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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    November Sweeps?

    ohh ohh ME!!!!
  2. Stephen Joseph

    Campaign 2008

    I'd totally vote for a Warner-Richardson combo. They both seem to be pretty straight up guys and I'd trust them to run the country. HOWEVER, there is a problem with your electoral math. You need 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. In the event of a 269-268 split there might be a bit of a Constitutional crisis because the Supreme Court would likely have to rule whether a president could be elected with a majority of electoral votes as opposed to the 270 total. If the Supreme Court ruled that 269 wasn't enough electoral votes to win the presidency (which depending on its political slant of strict constructionists is possible) then the election would get thrown into the House of Representatives for the first time since 1824 (the whole John Q. Adams-Andrew Jackson-Henry Clay fiasco) with each state delegation receiving one vote. Thus, if the GOP still had control of the House after the 2008 elections they could elect their guy. That could be pretty nasty. However, the Senate would vote for the vice-president so it's possible you could end up with a crazy John McCain (if he got the nomination)-Bill Richardson administration. Sort of like John Adams-Thomas Jefferson back in 1798 before a 12th amendment to the constitution was passed. Good ol' politics! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Problem with my math? I said colorado goes Democrat, which gets them over the 269 hump
  3. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    Boston still has it worse.
  4. Stephen Joseph

    what to do with ashley

    Summer was hot? She was a gawl darn twig!
  5. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    Eh, I no longer have a car, so that stuff no longer bothers me. I bicycle everywhere...maybe I'll get a kymco scooter... I like my now simpler life
  6. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    i heart zakaria
  7. Stephen Joseph

    Funny WWE Interactive Game

  8. Stephen Joseph

    Campaign 2008

    Warner is gearing to run, and as a resident of his state for the last two years, I can see he hasn't mucked it up too much. I like that, seems moderate. A Warner/Richardson Combo would be deadly to the republican party, because it would take away 18 electoral votes form the republican party immediately (Virginia and New Mexico both went with Bush in 04. 18 electoral votes changes the balance of the election. I mean, if we assume colorado goes with new mexico, Richardson/Warner wins with comfort to spare. http://www.electoral-vote.com/ Virginia - Weak Bush New Mexico - Barely Bush Bush 286 Kerry 251 new total Repub 268 Warner/Richardson 269
  9. Stephen Joseph

    Campaign 2008

    The same could have been said about W. in 1998. He had no credentials for a national race and so many question marks/faults. He did pretty good in national races though. I dont think Hillary should be the candidate but to say she has no chance is to say youre retarded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm retarded to say she has no chance? Do you electoral math son, and get back to be. She's unelectable given the political landscape of the US. Unless something insanely unexpected happens, the political landscape ain't changing, so ANY Democract nominated out of New York or California has about as much chance to win as 27 offsuit against pocket aces.
  10. Stephen Joseph

    Campaign 2008

    I was saying that last year. He is indeed their best hope. On this we agree
  11. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    When I had a car, YES~! Now I don't give a flip
  12. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    Holy shit yes, I hate the DC Freeway system!
  13. Stephen Joseph

    Fatwa issued by radical cleric

    what speculators and intermediaries? HIS OIL BUSINESS IS STATE RUN~! CITGO~! AHRRRGHHH LOGIC
  14. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    Y2Jerk, I think never ending road work is everywhere. I wish there could be a whole week where ALL THE ROADS WERE NOT HAVING WORK DONE~!
  15. Stephen Joseph

    AngleSlam booking thread

  16. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    Indeed. I have a 20 minute subway commute to work, and most of that is funded by my subway subsidy (pretty much everyone gets a subsidy from the government).
  17. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    Bull. Shit. Stick to your realm: economics. The truth is, most of Congress is in the pocket of the oil industry, and that includes both sides of the aisle. Nothing government-wise is going to get done to solve our energy crisis until Congress makes it a priority to switch over our infrastructure to support new technologies. Toyota and etc. can research fuel cells all they want, but it's not gonna make a lick of a difference if things stay the same. Can't really use the cars when you can't fill them up, can you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I will stick to my realm, and I can tell you, our government is ineffectice as hell, but it is not in the pocket of one industry. This ain't the 1920s people
  18. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    The government isn't beholden to the oil industry. You're forgetting that CONSUMERS are making the decision to NOT SUBSTITUTE towards lower-fuel consumption alternatives. Our Demand for fuel products has gotten more price insensitive in recent years. As a business, the oil companies are profiting because they can raise prices without drops in total profit. This is good business practice, as any business worth its salt in any industry maximizes their total profit. Duh. Its what businesses do, its not good or bad. You want to blame the government? Don't. Blame American Consumerism for believing the SUV hype, and all the gadgetry we think is essential that runs on fuel. I was able to substitute. I haven't bought gas in 2 months. But Joe Consumer is not changing their behavior pattern, thus proving that they're willing to complain, but its not bad enough yet to change their habits. Death to the Oil-Government conspiracies. Did I mention I was an Economist?
  19. Stephen Joseph

    Moms make war look bad.

    Why the fuck are you all talking about the divorce? It DOESN'T MATTER. Her Anti-Semitic comments along invalidated her cause. You know, Cindy's really to blame. All she had to do was keep her trap shut, mourn her son silently, and America WOULD HAVE SUPPORTED HER. Once she allowed herself to be broadcast and supported by political entities, she lost her credibility and her effectiveness. Thank you
  20. Stephen Joseph

    The Summerslam Thread

    Oh, on an related side not, didn't meet up with Eric and Rando, but did find The Mad Cappa. TSM~!
  21. Stephen Joseph

    The Summerslam Thread

    I was there, of course I hope everyone enjoyed us booing the shit out of eugene and cheering for angle FYI, hardy's headdrop looked legit, he was f*cked up, and the ref almost put up an x but stopped
  22. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for 8/25

    Umm. as i am camping this week, Poppi is relying on Action Dan Black
  23. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    You missed my point Y2Jerk. What's been contributing to INFLATION overall has been food and gasoline. That is not the same thing as what prices have been increasing. Both food and gasoline are constant consumption commodities with inelastic demand curves. We can only go so long without food and our cars can only go so many miles before a fillup. That is NOT the case with Real Estate and Healthcare costs, which we have some ability to substitute for based on price (we can forgo buying a new place, or we can take aspirin instead of going to the doctor).
  24. Stephen Joseph

    Iran Breaks Seals on Nuclear Equipment

    Well, thats why were really in Iraq anyways What?
  25. Stephen Joseph

    The Cost of Oil.

    you can thank greenspan for that. and healthcare is not a leader in price increases, its been all gas and food.