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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    Edge isn't winning the finals
  2. Stephen Joseph

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    I *heart* Christian.... platonically
  3. Stephen Joseph

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    Even though I know it wont happen, the thought of no triple on my tv leaves me happy. More time for christian!
  4. Stephen Joseph

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    So, when were the posters in CE notified of the rule changes going on, since Dr. Tom kind of set the ground rules. Shit, I thought Mike was an overbearing arrogant fellow (takes one to know one, I suppose), but he DID make points. Punishments should be befitting Current Events, not stuff that's been wallowing around for awhile. Because that's the problem people have here, the punishment seems disconnected from the crime. As for CE without Mike, 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other.
  5. Stephen Joseph


    But Sayid wasn't portaryed as a good guy helping the CIA He didn't give a fuck about any civilian deaths. He only helped because he wanted to find her (and we already knew that sympathetic side). Sayid is no fan of america. And I also don't think there is good and evil that you can delineate so easily The hatch scene was awesome, and Walt's warning? Walt knows too, remember, because he is special. And it looks like Michael is the one who is being poisoned...
  6. Stephen Joseph

    Reefer Madness

  7. Stephen Joseph

    Reefer Madness

    I completely agree with Ripper. The drug war is lost. Best to acknowledge it and move on. We'd eliminate so much incentive for gang wars, turf battles, columbian coffee, etc...Our laws keep the prices way high And I definitely want the government handling it, because theyd be slow and inefficient, which is good in this case. That study reeks of correlation, not causation.
  8. Stephen Joseph

    It's over.

  9. Stephen Joseph

    Greatest Rap Ever

    Don’t be afraid to make some noise! The Capt’n is about to make it happen! Here we go. On Raw you got Batista with muscles to spare, but he has charisma like Tomko got hair. You got HHH and Ric Flair their legend still grows, 26 titles between them and the world’s biggest nose! JBL the rich guy on Smackdown, well he hears his taxes are still soaring, he’s no wrestling god, just the god of boring! He’s forgetting something. Oh yeah, the guy that inspired his rap, John Cena. Well he got something for him. Well it goes like this, hey Cena, you think I’m jealous of you’re fortune and fame, while you talk like Snoop Dog but look like Cory Haim. Tomko says “DISSED.” So after the draft, whether Raw or SD, JR or Michael Cole, I’ll be champion, because that’s…how…I…roll!
  10. Stephen Joseph

    Head 2 Head Fantasy Baseball 2005

    I'd just say that I think its nice for Treble to have written up a reason why he rejected. Most people don't And on that note, in trades so far. Delgado's been a bust. I'm looking forward to having F. Cordero.
  11. Stephen Joseph

    This Week in Baseball

    While I'm very happy with the Jay's relief, I can't believe that Chacin won't start being hit in his next few starts. His new-ness factor will wear off as he gets scouted more and more. Mastui is beginning to show that he was indeed overrated. He's good, but not Ichiro good.
  12. Stephen Joseph

    Global Warming Validated

    Man-made greenhouse gases account for approximately one-quarter of one percent of the greenhouse effect. Why? Because the greenhouse gas that has the largest effect by far is water vapour, virtually none of which is man-made. This never gets mentioned. Pwned
  13. Stephen Joseph

    The RAW Thread for 05-02-05: Show Comments

    Wow. Some darn good matches tonight
  14. Stephen Joseph

    The RAW Thread for 05-02-05: Show Comments

    I would like to say that I felt that RAW started off right, failed to capitalize on someone's increasign popularity, but it was nice to see him get some heat back with the backstage stuff. All the more reason. I mean, there's very few non-stale acts on Raw, so push the one that's stale? Stupid WWE
  15. Stephen Joseph

    Greatest Rap Ever

    I would be so proud
  16. Stephen Joseph

    More conspiracy theories!

    1. See my reply to Kotz's post. A simple web search brought up the cameras, you can use the link to view the one Kotz speaks of (which shows nothing) and the Wash Blvd Camera, which shows only 1 side, and the wrong side (non-impact) of the Pentagon. 2. See the link I found for Jingus earlier. It's somewhere on those 4 pages. I'm sure you can go to the popular mechanics website and search there. 3. Steel didn't burn. However, the High Tempature support beams being taken out by the plane going through would cause the structure to weaken. It weaken enoguh to collapse, the steel does not need to melt to cause this. Physics buddy. High temperatures causes atoms to move around faster, causing instability. 4. Read about it at Snopes.com, all these conspiracty theories. 5. WHAT ground level explosions? The elevators falling from their shafts as the plane going through cut the cable, thats about all I can think of. Otherwise no dice. 6. Have you ever thought that a terrorist would FLY UNDER ANOTHER NAME? I mean, really?
  17. Stephen Joseph

    More conspiracy theories!

