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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph


    Holy fuck. Jack Bauer is the fucking man. I'm still amazed they turned Chloey from annoying bitch to loyal bitch
  2. Stephen Joseph

    Rathergate Massacre

    Damn. Drudge is going to have a field day since he claims he broke this.
  3. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    <-- Also agrees with Jingus about the element of luck
  4. Stephen Joseph

    For people with a Face character

    I'm a face, and I need a feud. pm me back
  5. Stephen Joseph

    Republicans demand Washington state....

    Do you even understand what statistical sampling is, and how given the law of large numbers we can come very very VERY close to the true population parameters. No, of course not. Because you want every vote counted, even if its insanely cost-prohibitive and simply introduces other errors in the variance. Have YOU ever heard of statistical sampling? Because you can't guarantee a result, but you can get a confidence interval on the range. Geebus
  6. Stephen Joseph

    Anglepalooza booking thread

    Per Last Night's show, Stephen Joseph has claimed the 1 spot in the rumble. I, kind of need to know who the writers are (so I can make sure something happens to set up a feud)
  7. Stephen Joseph

    BOOKING 4 THE 1-13-SHOW!

    Joseph's gonna be pissed because he's being ignored by those whom he called out =)
  8. Stephen Joseph

    Social Security...not really doomed?

    My only real complaint about Social Security is that if it wasn't around, my salary would increase by my employer's matching contribution (as would everyone else's too, mostly) and that's what, another 7.5%? Hmm, that's about 3K net gain, and that would help this guy out.
  9. Stephen Joseph

    Republicans demand Washington state....

    Do you even understand what statistical sampling is, and how given the law of large numbers we can come very very VERY close to the true population parameters. No, of course not. Because you want every vote counted, even if its insanely cost-prohibitive and simply introduces other errors in the variance.
  10. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    Thank you Loss. I've gained some respect for you with that post.
  11. Stephen Joseph

    Republicans demand Washington state....

    Please NoCal, can we save it on all the voter fraud? The Repubs in the Gov race in Washington are stupid, I can't condone their actions just as much as I can't condone the actions of the vote protestors saying Bush stole another election. It's politics at its worst. Need I remind you that many people busted their ass for Bush to get him re-elected, and continuously challenging a dead issue you're slapping them in the face. Such justification is politics at its worst.
  12. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    If you carefully read the article, you'll find its not as dreary of a picture as Paul's trying to paint. Yes, there are problems. What he's trying to do is not point out the flaws of the American system, but point to POTENTIAL pitfalls we should be aware of in the future. However, the past, with its set of differing costs, constraints, and other things, is hardly an indication of how things occur now. But it's meant to be a warning signal of something we may want to just notice, but NOT as how its been interpreted by many here. Glass is half full people
  13. Stephen Joseph

    The Sugar Bowl Thread

    Auburn will be the first undefeated team to NOT be National Champion. This is why the BCS is in fact, BS. I would love to see a 4 team playoff
  14. Stephen Joseph

    Religion vs. Evolution

    Aquinas (A restatement of Aristotle with Christian Themes) In his 1264 Summa Contra Gentiles, Thomas Aquinas restated Aristotle's argument and named it the "cosmological argument" for the existence of God. Aquinas saw that everything is changing. Change is produced by some cause. There is a sequence of efficient causes in the cosmos. All these causes, except the very first one, were conditional results, and had the possibility of not being. The ultimate first efficient cause behind all other causes could not be both cause and effect. That cause is God. I.e., the very existence of the cosmos, or world, argues for a God. The cosmos must have an explanation; it could not "just happen." There must be a cause at least equal to its effect. Dr Robert Jastrow, agnostic founder of NASA's Institute for Space Studies, says it plainly, "The astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and the biblical accounts of Genesis are the same. The chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy. "Scientists cannot bear the thought of a natural phenomenon which cannot be explained, even with unlimited time and money. There is a kind of religion in science; every event can be explained in a rational way as the product of some previous event; every effect must have its cause. Now science have proven that the universe exploded into being at a certain moment. It asks, 'What cause produced this effect? Who or what put the matter into the universe?' And science cannot answer these questions." Kierkergard http://philosophy.lander.edu/intro/kierkegaard.html /Point. I was wrong. Aquinas' cosmological argument was disproven in the late 1800s, but has recently resurfaced as the arguments disproving it were disproven. Kierkergard is the only philosophic argument for a God I'm aware of that still hasn't been destroyed logically the correct translation from Hebrew in Genesis is... "And some time passed" When translated inappropriately, it came out as "day 1, day 2""
  15. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    Considering the once-future Mrs. Economist was a few hundred miles away and conservative, I'd say I've bumped up the amount of pie-eating in the last few months. However, it's been mainly liberal pie, which sometimes has a bad aftertaste. Cause then they want wealth redistribution or something.
  16. Stephen Joseph

