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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    The Intense Five

    great idea!
  2. Stephen Joseph

    If I were to change my name

    totally ban agnes
  3. Stephen Joseph

    Ummm....help for a small essay.

    Department of Justice anti-trust Just, so you know...it was. And maybe that's because I just got done with a interview ::which went great!:: for a job in Anti-Trust with DA GOV~!, but it seriously was a monopoly in any economic sense EDIT: Maybe monopoly isn't the right word and you could win on semantics, but Microsoft was able to create price-effects which is essentially a monopoly characteristic. Monopolies restrict output to a point to raise prices and thereby profits, or hold prices at an artificially high level. The lack of ways to enter the market also enabled Microsoft to not have any significant competition... *lets face it..apple and linux were not then competition. However, linux is creeping up with its partnership with Novell now. The tide could be turning...*
  4. Stephen Joseph

    OAO Dirty Deeds Feedback Special~!

    Don't mind Popick. He's not all there lately. i love you too zack
  5. Stephen Joseph

    OAO Dirty Deeds Feedback Special~!

    i read someone's post that he hasnt been around for awhile
  6. Stephen Joseph

    Stealing cable?

    At my old apartment in atlanta the company left the cable on in 1 room. We called the cable company about it, and they decided it wasn't worth their time to come out and turn it off. Guess that means we got free cable legally.
  7. shhhh Ripper... Spoiler (Highlight to Read): That's not Zack Malibu...its Tiffany Malibu. I am waiting to reveal his/her double-sideness if i ever get a chance to write another chapter and umm...credibility? Jay?
  8. Stephen Joseph

    OAO Dirty Deeds Feedback Special~!

    yeah man, whatsup with us giving the last spot in the show to a newb...the shadow? wtf? great writing by all involved what? I felt the stairway to hell was very brutal, and probably wouldve ended much sooner IRL with the damage they did. But, im glad you put away matt without burying him if he comes back...your interfering vixens seem to be your golden egg
  9. Stephen Joseph

    IZ Book-orama

    my segment has been sent
  10. Stephen Joseph

    Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

    And seriously, what's with flaming Jingus? He did his job, and he says he had other sources. The guys been a good mod for years here, and he's not going to act unless he feels its just. Look, if the other guy didn't want his name getting out, that's THAT guys problem. Not Jingus' Give the mod a rest
  11. Stephen Joseph

    Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

    And your point TC? That's not sarcasm. That's what I wanted them for. I wanted to develop the SJ persona. I mean, go ahead and have a problem with that fine. But it wasn't sarcasm, so your point is invalid
  12. Stephen Joseph

    Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

    BPP- What rule did Tim break? Where did Tim admit to emailing Rob and causing Rob to send emails ShooterJay? Look, he got a message from someone about it He said he did. I'm sorry, but any fool can use the excuse "dood, I was being sarcastic." It happens in real life, and it happens here too. Tough shit if he didn't do it, but I don't believe the backpedaling If he was innocent, he'd be ragingly pissed, not the whiny brat he's being on that other board
  13. Stephen Joseph

    Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

    I cant find that thread on that board thanks black tiger btw, I'm backing the mod's. It's an IM convo. Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.
  14. Stephen Joseph