    Wrong. Side. Of. The. Pentagon. The camera you speak of is this one. http://www.trafficland.com/findacam/traffi...p?uid=0&map=134 395S & 14th The Washington Blvd Camera is the only one that shows the Pentagon, and as you can see, it only shows 1 side and no angle on the other 4. So, as you can see, it's very easy for me to believe that the camera missed it.
  18. Stephen Joseph

    More conspiracy theories!

    Oh, and read the 4 page thread dicussion we already had.
  19. Stephen Joseph

    More conspiracy theories!

    Correlation does not equal causation. Coincidence involving a sprinkler system? Do you have any idea just how long it takes the government to do ANYTHING? Plans for that system had to have been in the works for YEARS, during CLINTON! It WAS a plane with PEOPLE. Thankfully, the Pentagon is a strong building. One frame of a plane makes sense since its going at 300+ MPH. There's nothing that remains unexplained except for what passes for mostly conspiracy theorist rambles. Pick up the Popular Mechanics article and read it, they thoroughly debunk every conspiracy myth. Or maybe it would help those of you who doubt to travel up here to look at the pentagon itself? Those of us who live here can believe its really that strong, and can see why the plane hit where it did.
  20. Stephen Joseph

    More conspiracy theories!

    Well, what other places? Do we even know if those cameras could see the impact? I mean, I'm trying to figure out which gas station that guy was at, because I really don't know of a gas station around the pentagon that had a good angle on the impact site (and I drive by the pentagon about twice a week). There isn't a whole lot of places where there'd be video cameras, and the Pentagon ain't exactly a tourist trap, let alone near a tourist trap. They don't let you videotape inside Arlington Cemetary, and Pentagon City obscures the Reagan Airport and anyone from Alexandria ways. There's Fort Myer nearby, but since its a fort, not exactly alot of tourists there either. That question, is one alot of conspiracy guys always ask. They want more, and more, and more proof. The lack of showing videotape is not proof. Hell, there's probably some security concerns there. A plane hit. Otherwise, about 5 good friends of mine up here are complete liars, and suprisingly, they're all liberals. If you really want to know, pick up the Popular Mechanics piece. It makes ALOT of sense, and alot more credentials
  21. Stephen Joseph

    Global Warming Validated

    Wow BigOleSmitty, so you're proving that parties interested in the matter are funding research? Someone call Captain Obvious.
  22. Stephen Joseph

    More conspiracy theories!

    You've got to be kidding me? This shit, again? Umm, Hi. My friends SAW the plane hit the pentagon, and my current Girlfriend was a contractor working @ the pentagon that day. Yeah, it was a plane. And really, look at the Popular Mechanics Article. Research how the Pentagon was built. I can't believe anyone with any sense of intelligent is entertaining these notions And Jingus, just for you, here is your thread. Your post is on page 3. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...pic=60552&st=60
  23. Stephen Joseph

    Global Warming Validated

    As best as I understand it. 1) We should try not to pollute. 2) Our impact on the Earth's ecosystem is still marginal compared to large-scale natural disasters. 3) We have no clue about historical trends because we just couldn't measure it. 4) We can extrapolate, and we know from ice/fossil records that warming/cooling is cyclical. We don't know which part of the cycle we're in. Doomsayers, whether they be religious, environmental, or somewhere else, tend to fall prey to the Malthusian Vice, which has been echoed here before. The Mathusian Vice was named after Thomas Malthus, an otherwise bright man. He predicted mass starvation because food production grew by a unit basis while population grew exponentially. His work was later used by Marx as a basis for Socialist Thought. Food 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, People 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 However, Malthus forgot that behavior in the past is not indicative wholly in the future. This is the failure of holding ceteris paribus as valid. Technology changes, and technology allowed for food production to progress faster than population growth since Malthu's book (and still today). Therefore, to state that given current trends we're f*cked is in fact falling prey to the Malthusian vice. By acknowledging the data we're seeing now, that will incentive change later. Hence, the environmentalist's warnings (while invalid in the long-run) are valid in the short-medium run as they bring attention and resources to problems before they become problems. So, to everyone, please don't commit a malthusian vice. Thanks.
  24. Stephen Joseph

    I was just curious

    Just remember that all this is because of me... (cough, kidding..., except to you kkk, because well, you know)
  25. That's not libertarianism. That's objectivism. Ayn Rand was a staunch libertarian and libertarianism is the political ideology of objectivists. Incorrect. Objectivism is NOT libertarian. Don't confuse us with those whackos