Stephen Joseph
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OAO Character Discussion Thread
Stephen Joseph replied to Masked Man of Mystery's topic in Brandon Truitt
i need a feud -
Guys, here are 4 segments to space throughout the show. Thanks. Backstage, in the parking lot area, a limo pulls up to the back entrance, where CUBAN WALL and Vitamin X are standing, smacking chewing gum and looking tough in their sunglasses. Wall He's late. VX Always late when the important stuff is going on. The chauffer exits his driver's side door and walks around to the passenger side back door of the limo, opening the darkened door so that one man, Stephen Joseph can step out. He's currently on his Verizon~! flip phone (Only 29.99 with two year agreement, call now! 1-800 Verizon). Stephen Joseph (in cell) Gotcha. I don't trust him, but he could be useful. He doesn't like Zack, remember? Thanks for the heads up. We should meet in a few weeks. Stephen Joseph hangs up his cell phone WALL How's it going boss? Stephen Joseph Good. You guys expecting trouble. V-X Just some weird ass phone calls, that's all. PR says to play safe and stick together. Stephen Joseph Well, I need a drink. Beating a fat bitch, and a bitch, is tough work. Let's go. ...The three walk off. and from around the dark corner... moooooooo... ---------- Segment 2: Stephen Joseph is getting some coffee at the OAOAST Employees Only CoffeeTable aka ... SJ Hmm..A little cream, HEY, We're out of milk. Where's the damn milk? Anyone got milk? ::A shadow forms behind Stephen Joseph. He gulps and turns around...:: BROCKK AUSSTIN Half n Half? A very relieved Stephen Joseph thanks BrocKK, who leaves. Stephen Joseph ::Looks Right, Looks Left:: It's just milk... And SJ walks off to the right, revealing right behind him... -------- I lied. It's three segments. WALL I can't believe he's the new General Manager! I hate him! Stephen Joseph How dare they overlook me? ME! I should have been chosen. I'll see to it at the next board meeting. Wall Uhh, SJ? Stephen Joseph Yes. Wall What's 1400 pounds and pissed off? Stephen Joseph Oh. Shit. ::He slowly turns around:: Wall! It's just Cal's product placement team. The Chick-Fil-A Cows! Hey guys! Cows MOO! SJ and Wall turn back around and walk away, but somewhere, down that hallway, four eyes follow them out. Farmer Jim Don't worry baby. He's scared. We'll get him next week...
Where/when should I be siding with the upstarts?
I saved your board Dames
Pit > TSM We remember birthdays
Yes, but what happened to assuming innocence? I detest our subways becoming 'policed' If someone wants to blow something up, adding more security only increases the reward of success. There's only two options. Glass a country after each attack, or ignore em. Stop giving em the attention they want. Sigh. Economic insight is lost upon the social conservatives
I like Cows. And above all, Ultimate X = YAY!
Economist, US Department of Justice
The space industry will be privatized to some extent (See SpaceShipOne) but removing NASA as a public entity would be foolhardy at best. There are some endeavors that goverments can take that are well worth the investment, and serve the public interest better than anything the private sector would do. Leading space research and exploration is one of them. I'm quite probably one of a very small number of libertarians who thinks this way. Sure, NASA has problems, and serious reform is needed to fix them. But scrap it? Hell no. And I'm agreeing with you on the point about the foam. Still, they managed to be rather successful on Mars, no?
Peace Out Buddy. I'm glad we've had this place for a few years And one of these days, I'll be out downing a beer with you n Zack...
SJ stews n brews, but nothing substantial. Several smallish segments to be spaced over the show...
Widow, in storyline terms , Black Widow was introduced in a storyline with Spiderpoet aka Peter Cone, so thats why I included him, to make the match have a sense of importance thank you all for the feedback. I cant write very long matches right now, but i hope to learn...any pointers, please let me know And thanks to Black Widow for contributing to our match, helping me with ideas on how to write it. Much appreciated.
