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Everything posted by Perfection

  1. Perfection

    Ric Flair and the Figure Four

    I have looked a long time for footage of flairs first title win against rhodes but never have found it. Judging by what you said, the footage must be pretty obscure. I would love to see it though and its frustrating that footage of such a historical moment is so hard to find.
  2. Why does it have to mean anything other than giving the fans a surprise appearance and laugh for one night once a year or something? He doesn't have to be involved in any major storyline, he doesn't have to wrestle or even beat someone up (unless its mcmahon or something) . Hell they could do a thing like they did with pete rose and kane, just have him come down once a year at wrestlemania and give vince the people's elbow or something. I think that would be something perfect for him to do and it would be entertaining. For the record, I'm not clamoring for it either or mad that he doesn't. But I have always felt a little bit that he kind of comes across as one of those guys who thinks to themselves "i'm too good for you and this shit" now. I'm not saying that is the way he is but taking 10 minutes a year or something just to put smiles on people's faces just seems like the cool thing to do, especially since everyone loves and misses the dude.
  3. once again the people care about the character/just seeing him, he doesn't have to wrestle. In terms of showing up and doing a funny skit every once and a while, there is absolutely no harm to him to do it. Hollywood is a petty business. If people are telling him he could be more successful by staying away from Vince McMahon then the Rock should. The Rock may not get gigs if studios and directors know he's still involved in that fake, cartoon, kind of gay, wrestling business. Hate to be the one to crush your dreams, but the professional wrestling business isn't universally loved by all. You mean the same business that willfully employees known drug addicts and the like? And lol about the "crushing your dreams"...yeah boy I just have this fantasy that everyone loves wrestling. If they think they will make money off of him, they couldn't give a damn. Never mind the fact they already know he is and always will be associated and remembered for his time in wrestling. showing up for a 10 minute skit every blue moon isn't going to make them somehow think less of him. Hell if anything they saw his popularity in wrestling and knew they could capitalize on it. Keeping that popularity going in some minor fashion among wrestling fans, can only be good for business.
  4. once again the people care about the character/just seeing him, he doesn't have to wrestle. In terms of showing up and doing a funny skit every once and a while, there is absolutely no harm to him to do it.
  5. My personal opinion of it has always been that it would not hurt for him to come back every now and again for something like a promo or appearance simply for the fans who miss him so much. He doesn't have to wrestle..in fact I wouldn't want him to. People care about the character more than seeing him wrestle. I just felt like if I was in his shoes I would at least try and come around every once and a while for a promo or a skit just to say hello to the people who in part put him where he is at today, the fans. Not doing so sort of does come across as snobby in a little bit of way to me because even if I hated the business after I got out, I would think that if I was so popular and I knew that fans loved me to death, I'd do it for them. But that's just me.
  6. Perfection

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    meh and then 2 minutes later they boo him. Stupid wrestling fans don't know what they like or don't like. It was easily a majority booing him earlier, they cheer his entrance, then when boo him when he's hitting kennedy in the corner. go figure. No it wasn't. I think you might be deaf then or you have a different definition of what is or isn't booing. It was extremely loud and clearly there was more boos than cheers from where I sit.
  7. Perfection

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    meh and then 2 minutes later they boo him. Stupid wrestling fans don't know what they like or don't like. It was easily a majority booing him earlier, they cheer his entrance, then when boo him when he's hitting kennedy in the corner. go figure.
  8. Perfection

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    And is the most over person in the building. not tonight I don't believe. I think both hhh and orton got louder cheers/boos respectfully. It used to be 60/40 or 50/50 cheers/boos but now its easily 70/30. But I don't agree with those who say that despite him being booked as a 100% baby face that somehow him getting all those boos means he's over. I think being over means you are cheered or booed in keeping with what your character is supposed to get.
  9. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    If wwe paid him that much money then they are idiots. No way can his presence end up making them that money back and more. And yeah that has GOT to piss the wrestlers off to see some 150 pound fish stick come out there and get paid 20 million dollars when they bust their ass day in and day out to make the wwe what it is. I can understand getting celebs and stuff and I'm sure the wrestlers understand too but 20 million dollars is pretty damn absurd.
  10. Perfection

