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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph


    Completely agree with ya LOTC but i like the idea that this helen is paid off by the father
  2. Stephen Joseph


    I think the Others are perhaps survivors gone mad from the original experiments? perhaps continuing the experiements even though its all over? Vivi, here the links http://www.di9fftr731.com/ (DHARMA) http://www.thehansofoundation.org/ gotta love those lists of projects. The HANSO page is legit, as a link goes back to Disney. Plus theres a hidden DHARMA link.
  3. Stephen Joseph


    No. Because Sun's father, and hte man Jin works for, is 1) Rich 2) Very powerful corporation 3) Criminal It would make sense that funding could come from such a source. Theres a fictional webpage put out by disney about the foundation cited in the film.
  4. Stephen Joseph

    For 10/6

    Adam, I've moved on from doing a story with a cow. SJ the character was worked into the Upstarts angle as a disgruntled original, to play off his past. Tony, Dan, Zack, PRL, and alot of other people have really helped build back the SJ character from the joke that it had become. SJ was never intended to win the World Title. He was supposed to be an Upstart, feud with some guys, lose, get kicked out, and come back one last time as a repentant Original. And there his story would end. Written Off. Done. I was quite happy to be back and in that role, and I appreciated that the OAOAST leadership would give me a chance to finish SJ's story. That's all I wanted. However, that didn't happen because some people can't leave the past behind, even if its a internet e-fed. When some people went AWOL, Zack had to go into damage control. I told him in PMs that I wanted to help out however I could. Never once did I "demand" SJ the character get any title shot. Does it seem logical? Yes. Are there characters who deserve the title more than SJ the character? Yes. Do they fit with the current story? Alot of mods made the call that SJ the character made the most sense? Did I suggest this avenue of thought? Yes, because to me it seemed logical. But suggesting it to the people in charge (which I am not, and hope to never ever be again) and making it happen are two different things. I just wanted to help Zack with damage control. Does Dan deserve a run? Hell Yes. Does PR deserve a run? Hell Yes. Does PK dserve a run? Hell Yes. Have Zack and Tony and all the rest done more in the last year than I? Yes. It's frustrating when people treat you as if you're some sort of very bad person, when in fact the bulk of the problems in the past occured because I was a very poor manager of my time, of other people's characters, and yeah, sort of like JJJ and HHH, when it came to writing. For a time, I couldn't seperate myself from any fictionalized representation of myself. I see that, and I'm very sorry that I caused some drama. It wasn't all my fault, all that drama, because there were times when I was trying to help out and people who couldn't let the past go brought back up other stuff. You think I liked reading the Ejaculation Chamber or seeing Prof. Schaeffer ridiculed here? No. I thought of never coming back, but dammit, I wanted to finish the story, and if I didn't come back, then I lose, plain and simple. I've got too much damn character for that. And I got over that shit, now I joke about it, and its the past. So if you can't recognize that past mistakes can be left in the past, people can change, and people can see where they went wrong, then well, there's nothing to be said. I want to help tell Zack's story. I like the original idea. Old vs. New, done right for once. I want PRL to get his deserved time with the belt. But most importantly, I wanted to have fun. Putting in parting shots and laying venom down isn't what the OAOAST is. That's not fun. Being a part of a team, trying to tell a fantasy story, imagining matches, playing with EWR, collaborating, trying to do somethign better than what we see on TV...There was a time where teh OAOAST had better written matches (and still does at PPV time) than the crap the WWE puts out. That's fun. So what's in the past is in the past. I'm here to help tell a story. If you have a problem with that, if you can't forgive my past actions as I've repeatedly asked, that's your problem. I've made my peace, and I have no chip on my shoulder about anything. It's done. It's the past. Time to move forward. If my presence is THAT destructive to an e-fed that I like to write in, and if my presence here again will destroy all the progress that has been made when I was inactive, then I'll pack my bags up, ask to resign my modship and not write ever again for the OAOAST. Because I'd rather there be an OAOAST without me writing any character than no OAOAST at all. Time for some positives.
  5. Stephen Joseph


    Ibelieve that asian man in the reel is related to JIn and Sun someway
  6. Stephen Joseph