Booking thread here. I started this thread because I have one very easy question. I would like to have a match with another writer. I really don't care much about the outcome, but I've got to get used to writing with other people again, especially since many of you are new. So will anyone join me in a match? Thanks -sj
Stephen Joseph vs. the Cow (w/ Farmer Jim)
Stephen Joseph replied to Stephen Joseph's topic in Brandon Truitt
Backstage with Josh Matthews~! OMG Fanboys screeeaaammm! J to the M Two weeks ago, the OAOAST was shocked with the return of Stephen Joseph to active wrestling duty. After having Cuban Wall attack me in his return interview, Stephen Joseph has once again asked for a few minutes of time, to address his unknown opponent tonight. Stephen Joseph Thank you Josh. Nice security detail. Stevie Heyyy, it’s the Sizzle Jizzle of the OAOAST! What’s going… (We interrupt this interview to umm, tell you about Josh’s security detail. Straight from the WWE unemployment line, it’s the bWo, wearing “Josh is Posh” t-shirts…and sadly, only NOVA is wearing a non-midriff exposing shirt. Anyways, it’s the best we could come up with on short notice. Josh only likes certain people, you know…) Stephen Joseph Did he just say? JM I don’t like you. Stephen Joseph Did he just say…Sizzle Jizzle? What the FUCK? Oh, Josh, you’re still here. Wow. I feel so hurt by your comments. So sad. Really. Here, let me get a Kleenex! I’m really a nice guy, really really really (stomps his feet). JM Ummm… Stephen Joseph Oh. Yeah, I forgot. Fellas, meet the Lightning Crew. They’re right behind you. :: The Lightning Crew jumps the bWo (or Fat World Order, really). It being about a 10 on 3 situation, seeing that PRL just has to have every single member of his family and their cousins around him, the battle is over pretty quickly. In fact, its so over right now that I’m not even going to describe it.:: ::oh, and its pretty obvious Josh is having a bathroom problem:: ::And Stephen Joseph grabbed his microphone too, because Josh is currently backing away from the rest of the Lightning Crew…:: Stephen Joseph Pathetic little wretch. And Sizzle Jizzle? I mean, really, who the hell thinks that up? Okay, fans of the OAOAST. While everyone’s been going on about revolution this, problems that, splintering and groups forming, everyone’s missing the biggest event in the Hiiiiistory of the OAOAST right here, right now. And that’s ole BPP returning to the ring. Now, I got a little b*tch of an opponent before License to Pin, a sub-par opponent, one that makes me wonder how seriously the OAOAST is taking my return. And tonight, I don’t even know who my opponent is. Another woman? A retard. How about a dog and pony show! That’s right, I’ll wrestle a damn dog and pony. I’ll wrestle anyone, anything, the bookers put in front of me. And I will win, until someone in the back, one of the “wrestlers” decides that they’ve played enough tiddly-winks and realizes that they might just have cajones enough to face. I don’t understand why, when I ask for a match, every answer I get is “Ohh, I’m busy.” Ohh, I’m booked. I’m looking at YOU Zack Malibu, at you , Mr. Hoffie Woffie, or at you Axel. Heck, Dan won’t return my phone calls, Rodez pretends I’m not here, and Drek’s more interested in having the LC be a security detail. So, whoever I’m facing tonight, I’ll make it quick, and I’ll make it painful. Wall What if it’s a dog and pony? Stephen Joseph Then what I do will be unfucking called for. Wall You gonna commit animal cruelty? Stephen Joseph … Michael Buffer Ladies and Gentleman, the next match is schedule for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds, former two-time tag team champion and commissioner of the OAOAST, Sttttteeephhhen Jooosephhh!!! COLE Or…Sizzle Jizzle CABOOSE Don’t Cole. Remember the last time Stephen pitched a fit over something involving…CENSORED COACH Caboose, we’re not allowed to talk about that over the air anymore. CABOOSE Pansy. “Awww Naww” starts up with Nappy Roots running out of the EntranceWay, as the crowd cheers for NR. Awnaw! Hell naw! Man Y'all done up and done it Awnaw! Hell naw! Boy Y'all done up and done it Awnaw! Hell