevin Sullivan did it, that Nacy did it, that Vince did it or whatever. Then there's a whole lot of people who are still in shock. They believe it but they don't want to. They hate the idea that one of the greatest workers of them all, a man who stood for all kinds of good in the fucked-up business that is professional wrestling, died a murderer. I'm in the latter group and I keep looking at all the forums and all the news stories, because I'm hoping something will come out. Deep down, I think I know it won't. I don't even know what the fuck toxicological reports even are, yet a tiny part of me hopes they'll exonerate Benoit. I know they won't. I watched the Eddie tribute today. Benoit wasn't acting (his promos showed he couldn't act). It was fucked up. This thread is still going because people don't know what to think. Good post.
  22. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I have to disagree only because according to reports it was obvious Nancy died first due to the degree of decomposition.
  23. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    Does that mean Hogan and Savage will be waving towels at eachother? Someone should ask him that. But I'm guessing his answer would be "do what I say, not what I do"
  24. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    As someone else already said, if you don't like it or care about it anymore, don't click on the thread. It's really not that hard.
  25. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I think what also needs to be taken into strong consideration is the countless shots to the head wrestlers take over many years of wrestling. Body builders and so forth don't get dropped on their head or hit with a chair all the time. That has to take a toll on individuals at some point, especially if a person isn't psychologically fit to begin with. I could see a scenerio where a person who isn't totally fit mind wise but not anywhere near violent or problematic, could eventually become so after so many hits to the head. I'm not a doctor but it would seem to me that even without concussions, after a certain number of non concussionary (not sure if thats even a word) blows, it would eventually end up doing some damage. Then combine that with all the drugs and you have someone that is really unstable, much more so than being on drugs alone.