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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    This Week In Baseball

  2. Umm... Either way, we'd be getting close to the libertarian state. Economically speaking, we'd still have a workfare system. That isn't the main problem with the libertarian party. The main problem is that the current political system is designed for two parties, not three. Therefore, with no chance to win a major election, the party only grows via true believers. 25% or so of the population actually ascribes more to the libertarian stance. But only 3% vote libertarian. Change the political system, and the party strength would change overnight.
  3. Ayn Rand is not the be all end all of libertarianism. Mises, Hayek, THOSE are libertarians . So is Greenspan, actually.
  4. Stephen Joseph

    The Political Compass

  5. So I was looking at that page where the dood found Kennedy (and again, I'd so hit that)... and I grabbed the list of libertarian economists. 4 of them are professors at GMU. Damn, I knew were were libers, but ... Robert J. Barro Walter Block James Buchanan Donald J. Boudreaux Richard M. Ebeling David Friedman Milton Friedman Friedrich Hayek Robert Higgs Israel Kirzner Ludwig von Mises Murray N. Rothbard Mark Skousen Thomas Sowell Vernon Smith Mark Thornton Richard Timberlake Walter Williams
  6. I shudder to think she spawned the movement. There's libertarian babes in Washington DC. Thought I only know them through an herbal connection...
  7. Nah, I think the dillio is that peeps should get smart and tie raises to perfomance. Incentives, that BS. Taxes bad...incentives good! Then again, should I ever become a corporate executive, my plundering of the company will reach Enron Proprotions. (cept no one goes to jail for shitty management)
  8. Yes, join ussss... We have Denis Leary and Clint Eastwood... Hey man, free Kool-Aid and snacks at all the meetings. Can't beat that.
  9. Stephen Joseph

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    And if Stalin gets banned, It'll be Ho Chi Minh!
  10. It's okay buddy. Come join us Libertarians. At least we mean what we say. And yeah, I completely agree with Buckley here. If anything, the whole point of economics has been to hammer home for centuries that your market wage should equal what you bring to the table. Performance. The problem is of principle-agent, sort-of. When you get in a position of power, you do everything you can to maintain it if it has any air of permanancy. If your window is short-term, you become predatory, taking everything you can. In the end, both solve the problem by removing the predator, but at what cost?
  11. The Alternating Caps and Undercase OAOASTER was me. IT WAS ME ALL ALONG AUSTIN!
  12. Stephen Joseph

    Christian is OVER

    Let's go Christian Chant!
  13. Stephen Joseph

    Christian is OVER

    Did you hear that reaction? They POPPED his entrance, They POPPED his pose!
  14. Article WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned on Thursday that unless lawmakers come to grips with spiraling U.S. deficits, the economy was at risk of stagnation "or worse." "Under existing tax rates and reasonable assumptions about other spending ... projections make clear that the federal budget is on an unsustainable path, in which large deficits result in rising interest rates and ever-growing interest payments that augment deficits in future years," Greenspan said in testimony prepared for a Senate Budget Committee hearing. He said the danger was that deficits would keep rising as a percentage of total national output. "Unless that trend is reversed, at some point these deficits would cause the economy to stagnate or worse." Much of Greenspan's testimony echoed prior cautions he has made to Capitol Hill lawmakers and he stressed that steps to fix the problem were essential. "As the latest projections from the (Bush) administration and the Congressional Budget Office suggest, our budget position is unlikely to improve substantially in the coming years unless major deficit-reducing actions are taken," the Fed chief said.
  15. Stephen Joseph

    File this under: Duh, but we're going to ignore it

    Actually, RobotJerk, the 1980s-1998 peacetime expansion was the best economic boom nonwartime in the 20th century. Justice is also correct that given the booming growth, the deficit debt wasnt a concern.. Now that we've returned to normal growth levels, it is.
  16. Stephen Joseph

    Where will you be in September?

    Well, you're welcome to crash my apartment in DC. I doubt you'll mind the smoked herb that's typically around.
  17. Stephen Joseph

    I was just curious

    I miss the days of crz
  18. Stephen Joseph

    Living Angleously booking thread

    Federal agents try to stop Stephen Joseph Popick from pursuing his dream of owning a home. Prepare for tons of action this summer when OAOAST Films presents Stephen Joseph Popick in "House Hunter; A Time to Die". BE THERE OR BE SQUARE That movie has "Direct-To-Video" written all over it. Can we hire those B-list Sci-Fi action guys to be the Federal Agents, and maybe Goldberg too, because he was such a draw for Perfect Soldier II?
  19. Stephen Joseph

    Living Angleously booking thread

  20. Stephen Joseph

    Living Angleously booking thread

    I'm sorry but I wasn't really around the OAOAST folder considering I hadn't gotten any PM's on the matter. I naturally assumed that I'd be posting the show Sunday afternoon and that I'd be getting PM's on the matter. What time I have at work normally is now involved dealing with agents so that I can become a homeowner. I'll say one thing about the match situation in recent ppv's. It helps when the matches are submitted on time. I *have* forgotten 2 matches that were submitted on time. All others were due to people not submitted them by the published due date. That all being said, I had budgeted time this Sunday to do such. I've got an intro written as well. However, since a vote was taken in absentia, I also do not know who is posting the show. I do know the show will be posted this Sunday (because thats what the poll said). So hopefully, answering 1 question helps. When a decision is made, it'd be nice if someone PM'ed me so I'd know. And, thanks Tony. Big Ups.
  21. Stephen Joseph

    We got Pope smoke...

    So does anyone know if he's a benedictine? (Malachy's prophecy)
  22. Stephen Joseph

    Posting Date for Living Anglelously

    Well then take the character off TV and then repackage him. I suggest turning him into a Hog Farmer from Georgia that has a love for square dancing at the annual County Fairs. Popick Godwinn? Sure. He can do a reverse DDT called "The Slopick Drop". He has to come out to a hardcore rendition of Turkey in the Straw though. Have that band that did the DX theme do it. That's actually quite funny. I give you permission to use it. Do the gimmik proud. Okay, I'll do this gimmick, but not for a few months. I'm buying a home (another reason why I'm not around much). But when that's done, I'll have time.
  23. Stephen Joseph

    Posting Date for Living Anglelously

    Since Some Guy requested it be moved back a week (which I am fine with) but Hoff did not, I'm leaving this poll up until NEXT WEDNESDAY Thanks.
  24. Stephen Joseph

    Low Taxes-->Robust Economy?

    I didn't understand five fucking words of that. I washoping for some actualstats, rather than a formula. Back up and explain why women and blacks voting changes why lower taxes help the economy. You have different constraints today than you did back in the 1920s. We can learn some valuable lessons from the 1920s, but you can't apply the way the world worked back then to today. The problem in the 1920s was more institutional arrangements on how the economy worked, insitutions that don't exist today. Having blacks and women as integral and active parts of the economy is a significant change (that, and the advent of white-collar jobs, the 40 hour work week, and the change to the current tax structure) all have changed how people behave. This is why economists use the notion of ceteris paribus and analyze one variable at a time, because there's no way we can really analyze how things work if everything's allowed to change