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Everything posted by Perfection

  1. Perfection

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    That sounds bad...I thought when Knox hit his finisher it looked pretty violent and I noticed he seemed to say something to him or was staying close by like something was wrong. i really hope noble is ok.
  2. Perfection

    Does Rourke Being at WM Cheapen "The Wrestler"?

    I'm not surprised as hollywood is really a joke most of the time and the oscars are often used to promote hollywood's far left ideology than actual performances in films. Penn playing a homosexual, especially after that marriage admendment thing went down in california, screamed loudly that he would be given the award to show their protest and to allow penn to go on another one of his political rants that no one gives damn about because a piece of shit talking shit isn't very appealing. The good news is, it seems a lot of people at least recognize that penn was given the award simply because of political motives. That said, I don't really care that much but I do find it somewhat comical.
  3. Perfection

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    I knew vince was an idiot but this just reconfirms it. When christian is allowed to shine in his promos, there is hardly anyone better. Before he left the wwe for tna, he was gold on the mic and is one reason why he started getting over so much. His head shot is bad? Are you fucking kidding me vince? Vince is so out of touch it amazes me sometimes the wwe is where it's at.
  4. Perfection

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    You know it used to mean something to be a multi time world champion, but at the rate things are going HHH and cena will be a 30 time world champion and edge will have a dozen or two too. Remember when winning the world title more than a couple of times was something rare and special? Now...everyone is going to have a 5 or 10 time run. I think it just goes to show how bankrupt the wwe is in developing new talent and relying on the same old people over and over.
  5. The responses in this thread make me happy because I was thinking the same things while reading this. Sounds like a total fucking prick.
  6. Perfection

    WWE Raw - February 9, 2009

    I was so hoping shane was going to screw that up. And it looked like he almost didn't have enough in him to do it. Guy needs to realize he's in his 40s. Poor Ted, once again gets owned by shane with those all air punches too.
  7. Perfection

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    It's unreal how many dumb asses are alive and breathing today. Honestly, what is the reason for fans to act like this? Dumb motherfuckers should have all had their asses beat. Jericho was really restrained under the circumstances. And those MORONS asking for a picture of him...seriously you fucking idiots, are you really that stupid on purpose or is it an act? please be an act for the sake of humanity. Makes me wonder if all this was a plan all along to get jericho to get physical with her in hopes of getting a pay day. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
  8. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    What graphic nature? The wwe hasn't been close to graphic in a long time... And How does an adult wrestling fan possibly enjoy a product that is catering to children? The more pg it gets, the worse it is. I don't want to return to the early 90s or 80s...the only difference right now is they don't have cartoon characters but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's where they are going before too long. I don't get it really. One of the most successful periods they ever had along with the most successful characters they ever had were when the wwe didn't cater to children and the characters were more colorful/realistic. I'm not saying they have to go back to naked women on tv or wrestlers playing porn stars but I find it absurd and insulting that they go from one extreme to the other...whatever happened to the middle ground? Like no blood? Are you fucking kidding me? This is fucking professional wrestling for gods sake. It's no wonder why I find more enjoyment out of watching 25 year old nwa videos on youtube than i do about anything the wwe is doing today. I selfishly hope this experiment fails miserably. You know what I find a little absurd about the no blood thing? It’s more irresponsible to not show blood in my opinion. You’re basically telling kids to go ahead and whack your friend in the head with a steel chair or throw him into a table because there’s no consequences. I would think that a little kid would be a little more hesitant to perform a GTS on someone in his backyard or punt him in the head if he knew he was going to split the other person’s head open like an overripe cantaloupe. Fascinating point. I never thought of that and don't think I've ever heard someone mention it before. The irony of that possibly being true is hilarious.
  9. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    What graphic nature? The wwe hasn't been close to graphic in a long time... And How does an adult wrestling fan possibly enjoy a product that is catering to children? The more pg it gets, the worse it is. I don't want to return to the early 90s or 80s...the only difference right now is they don't have cartoon characters but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's where they are going before too long. I don't get it really. One of the most successful periods they ever had along with the most successful characters they ever had were when the wwe didn't cater to children and the characters were more colorful/realistic. I'm not saying they have to go back to naked women on tv or wrestlers playing porn stars but I find it absurd and insulting that they go from one extreme to the other...whatever happened to the middle ground? Like no blood? Are you fucking kidding me? This is fucking professional wrestling for gods sake. It's no wonder why I find more enjoyment out of watching 25 year old nwa videos on youtube than i do about anything the wwe is doing today. I selfishly hope this experiment fails miserably.
  10. Perfection

