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Everything posted by Perfection

  1. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    If they continue on with the Benoit story even after the news of the attempted terrorist attacks, then this story isn't going away for a long time. I'd actually be very surprised because we all know the media loves to talk about terrorism.
  2. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Here is a link to the story for anyone who is interested http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/06/29...lert/index.html
  3. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Well WWE might have just gotten a big break because of the foiled terrorist attack in Britain. The news will immediately drop this story most likely and cover the terrorist plot 24/7 for the foreseeable future.
  4. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Leave noone out of this. People liked Benoit because he put on great matches and was always being OMG HELD DOWN!~ so they had something to bitch about. When referencing noone, I meant his coworkers..not fans. Not sure what your point is though because many liked him not only because of his ability but because he was so respected. I know that was one reason I liked him. Its much easier to like someone when you know that he is a decent person outside of the squared circle and outside of the character he plays on tv.
  5. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Good point but when I first remember hearing about Debra saying Austin beat her I wasn't that surprised in the least and I don't think many were either, at least I don't recall many being surprised. With the revelation of the court documents where she proclaimed this though several years ago he obviously had a history of losing it with her and if a year from now she came forward and said this, the fact it was never made public then I think people would have believed it. I'm surprised so few people, if anyone, knew she even made those accussations. Several including Bret hart i think said he had no idea about that. I can't help but wonder if this would have happened if Eddie was still alive. I think if benoit was this close to the edge, he would have talked to him and helped him. We will never know though.
  6. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Interesting read. The thing with Benoit and why he was so looked up to by many, especially those here on the net, was because for years we have heard nothing but good things about him outside the ring/behind the scenes by those who worked with him. This is not the same IMHO as some celebrity turned bad, or some football player turned bad because in general long before those people got in trouble, there were rumours of their lifestyle or what they were like. But with Benoit, noone had a bad thing to say about him, ever. Because of the universal praise he got and the fact that many of us have followed his career for years, we felt like we had a very good idea of the type of person he was. That idea of the type of person he was was more justified than in other cases of celebrity worship because if something was not good about a person, you would definately hear about it somewhere and from someone. The fact that his closest friends and fellow workers are as shocked by this as anyone tells me that its not really a case of putting someone up on a pedestal unfairly or too hastily because he was our favorite wrestler. Even though there were rumblings something seemed wrong in the past few months by those who worked with him, This is a case where not even those closest to him knew he was capable of doing this. I do hope we find out that he had brain damage or something that would at least explain to some extint why someone who was so liked and respected, turned into a monster. If he did have brain damage then its far easier to forgive something like this...otherwise....he will never be forgiven and looked at as one of the most evil wolves in sheep's clothing that there ever was.
  7. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Is it no wonder they keep trying to find the WORST possible guests they can find, especially those with axes to grind. EDIT to add, I would recommend watching Dan Abrams tonight. He has been filling for Scarborough and I think he's done a fairly reasonable job because he allows folks to talk, and doesn't presume much. He spent something like 40 minutes on this topic last night. As with most of the media he has focuses a bit much on the steriods but overall I think he's been reasonably fair imho.
  8. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I was laughing pretty good at her and that other woman argueing over that as they were BOTH wrong. One lady said it was 4 weeks and she said 4 months. it was fucking hilarious
  9. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    The replay of Greta's show is on right now on FOx including that horrific interview with Chyna in a few minutes.
  10. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Actually Meltzer explained what he think happened with that to Dan Abrams tonight and he said its likely a non story. According to him, there was a wrestling chat going on during the PPV and someone in the chat said she was dead trying to stir up crap or just joking. And more than likely someone in that chat went to wiki and edited it. If you think about all the crap that usually turns up on these wiki pages with with respect to wrestling, that sounds exactly like something that would happen. Some idiot who was trying to be an ass went and edited it after hearing someone say that.
  11. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I hope Austin and WWE sues her ass for slander - I dont like AT ALL that she's using this tragedy for her own agenda. This is the same shit she mentioned a few days ago (and was posted here) but now has added that WWE put a gag on her for over a year, covering for Austin, etc. The interview she did before said Austin himself forced her to shut up about the beatings somehow (she didnt specify). So she is saying he always because overly violent while he was on roids only? It doesnt make sense really. How do we know what she said isn't true? Austin has a history of domestic abuse, so who knows what went on in that marriage Not saying what she said with respect to austin isn't true but she just came across as someone with her own personal agenda to me imho.