  7. Stephen Joseph

    For 10/6

    Edited to prevent outburst
  8. Stephen Joseph

    For 10/6

    I agree with this decision Zack
  9. Stephen Joseph

    For 10/6

    In lieu of Zack's and KC's comments, I'm starting to see their side of things. We shouldn't break kayfabe, because it does ruin the Upstarts/Originals angle. Is there a way we can manuever Hoff's comments towards just being upset with the Management and deciding its not worth it and quitting. This would make Popick/GPX MORE pissed off because they believed them. Hey, you know Im here for you guys. I like this angle. I dont want to see politics rear their ugly heads again.
  10. Stephen Joseph

    ALRIGHT...You've convinced me...

    Good to see you back sir. Great Review, can't wait to be watching Bound for Glory!
  11. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for 10/6

    Is cal writing his segment?
  12. Stephen Joseph

    For 10/6

    Sorry to see you go Hoff. Hope you come back sometime. Hell, I felt the same way awhile ago, but I hung around too long and probably made things worse for some people at that time. With regards to this segment, I don't see why it shouldn't close the show. We can have Cal and his segment earlier setting up the matches we previously discussed, because we hadn't heard from Hoff, and then in lieu of a match (since I've been under the weather, can we use this to excuse the SJ/Mad Cappa match?) and have this interrupt the last segment, and close from there. And yeah, Hoff, I don't see any reason to kill off the Hoff character. Fine by me.
  13. Stephen Joseph

    Study: God Unnecessary For Strong Society

    www.economicsofreligion.com yeah, that story is dumb
  14. Stephen Joseph


    Great thought, and it would fit into the timeline
  15. Stephen Joseph

    The Biggest Angle Ever

    Bumped due to last night's Raw HHH: I am the King of Kings It made me think of this thread
  16. Stephen Joseph

    The Serenity movie thread

    I figured something clicked and rewired herself or something
  17. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for 10/6

    SJ reaction to World Title Situation
  18. Stephen Joseph


    I've been seeing that I-Ching Stuff alot. The producer said that a book, The Third Policeman, was important. I'm pretty damn sure about Hurley and the joke. I'll try and source it tonight or tomorrow
  19. Stephen Joseph


    Thanks for the positivity LOTC If the Hatch big reveal is next week, then why is Locke screaming? The stenciling looks out of place on that ship, thats all I'm saying. Whatever the big reveal is, it will just lead to more questions. Sawyer and Michael were like a married couple. THey've done a good job of making Jin and Sawyer the bad ass tag team And by the way, Hurley has answered this question already. I forget which episode, but it was What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Freeze!
  20. Stephen Joseph

    DD BONUS match: Alf/Zack/Leon/Black T

    I'll post my specs quick
  21. Stephen Joseph

    Feedback for 9/29

    Good for him
  22. Stephen Joseph


    No no no, about the slave ship. What slave ship carries around boxes with stenciled "EXPLOSIVES" That box was not originally on the ship, it must have come from somewhere else. There really does seem to be time issues at work. What if the big blakc guy is a nigerian drug smuggler?
  23. Stephen Joseph

    Feedback for 9/29

    Yeah, my segments were rushed. Co-Workers going away party @ work. The Love Shack must occur every week. Seriously, the Ventura line had me rolling.
  24. Stephen Joseph

    Feedback for 9/29

    The Love Shack? I loved it! Great way to end the show!
  25. Stephen Joseph

    A few questions

    Zack, I like the qualifiers for this reason. It gives some storyline important to the 4-way, because each match (aside from Tony/PK) is Original/Outkast Dan/PRL : PRL wants revenge, but Dan gets the win. SJ/Rodez : SJ hates Zack, so this gives him a chance to take out Zack's partner for GPX Tony/PK : Wasn't PK going to turn heel? Well PK gets a chance again but fails. I like eski's suggestion I'd like to have a world title match each week, like an "open challenge" match where the contenders keep getting better and better. Heck, we can even have the PPV match be "open challenge" maybe with Zack doing double duty in November? (we could revisit the old feud there, the beltshot?)