    WWE SmackDown - January 30, 2009

    Tremendous work, Spoilers writer. Might as well have just written the report to say other things like "Undertaker and Mark Henry had a match". Seriously, what the hell is that shit. Anyone seen anything more detailed than this?
  11. Perfection

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    It sure did. They allowed shane to DESTROY the biggest heel they have on top of taking out legacy by himself? What the fucking hell is that? They could have accomplished the same thing if they allowed orton to at least keep SOME of his heat by getting the upper hand in the end or maybe having all the raw roster come down to save shane but he just got bitched slapped by a 40 year old out of shape non wrestler. No it wasn't bitched slapped..it was totally destroyed. Wow...you talk about stupid stupid booking. Orton was made to look like a total bitch.
  12. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    That really surprises me since out of all the women on the roster, she seemed the most likely to do it. She started off as a stripper (yes a god awful one) and ever since has been the only one who likes to or allowed to show her ass. Pretty surprising...but IF it's because she wants to just be known as a wrestler in the long run, like trish and lita, then damn good for her.
  13. Perfection

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    Poor Katie lea and burchill...not only moved to ecw but moved their to job too. I get why they don't like burchill...well sort of, but why katie? She is one of the hottest women they have (her eyes are just fucking amazing) and can wrestle and they do nothing with her. Yet that horrific Jillian hall gets tons of tv time every week on raw...makes no fucking sense to me.
  14. Perfection

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    I think after a long period of time, they will probably or at least should, use that kick to the head orton gave TD as a reason for him to turn on orton...when they break the group up. One of those "I got close to you just so I could beat your ass" type of deals.
  15. Perfection

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    That was a hell of a nice looking superkick, in part because cena sold it so good. I'm not a big fan of cena but when he wrestles Michaels he is different somehow...as in much better....great match. ****1/4. One thing that really bugged me though was after watching micheals really wrench back hard on the crossface (great job by him and cena there), cena turned around and put him in his absurdly weak looking stf. Camera shows micheas, and there is 2 or 3 inches of space between cena and his micheals chin and micheals is selling it like death. Yes this has been talked about forever as far as annoying people but in this case it really did hurt what otherwise was an outstanding match. It not only makes cena look like an idiot for not knowing how to apply a hold but it more importantly makes the other guy look stupid for having to sell it. And considering the drama in this match, that spot is SUPPOSED to be one of the cliff hanger parts and it just blows it for me. He has to know and has been told by now so I'm guessing he's been doing it this way just to annoy people...and although he probably laughs about it, it hurts the credibility of his opponent.
  16. Perfection

    OaO WWE Raw - January 5, 2009

    I wish someone would explain how it is possible that jillian hall still is employed. Ugly as hell, annoying and absolutely nothing special in the ring...she must be giving vince blowjobs everyday or something.
  17. Perfection

    OaO WWE Raw - January 5, 2009

    I think it ends in a double countout or DQ and they have a rematch at the royal rumble as already mentioned. However, I wouldn't be totally surprised if Punk won and they had a rematch at the rumble with regal getting the win there. They could continue this fued for a while.
  18. Perfection