naw! Boy Y'all done up and done it Ah, y'all done up and done it Man y'all done up and done it ::Fish Scales steps up with the microphone as Stephen Joseph comes out to a chorus of boos. The Cuban Wall is behind him.:: My first song was like forty-eight bars with no hook You hear me flippin thru my pages out my favorite notebook The microphone was in the closet (What?) No headphones, we lost it Niggas scared to get some water, roaches hangin over the faucets No AC, Tez'll break a sweat just tryin to make beats E-Dubz was being a hustler, (Heeeyy man!) all play flirtin all his customers, and flat broke Nappy smokin blacks out on the back po'ch I'm thinkin I got everything a country boy could ask for ::Joseph knocks Elbows with Big V before heading down towards the ring, Big V starts his rap:: Now what we do to get here? (Say dat boy!!) Lay it down and bring it to ya raw (Say dat boy!!) Hey now we hurt some, suffered for more, takes what we work for Hated for for the cussin, but the hatred it made us cuss more Held on, but it was hard - stepped up, took charge Ran through what we scared of, but what was we afraid for? Look at what we made of, hard times done made us Being here is alright, but MUST believe we won't fall! Them country boys on the rise! With them big fat wheels on the side! Peep them vertical grills on the ride! And aw-awww-awww-awwwww! Them country boys With them big fat wheels Peep the vertical grills And awwwwwwww! ::Saan and Skinny DeVille are next up, as Stephen Joseph scales the ring steps, soaking in the boos that come with finally being on an OAOAST PPV, wrestling, again:: My yegga, we hogwild, bet that from that roota to that toota-file Hell naw, them country boys ain't headed south for six miles Kentucky mud, them kinfolk, twankies with them hundred-spokes Skullied on that front po'ch, plus you know they got 'dro Seventy-nine coupe DeVille vertical Caddy grill Interstate 65 headin down to Cashville Glass filled, to the tippy-top, back-seat Benz Spent my last cent on the rent, left with pocket lints A damn shame, gotta grind anythang and everythang Jimmy Crack Corn, cross the county line with Mary Jane A long time, a gravel road, to cash and fame and sold my soul To Hell and back, and back and forth, with same jeans and nappy 'fro {Repeat Hook over this part} Them country boys With them big fat wheels Peep the vertical grills And awwwwwwww! Michael Buffer And his opponenent… ::Silence:: MOO! I'm called a cow I'm not about to blow it now for all the cows MOO! And out comes THE COW~! With Farmer Jim as Stephen Joseph loses it in the ring, laughing and hitting his head on the post cushion. MOO! Caboose Don’t have a COW Popick! Coach HAHAHAHEHEHOHOHIHI COLE Fans, this has got to be a first. Farmer Jim leads THE COW~! Down to the ring. A special ramp has been set up so that THE COW~! Can walk into the ring. Jim brings the ropes apart enough for THE COW to daintly enter the ring. Popick is seen mouthing to Wall “You’ve got to be kidding me. If that thing shits on me, in any way, I am so suing.” CABOOSE How’s Popick going to pin it? COLE Fans, this cow has been trained to wrestle! Now, some less reputable websites have said that its actually two guys in a cow suit, but I can tell you from personal experience that its not! COACH Me too! CABOOSE I do not want to know. I can’t believe I am cheering for a cow… SJ sizes up his opponent, all 1400 pounds, as the COW stares down at ole SJ. Farmer Jim is chuckling at ringside, pitchfork in hand. ::DING DING DING:: And Stephen Joseph dismisses Cuban Wall to the outside, and then looks back at the COW, who stands there on all four, looking at SJ and chewing cud. SJ scratches his head and sneakily starts circling the COW. The cow, herded to the middle of the ring, turns and follows SJ with his beady, big eyes. And spits out some green cud...pretty gross. SJ runs to the side of the COW and starts clubbering away, like ole Southern pro wrestlers do. Slapping the side of the COW, pounding with lefts and rights, Stephen's doing everything he can to hurt the COW's backside... And the COW keeps chewing its cud, MOOOO! Stephen Joseph, frustrated, turns around to mutter to