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    Another town and another night cena gets booed out of the building.
  11. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    what kills me about them is they claim they have no choice. well if that is the case, how do all the other sites manage to do it? I don't think i have ever seen a site on the internet with so many pop ups as their site. Considering I have had internet access for 10 years, that is pretty damn telling. If they don't make enough money to pay their friends, they should get rid of some of them. It's also amazing to me that they think by doing this they would increase revenue because people have and will continue to not go there due to all those pop ups and possible viruses. I saw somewhere, where someone posted a graph showing traffic to their site and it's been a huge downfall..yet they continue to do the thing that is driving people away.
  12. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Count me in as one of the millions of Randy Orton fans who thinks he has what it takes to be champ. He is the top heel in wrestling right now and he deserves to have his big moment. As I've said before, he's had big moments, but he hasn't had his "WrestleMania moment"...yet. If Jeff Hardy won, it would be forgotten about 2 months later. It's time for Triple H to do the job for Orton. I am a big fan of orton too. He has a lot of qualities of the old time heels I like. I think a lot of the criticism of him on the internet is a load of bullshit mostly. for example, people going on and on about him using headlocks. are you kidding me? If that is such a fucking crime then just about every wrestler of the 1980s was terrible because they had long headlock spots. But unlike those of the 80s, randy tries his best to actually make it look like he is really wrenching it. the guy has done nothing but put people over and make them look good. He sells moves of others like he just got shot. His workrate imo is very good and the icing on the cake is he seems to stand up to certain elements backstage (hhh for example) that everyone claims to hate online. The man doesn't get nearly enough credit imho
  13. Perfection

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    I would say it's about 60 to 40 or 70 to 30 against right now seriously. It doesn't seem to matter who they face him up against, he gets booed more and more. It's to the point that it looks ridiculous that you have the majority of the people at the show booing him and they still act like he's the most loved guy in the world. He is going to get massively booed between now and wrestlemania in every hhh segment. How is that? Cena openly talks about during his promos about the dissension he draws from the crowd and that's a part of his entire persona. WWE, as in the commentators will often make note of the split crowds and put over how polarizing a character John Cena is. Oh cmon, they mentioned it only in passing while the rest of the time they act like he's superman coming to save the woman in distress. It's just bad when its obvious to everyone that he is getting more boos than some of the heels on the roster.
  14. Perfection

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    I would say it's about 60 to 40 or 70 to 30 against right now seriously. It doesn't seem to matter who they face him up against, he gets booed more and more. It's to the point that it looks ridiculous that you have the majority of the people at the show booing him and they still act like he's the most loved guy in the world. He is going to get massively booed between now and wrestlemania in every hhh segment.
  15. Perfection

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Yeah it annoyed me quite a bit at the silence they gave the flair announcement. And did you notice that after Lawler pointed that out, there was this almost uncomfortable silence from ross? He didn't even acknowledge what he said. It was odd. Not one of his better nights.
  16. Perfection

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    she did look awesome.
  17. Perfection

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    good grief the wwe dropped the ball there with candice's return. how anti climatic can you get. That was such a ready made hot feud (at least by women's standards) and that is all they do? lol idiots.
  18. Perfection

    No Way Out

    of course it was a planned fucking angle, jesus christ. I'm talking about how hard he hit him..is that so hard to understand?
  19. Perfection

    No Way Out

    I read the rumor that big show actually agreed for mayweather to break his nose/hit him legit. his keller/meltzer comfirming this?
  20. Perfection

    No Way Out

    I think HHH catches too much crap sometimes. He should be credited for allowed hardy to kick out of the most deadly move in wrestling history. I mean he put him over in a big way last night, even though he won. And this is on top of losing clean to him on ppv. If i recall correctly, it was HHH who initially wanted to push hardy hard when jericho came in to counteract him so his push right now is in part due to hhh to begin with. Aside from that one night on ppv, he hasn't held the world title in a long time and has consistently put people over. Some of the excuses people come up with to hate on him, like ignoring hardy's win over him the night before, just seem lame.
  21. Perfection

    No Way Out

    Now I know why keller said mayweather hauled ass on his own..as soon as he took those cheap shots he knew he would be killed if show got a hold of him.
  22. You probably put a lot of thought into this, huh? yeah all 45 seconds worth
  23. Perfection

    No Way Out

    man i tell you, if the wwe doesn't turn him heel soon they are fucking insane
  24. Perfection

    No Way Out

    Show's nose looks broken. why the fuck would he connect that hard with him? looks to me like that fuck was trying to show him up..(no pun intended). i guess show might want to take some liberties with him next time
  25. Have Vince come out and admit to the world that it's all fake and that there is not one single thing about the wwe that is real or authentic. Maybe even producing a real script of the show. Although everyone besides kids probably already knows this, having the owner come out and admit to the world on raw would be stabbing the business in the heart. Also admit that the drug testing policy is a joke and that every wrestler is jacked to the gills on steroids and does tons of illegal drugs. And admitting that the top stars are where they are at only because they kiss his ass on a nightly basis behind the scenes. Then they proceed to come out and all bow before him, faces and heels alike. Short of literally killing everyone, that would probably about do it.