  12. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Greta van Sustran on FOX Yeah, she was horrible, they just had Bret Hart on as well Actually its greta van ugly face. Sorry...can't stand her. She will take a story and exploit it for months and months. Don't be surprised if she is still talking about this 3 months from now. Hell she talked about natilly (sp?) holloway for a year i think. Horrible doesn't even begin to describe chyna. She was absolutely fucking horrendous.
  13. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Yeah he said at the time everyone including him did it to stay competitive but he quit in the early 90s and he said he had his best matches steriod free.
  14. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Wow that was brutal watching Chyna. She was fucked up as hell. That was like watching anna nicole smith right there. She made absolutely NO sense and wasn't it well known at the time she did steriods herself? of course through her babbling she denied it.
  15. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I was about to say, Debra is on Hannity and colmes and she is blasting wwe and blaming it on roid rage. she comes across to me as someone with a motive of her own. They just took a break but she will be back on the next segment for anyone who is interested.
  16. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime_file...gal_boosts.html Interesting considering I read somewhere that up until recently he "hated religion"
  17. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Everyone turn TO MSNBC right now. Dan Abrams has Meltzer, Steve blackman (on the phone) and Marc mero (man he looks differant from his wrestling days lol)
  18. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Geraldo is really a piece of garbage and possibly the worst reporter/journalist I have ever seen. I'm also sort of a news junkie and I have never ONCE...not ONE TIME, seen anyone compliment the guy. Just the opposite, the amount of negativity toward him by everyone is so high that it just stuns me...it really does, that he would be on the payroll of any news organization. Good job by Jericho indeed on nancy grace and to be honest, Nancy grace actually had a few good points. She said that by all accounts he was this great guy (unlike idiots like geraldo and orielly who say that everyone knew that he was a monster and abused people) and it would be more settling to know that something, whether it be "roid rage" or some other drug induced insanity that caused him to do it. Never thought I'd agree with her on anything.
  19. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I figured his head exploded after Nancy Grace asked Bret if Benoit was upset about being demoted from the Four Horsemen to Raw. On a sidenote, is there a reason that every media person becomes a bumbling idiot when it comes to the subject of wrestling? Would it kill them to take an hour or two and do some research? I worry how much they SNAFU other news. It really is amazing how little research these so called journalists do. It makes you wonder about everything they report on because if they are THIS BAD about this story, everything else must be too. It really makes me sick that every day since this broke, they group every wrestler into the category of freaks and evil bastards. I mean for gods sake, geraldo last night was the perfect representation...I so wish someone would punch him in the mouth.
  20. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Why anyone would agree to go on that bitch's show is a mystery to me. Just about everyone who is aware of her knows how much of a bitch she is and how she still think she is a prosecutor. It was never more apparent than when she kept going after that mother who's son or daughter had been killed (or kidnapped) and the mother ended up killing herself after appearing on her show. Well that wasn't enough for Nancy ungracefull as she went after the mother day after day, after she killed herself. She is complete slime and she is well know within the media community as a grade A bitch
  21. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Actually I REALLY liked one part of it. Meridith or however you spell her name, said something along the lines of "you make so much money off of these guys" and then asked why more isn't done for them or something like that.
  22. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    This might be interesting Vince McMahon will appear on the Today Show tomorrow morning on NBC for an interview with Meredith Viera regarding the steroid allegations in the Benoit tragedy and the tragedy itself.
  23. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I got so irritated at watching it/him, I had to turn it. He honestly sat there and said that as if benoit broke his neck on purpose.. omfg.. what a jackass. This is the same guy that thinks that if you are against illegal immigration you are a racist. During the katrina disaster, he was running around like a chicken with its head chopped off to get attention. It was disgusting. The guy is a clueless, overdramatic idiot and why on earth any network has him on is a mystery to me
  24. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Another so called journalist that I absolutely can't stand.
  25. Perfection

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    dude they are going to erase him from history as much as possible. you can forget about the hall of fame...i mean he did kill his wife and kid you know