himself, and the cow turns its backside to him... COWKICK~! to SJ's exposed backside sends SJ tumbling through the ropes and smacking the ring apron floor. Cuban Wall lumbers over to his boss to check on him. "BOSS, you okay?" "ITS A DAMN COW!" SJ rolls himself back into the ring, and the COW charges in with a headbutt, pinning SJ into the corner. He rams him again, and again, and again, to the delight of the crowd CABOOSE Greatest Match Ever. Let this be the main event of AngleMania every year. I'd never get tired of it. COLE The Cow really has Stephen Joseph now, he's head-pounding a mudhole in him! The Cow lets Stephen Joseph stumble out of the corner and Flair Flop down! Farmer Jim's yelling at the cow "TRAMPLE! TRAMPLE!" The Cow stands over SJ with two hoofs raised, and SJ does what he really only knows what to do...and kicks the COW in the Udders! The COW shudders for a moment, then crosses both front legs in a X covering the Udder and falls over on its side. COACH That's one way to tip a COW. Stephen Joseph crawls over to make the cover, and its 1! 2! 3! Winner: Stephen Joseph via kick to the Udders. Stephen Joseph looks at the COW with this incredulous look, and stumbles out of the ring witih WALL supporting him. The match may have been short, but it definitely was something we, and SJ didn't expect. We're left with his parting words : "It was a FREAKING COW MAN!" -
Yes, I'm fighting a cow. Don't worry, I'll find a way for Caboose to say "Don't have a cow man"
i watched it for one minute...
If this is used for any so-called insider report, just credit TSM. Thanks "Hassan" left the PPV immediately after his match. He was told by WWE that he is their #1 priority and that they're going to do everything to repackage his character. However, it was a "don't call us, we'll call you" type of thing. At this moment, "Hassan" has no idea what's going to happen. He is currently spending time with his family. Also, Davairi has been told the same thing. EDIT: Before being banned from UPN tv, "Hassan" was scripted to win @ GAB. --TSM /Obviously, I won't reveal my source, but suffice it to say that he's close enough to "Hassan". I suggested this situation be combined with the Matt Hardy shoot angle to my source, who thought the idea might work and will filter it to "Hassan" Needless to say, its pretty shitty that the WWE won't take care of its own after they botched things up. You gotta have sympathy for em.
COLE Wow. What a moment! Stephen Joseph is back in action, against another superstar who just recently came back. And these two have a history. COACH Let's take you back in time with this retrospective. ----- © OAOAST Entertainment Stephen Joseph, a one time World Title contender, reduced to a shadow of his former self as the career counselor of his protege, Tha Puerto Rican. Two years ago, in the OAOAST, he formed an alliance with El Dandy and Peter Cone to form Trinity, a triumverate of power which swept the OAOAST by storm, the Infernales being perhaps one of the greatest tag teams in our brief history. But that was a ploy. For Stephen Joseph turned on Peter Cone and El Dandy. Even with that though, Peter Cone continued for a year to heal SJ's blackened heart. And he thought he'd suceeded, until his supposed friend ceased contacting him, right around the time that he began managing Tha Puerto Rican. How does Black Widow fit into all of this? She was Peter Cone's beau. While the two are not together, she still holds him as a dear friend. And now that Stephen Joseph is back, she's set to finish exactly what Peter Cone started... ----- CABOOSE Let's see her kick Joseph's ass! WhooooHOOOO! And on that statement, "Going Under" by Evanesence starts up, with soft blue lights twirling patterns down on the walkway towards the ring, as the rather beautiful, and rather yawning, Black Widow crawls up from under the ramp, teasing the fans who never ever get tired of quality ass shots and insinuated sexual advances. COLE Oh my. CABOOSE Quit pretending Cole. "AWWW NAW~!" COACH Popick wastes alot of money on his entrance. He's hired Nappy Roots to sing him down to the stage! Stephen Joseph walks out with the Cuban Wall in tow, greeted