    Israel vs Palestein

    CE is finally entertaining again
  17. Stephen Joseph

    Religion vs. Evolution

    Both Aquinas and Kiekergard provide the only non-rebuked philosophical argument for the existence of God (aside from the ontological one said above) that I know of.
  18. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    Thank you TJH, for posting the entire article. To particularly refute certain arguments, please see the above link to the 2004 Stat Abstract, and consult table 663. This will show approximately the fact that we do indeed have a large middle class, and that the population is approximately NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED about mean, skewed slightly to the right (upper) because of a large class of mid-level managers. Table 672 shows the distribution amongst income groups with dollars adjusted for inflation. All groups are gaining real money! The other chart will show that aggregately money is concentrated in the upper 5th, which supports the arguments previously mentioned by others. However, distribution has not significantly changed in 20 + years. What I'm trying to say is that the pie we eat from has gotten larger and of course those that started with a bigger slice saw theirs increase. It's the law of large bodies, mass begets mass. But everyone saw their share increase. It's simple laws of finance, and why we decry (ohh, but the poor didn't increase as fast) BAH! That's not a good excuse or reason...Physically, it wouldn't HAPPEN, and hasn't happened anywhere unless market forces are usurped by the goverment. The argument that was tried to be made by MISQUOTING the Economist article is simple blatantly false and misleading. And the Economist is a great rag to read. Of course there's problems. But sheesh, report both sides.
  19. Stephen Joseph

    Post-Coital Feedback

    Right here. Popick's Feedback (FIRST OF THE YEAR~!) Good development of the tension within Cornette's ranks. I'm glad to see tag teams fleshed out so well, with title victories meaning something. I can sense the upcoming turn? Having now seen where Cappa has gone too, I'm thrilled. Capping off the Inten5e angle, Cappa getting a bit more vicious. For a character that was happy and comical, this is the perfect foil to his lighter side. Good writing dawg. Panther's segment caught me up on what's gone on with his character. Again, I like the fact that the title matters, but he hasn't lost sight on the past. Selling Christmas injuries was a cute way to progress the segment, and add a bit of apprehension to the scene with Ausstin. Ausstin as a physical monster, taking alot of punishment, and Bryte having to out-think him, yeah that's the ticket. I like the crowd getting behind Ausstin, since his reaction was mixed initially. I knew Taylor would lead to the victory for Bryte, but the odds game on Ausstin is how it should go down. This loss builds well for the three-way feud built above. GPX is freaking insane. They remind me of a comedy team fans like, but not that much. I honestly like how Zack's been wrestling women. Of course, his loss to Crystal haunts him, and he can't get past that (hence why I think he's still going after women. It's almost as if there's a lack of confidence on his part...somewhere. I love the choice angle. It better be permanent. Match accomplished its purpose. A fork? Owww. Brutal short squash really, but then again, Hell's Hitmen is MWC v2.0. Solid outing by them, and we can see where all this is going with Cornette & Co. Tony and Dan with Zack? Stephen Joseph may just have something to say about this...soon. They lost the titles predictably, while Malibu wins, but will we see a double title match soon? In the title match between Drek Stone and Crystal, I wish it would've ended with Drek standing tall, instead of trying to give a rub back to Crystal. She already got her rub by staying in so long with the injured knee, Stone imho should've been the last thing on our minds, because he did capitalize in an instant. Focus on the champ. Match.Of.The.Year. Kudos to Ragdoll and Axel.
  20. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    Enjoy http://www.census.gov/prod/2004pubs/04statab/income.pdf
  21. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    Oh for God's sake, the middle class is most certainly not disappearing.
  22. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    The used car market really isn't an explanation, the second reason provides more of the reasons why. However, we must also consider that there was little in the way of a child care industry in the 50s as well (and that obviously helps 2 parents to work)
  23. Stephen Joseph

    The Myth of the American Meritocracy

    American standard of living, in terms of what the average person can afford, is much higher for all groups from 30 years ago. Just because the rich have risen faster doesn't mean the plight of the average american has gotten worse. A simple example: A middle class family in the 50s could afford 1 car. Today, the average middle class family has 3 cars. I'll debunk this tomorrow with citations from the statistical abstract for ALL income groups.
  24. Stephen Joseph

    What are you losers doing

    I might've preferred that to have been the reason =)
  25. Stephen Joseph

    What are you losers doing

    Yeah, the engagement broke off right before my 25th birthday, after a year of living up here in D.C. and her in Atlanta. Being single again is alot of fun, and I guess you could say I'm doing what you said, but I'm kind of dating someone (but she's out of town) now. =) I agree though, NY is just a day. I figure spending it with friends, rather than some expensive party, is the way to go. Gotta run off to this date (not the girl who is out of town)