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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    I thought about Dontrelle, but he had alot of innings last year and that kind of scared me away
  2. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Sorry,I looked at the taken players list, I didnt realize we were updating the rounds too,...and that the taken players list was umm, the keepers Okay, anyways, sorry for the delay. CHRIS YOUNG, PADRES (Yeah I have 2 pitchers and 2 position players in mind, so theres no way iggy takes my next pick, cause I have 3 choices! pick away fellow GT BRO!
  3. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

  4. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Yeah I was thinking about him...but decided against it. Thanks though!
  5. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Trade offers for Alexander, please. PM me an offer.
  6. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Again, I have an excel spreadsheet so I am keeping track of taken players. Its tough to sit here and think, darn, look at all these guys go. And then I think, nah, I couldn't have picked better than A-Rod and Beltran for my first two picks, so I shut up
  7. Stephen Joseph

    24 - Season 6

    Where's Agent Pierce and okay, seriously NUCLEAR WEAPONS AROUND and you'll SAVE YOUR KID? Reality broken right there
  8. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    FYI: I'm maintaining a spreadsheet here that also shows taken and non-taken players. When we get to the point that all the really known guys are gone, I'll upload the sheet and maintain it so everyone know whos gone and what not
  9. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Yeah, we've got about...500 picks...about 450 to go right now
  10. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Keep em going boys!
  11. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    I figure I'll be drafting in about 2 weeks, so...no hurry
  12. Stephen Joseph


    And someone please tell me the point of the tail-end survivors. aside from dying. Seriously.
  13. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Mebbey we should set a 24 hour rule and autodraft best available otherwise?
  14. Stephen Joseph

    24 - Season 6

    I thought 24 Jumped the Shark when it did "Jack's Dad is the big bad guy" plot reveal. Seriously.
  15. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Cartman, I can understand, but he did it randomly. It hurts and helps people evenly over the years
  16. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    So long as we retain a posting that only changes to reflect taken players so we all know... why not make a sheet and place the keepers in it and then just add once a day as people take them
  17. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    About holds: We've got twenty teams. That leaves alot of slim pickings at pitchers. HOlds as a category makes alot more pitchers valuable to have. I mean, what would scot shields, the greatest active 8th inning relief pitcher, be worth without holds? Gotta keep holds in, because otherwise, we're going to have 3 KC Royal Starting pitchers actually on active roster, and that aint a pretty sight
  18. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    I think Holds is a very important category to keep. I am okay with removing hits and adding doubles.
  19. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    See, I have to disagree with you. Fantasy sports aren't like the actual sport. It's a way for us to enjoy the game a little bit more. A baseball team wouldn't keep an injured player on their active roster. Neither should I be forced to keep an injured player on my active roster (which is implied since I lose the round I draft them in). I have never, in 7 years, been involved with a league that penalized a team for off-season injuries. The way it was typically dealt was. 1) Teams submit final keepers a few weeks prior to the draft. Those are locked in stone, and you can't do anything about them. Initial keepers are almost always subject to off-season trades an injuries. 2) You can swap an injured player and release him to the market. And keep another. 3) Alternatively, if a player gets injured, you can drop them and keep that draft pick. That's that. I'm not going to field a team that gets a proverbial hand tied behind the back for an off-season move when this thread wasn't active.
  20. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Great Pick!
  21. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Yeah, the injury become news in the offseason and his official surgery happened after we announced keepers. I then went AWOL. I dunno, TJ scares me. I dont mind that other proposal MJ
  22. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    You can, but I mean, He's out for the season. Kinda penalizes me unfairly if I am forced to keep an injured player. I'd just drop him the first day. TJ surgery = end o career
  23. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    I'm still around, and yeah, cool with whatever. CHANGING MY KEEPER Liriano is OUT for the SEASON. I choose now to keep Matt Holliday (rnd 7) instead.
  24. Stephen Joseph

    FF Trade?

    Johnson has a bruise. He has his bye week this week, which means 100% next week
  25. Stephen Joseph

    FF Trade?

    Guys, I've got this hellishly competitive league amongst friends here in the DC area, so doing good is of upmost imporantance. The owner of Chad Johnson is panicing. I smell blood. The deal is this Chad Johnson / Ben Watson for Javon Walker / Marquis Colston. Now, I love both Walker and Colston. But Colston's value is in the fact that in Yahoo he is TE eligible. My TE is Todd Heap. I am obviously not pulling Todd Heap. I could flex Colston, but my flex player is Reggie Bush. I'm not panicing on Bush yet, and his performance has been solid enough for a flex player. My WR's are Santana Moss, Javon Walker, Greg Jennings, Houshmanzadeh, Doug Gabriel. I have excellent WR depth. I don't like taking on two Bengals, but I would likely trade Housh to upgrade RB or QB. Approve or Disapprove? Ultimately, its how you value Chad Johnson. I don't think he's this bad...