by boos and a smattering of cheers from the hardcore, 'TRUE' OAOAST fans. He slides off his tie and coat, handing them to the behemoth before sliding into the ring. Black Widow yawns. Widow shakes her ass towards the crowd, and gets a "Nice Ass Widow! Clap Clap Clap,Clap,Clap" chant for her efforts. Stephen Joseph looks on, disinterested. Yelling from across the ring, "Nothing we haven't seen before sweets" he heads towards the center of the ring, wanting to start the match. COACH Stephen Joseph with the obvious weight advantage on the Widow, but she's not giving up much in height. Widow finally stops posing and stares down at Joseph. She starts manuveuring slowly, smiling a little and flinging her hair back every few seconds. Joseph just grabs her by the hair and flings her down, hitting a flurry of bunch whilst straddling the dame. He pauses for a moment to look at the crowd, and Widow lifts a knee up into the "groinal area" of Stephen Joseph, who goes cross-eyed, rolling over and around the ring. Widow takes the advantage...after pausing to brush her hair back... and brush her hair back... She hits a big boot stomp. And then brushes her hair back. COACH Widow wasting alot of time here... Widow steps down on Stephen Joseph's throat and walks over, choking the air out of him. She stops to lean on the ropes, simulated rubbing of the teets. But she again, wasted some time, and Stephen Joseph is back up, staggering on his feet. Widow turns around and runs a BIG BOOT right to Stephen Joseph's jaw, knocking him down. She slowllllyyy bends down, to cover SJ and gets a 1 count, all for her posing. Widow, in turns, stands up and waves to the crowd, while SJ is getting to his feet...Again. Widow with a hairpull, and Stephen Joseph blocks the throw, chopping Widow across her chest and dropping her to the mat. Widow kicks her left leg to knock Joseph down to one knee. Both get back up and start exchanging blows, rights mainly. Widow stands tough for a bit, but finally gets worn down and pushed to the ropes. Joseph with an Irish Whip, and sets up for a clothesline but Widow counters with a big boot! She smiles and climbs the turnbuckle! COLE Tennis anyone? Stephen Joseph is staggering, as he gets up, and Widow launches with her standing clothesline, but SJ ducks and Widow overshoots! He hooks on a full nelson and suplexes her back and upwards, and quickly pulls down to connect Stunner Style! COACH FINALITY!!!! CABOOSE Lame ass finisher. And the referee comes over as Joseph covers. 1! 2! 3! COLE Stephen Joseph wins over the beautiful vixen, in what can be considered a warm-up match for his challenge to anyone at License to Pin. COACH And his challenge was accepted, but by who? CABOOSE And why can't Widow just CUT HER DAMN HAIR AND BEAT JOSEPH!
I'm perfectly willing to do an intergender match at this point...
Update on Hassan (Insider Spoilers, Info)
Stephen Joseph replied to Stephen Joseph's topic in The WWE Folder
I like this seyss guy -
Baron, he may go into detail, but he continously misses very BIG points. It screams of someone who took a class or two but didn't ever learn the craft. It's not believable. It's bad science. ANY building construction or structural engineer can tell you that. Plus, the whole PLANES CRASHING INTO THE BUILDING!!! kind of fucks any conspiracy theory up. NEXT!
Another Attack In London
Stephen Joseph replied to Prime Time Andrew Doyle's topic in Current Events
Agent, they told him to stop. He ran. He appeared to fit the profile of the terrorists they were after. So they shot. Turns out he did not have a visa, that's why he ran. I can't exactly build up righteous rage at the police because they did their job, he was a dipshit. But then again, you seem to think that they should've know, or been more cautious. Hindsight affords a luxury the present moment does not. -
I'd leave feedback but right now I'm just back into it and don't know where anything is going really. Once I begin to understand the feuds again I'll be leaving some feedback.
Update on Hassan (Insider Spoilers, Info)
Stephen Joseph replied to Stephen Joseph's topic in The WWE Folder
I have better (well, faster) sources than WWE.com -