    US Senator recommends steriod regulations

    Is it a bad thing? The issue really is stupid on several levels. One, wrestling is nothing more than physical acting...it's not an actual sport. Look at how many tv/movie actors we have that are drugged up all the time, where is congress?! So the government treating it as an actual sport and not the "entertainers" they are, just like those in hollywood, is absurd, it really is. Second, of all the important issues and crisis this country faces, to have the government spend millions of tax payer dollars to investigate and then regulate wrestling is irritating as hell to me. I don't know if or how this would effect smaller promotions but if it's just mainly for the wwe and tna...it's even dumber. All that time and money to regulate around 100 quasi actors? Since when is this such a national emergency? It's yet another ridiculous farce in the joke that is the "war on drugs". Lastly, Mcmahon is a fucking idiot in the way he handles himself and the way he mocks the very same people that could and probably will make the way he runs his company a lot harder. I seriously think mcmahon has mental issues...no person in his right mind would say the things he does and act like such a complete fucking douchebag in front of people who could have such a huge impact on your business and talent. Despite how stupid it is, I almost want it to happen just to maybe humble him in some way.
  19. Perfection

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    I'm telling you to get your head out of your ass. I absolutely hate it too...people shouldn't be layed out so easily by a modified fireman's carry takeover. The only time it looks impressive is when he hits it on huge guys but otherwise, it just seems lame. Sigh about cena coming back and winning the title right off the bat. I don't get the booking of the jericho/batista/jericho/cena belt changing. And it looks like we are back to having cena really rammed down our throats again after they finally gave us all a break from him "beating the odds" and killing everyone. I was starting to like him a bit more because of it but if they run down the road of Cenamania or Hulk Cena again, that will be gone.
  20. Perfection

    WWE SmackDown - November 14, 2008

    It's actually one of the dumbest moves i've ever seen for that reason. I mean the image is impressive but for the guy to just stand there, while he walks the top rope when he could very easily push him off, is just stupid. Too stupid. Nice match though..but I was laughing at the flurry by hardy only to be laid out by ONE punch by the undertaker. Would have been nice also if taker had gotten into better position for the leg drop. Didn't look like the folks there thought that was the end of the match and was sort of surprised by it.
  21. Perfection

    Christian Cage / WWE

    Good..I miss seeing him. I don't watch tna, just too stupid and bush league. I was seriously disgusted he left wwe back in the day...can't wait to see him back.
  22. Elijah?! That is nuts....I've always been a big fan of his. Seriously misused. He did small things in the ring that many wrestlers don't do that make the match more enjoyable. I hope tna picks him up because I think he has star potential. Stupid move by wwe...They get rid of him but keep stinsky? wtf?
  23. Perfection

    WWE Raw - November 3, 2008

    I don't believe it hurts either and I think in general the idea short reigns/title changes hurt the belt is over blown. It gives a sense of anything can happen at any time. If people didn't think there was a chance of a title change, title matches wouldn't be nearly as good. So i think if done right, which is the key, it's good. I hope they use this as a way to turn batista heel. He's been stale for a while and I really enjoyed him much more back in the day he was a monster heel in evolution.
  24. Perfection

    WWE Raw - November 3, 2008

    No...he just was as bland as cardboard and had to read from a script because he can't remember his script. And in typical fashion, it looked like he completely forgot his lines tonight. That was pretty funny but it was an odd moment where he looked like he was trying desperately to stall for time and remember them.
  25. My god...the wwe seems to be ashamed of their own product. This explanation/excuse makes no sense..as if they couldn't make this argument to the individual states in person and somehow calling them entertainers on the air is going to change their opinions? lmao...OKIE dokie mr genius. sigh...it's things like this that is more and more making me less of a fan and i have been a fan of wrestling since 1984. It's bad that I find more entertainment watching 20 or 30 year old interviews on youtube (and god knows I love the wrestling more) than watching new and live stuff today. I used to really enjoy wrestling, even the dumber moments of the attitude era/wcw days and stayed glued to the tv set when wcw saturday night, nitro or raw was on. Now, I find myself missing half of raw flipping to football and hardly ever even watch smackdown. And one of the reasons for that is stupid shit like this. I guess next they are going to start rolling credits at the end of each raw.