    Name change and redo of post count

    Change my name to Stephen Joseph and add back 2000 posts that the board took away unjustly DAMN YOU DAMES! ::I saved the board::
  15. The Saga that doesn't die...Continues Ripper: Fuuuckk...We're out of gas. Marney: And we went in the wrong direction...Popick?! BPP: What? I save boards, not read maps. Ripper: Just where the fuck are we? BPP: That sign up there says "Rhode Island" Marney: How did we not realize we PASSED New York. Dames is back that way. BPP: Well, I think it was because I was telling you all the history of all the times before that I saved the... ::Marney whacks Popick on the head, knocking him out.:: Ripper: Thanks. Marney: No problem. Let's go into that building over there. It's a wrestling store, they'll know how to get us back. Ripper: But what if they're...with HIM? Marney: We have guns. Ripper: No. I'm out of ammo. ::Marney takes Popick's gun out of his limp hands:: Marney: I have one, and it has bullets. Ripper: He didn't shoot anything? Marney: No, he shot Yuna remember? Ripper: That's why he's alive I guess... Marney and Ripper proceed to walk into the wrestling store, armed and leaving a groggy BPP in the car. Office Clerk: Umm hello? Jay: Yeah man, we need some gas Marney: WTF? You blew up! Jay: Really? I dunno? Ripper: Like, Drunken Fuck and you BLEW UP! Jay: Couldn't tell ya. I'm here now right Office Clerk: We ain't got gas. Boss is out. Sorry Jay: Wait, I know this building. Hey...Doesn't that Malibu guy work here? Office Clerk: I...am...Zack Malibu. Marney: But you've got pimples! Ripper: And you're like, skinny. Zack: Yeah, well, it's my online persona right? Look. I've been reading about what's been going on. We can take my car. No one buys this wrestling crap anymore anyways. Jay: Great man, lets go! ::The new 4some walk out, and Jay grabs and pulls Popick out, who's dreaming about saving this and saving that.:: Zack takes them to his car, a Volkswagon Bus...that's a piece of crap. Zack: Here's the love machine! Ripper: Ughhhh Jay: Hey, the engine's not starting up. Zack: Keys? Marney: I'll drive. Ripper: What about Jay BPP: I saved the board in my dream... Jay: What about me? Marney: You're alive. Zack: Yeah dood, why do you keep dying? Jay: How could I be dying. I'm alive right now. Marney: Nevermind, just like, stay down. Jay: I won't die. ::An unmarked car speeds by and unloads a drive-by on the van. Myseriously, every shot misses, except for one on Jay.:: Ripper: Jay! Jay: It's...just a flesh...wound... ::He collapses:: Will Marney and Co make it to New York? Will Jay live through? Will BPP save the board? And who is shooting at them? More to come when someone else writes this crap!
  16. Stephen Joseph

    Avast ye Smart Marks!

    I thought we banned unentertaining gimmick posters?
  17. Stephen Joseph

    Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

    So much for the community eh? Now, whilst Tim Cooke may have a sound "legal" reasoning for ratting these tape dealers out, he's done it in such a way that its plainly evident he is not doing this out of an "altruistic" spirit. So, while I grant him that, I abhor his lack of honor. This runs like so. If he had seen what he termed as "illegalities", he being a morally sound person would have messaged Jay that this wasn't right and that if he kept posting he would report him. No. He wanted attention. He wanted props. He wanted to feel like a bigger man than he was. And this is why he should fall. We are poor wrestling fans. Dames barely makes the payments so this board can squeak by. Yet, when push comes to shove, we are out at the local independents paying 10 bucks to watch them. When the business sucks, we're pointing out where the good things are. Question for Mr. Tim Cooke and any other "regulators." If Jay's bootleg tape deal, say costing him 5 dollars while it should've costed him 10, yields two people who go onto the rf side and order a video, or two people who go to pay money to see a show, doesn't that make RF better off? It does, and no argumentation will destroy that point. We, the internet community, while poor do our very best to help build up the independents. While poor, we attend shows. Take your high horse elsewhere Tim. You're unwanted here now.
  18. Stephen Joseph

    Name change and redo of post count

    thats because I did, or moreseo, my job and wallet. I can't save shit now, I'm poor as fuck
  19. Stephen Joseph

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    I've read 4 pages of complete bullshit. Thrall. Shut up. You don't know Hollywood, and have yet to build an argument that isn't based largely on conjecture and fails to be logically sound at nearly every step. Your arguments remind me of Prime Guy. There are three sources of income in a movie's timeline. They are Domestic Box Office, International Box Office, and Rental. It is known that American movies make a good chunk of their money in the IBO. The only way you can call it a disappointment is that if the numbers come out lower than what the STUDIO expected them to be. Not your personal guesses, because its plainly obvious you don't have a clue about how expected earnings works. I looked around for cost estimates. Where's your link?
  20. Stephen Joseph

    IntenseZone Wins First Rating Week!

    You did what I couldn't do. Nice job man
  21. Stephen Joseph

    OAOAST Saturday Special

    hey i can add that in as a prelude to the match i will
  22. Stephen Joseph

    IZ Book-orama

    if calvin wishes to kiss our big white butts, we can extend the segment to 45 minutes
  23. Stephen Joseph

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    RottenTomatoes.com is a compendium of movie reviews. Rundown is getting a 76% rating, meaning that its on the fresh and good side. Most every comment pulled has something good to say about the Rock I'd say he hit it big go read it yourself and disagree...RT is normally right on the money
  24. Stephen Joseph

    IZ Book-orama

    I then come out and nullify dan's announcement, forcing him to kiss mine, jr, and jesse's white behinds for 30 minutes ratings skyrocket
  25. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!
