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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    OAOAST Dirty Deeds PreShow

    But...my match was left out =( Other than that minor detail, a really good read
  2. Stephen Joseph

    Man, I've been here a long time.

    nope, illustrious has been... i imagine dames is member #1?
  3. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Basketball Leagues

    I'm game for a fantasy league if there's an open spot on anyones league
  4. Stephen Joseph


    Made the switch on my personal computer awhile ago, haven't looked back since.
  5. Stephen Joseph

    The Bible is literally true.

    The theological doctrine of divine foreknowledge is often alleged to be in conflict with human freedom. After all, if God knows exactly what will happen, right down to every choice you make, how can your choices be free? God's already-true or timelessly-true knowledge about your choices seems to constrain your freedom. This problem is related to the Aristotelian problem of the sea-battle: tomorrow there will or will not be a sea-battle. If there will be one, then it was true yesterday that there would be one. Then it would be necessary that the sea battle will occur. If there won't be one, then by similar reasoning, it is necessary that it won't occur. This means that the future, whatever it is, is completely fixed by past truths -- true propositions about the future. And if what will be, will be, why bother trying? Such fatalistic arguments -- arguments that only the actual world is possible -- are usually rife with modal mistakes. A good introduction to the problems of modality is to try to debunk such arguments by isolating their specious entailments. In philosophy, modality is the subject concerning necessity, contingency, possibility, impossibility, actuality, and related predicates. The claim "'2+2=4' is necessary" is a modal claim, as is the claim "'Bigfoot exists' is possible". Necessary propositions either couldn't have been true or couldn't have been otherwise -- perhaps logical and mathematical propositions qualify. Contingent propositions could have been true, but also could have been false -- perhaps "Jupiter exists" qualifies. Possible propositions could have been true -- they include necessary and contingent propositions. Impossible propositions couldn't have been true -- perhaps self-contradictory claims qualify. Modal claims are to be distinguished from similar-sounding epistemic claims. When a philosopher claims that Bigfoot possibly exists, he probably does not mean "Bigfoot might actually exist, for all I know". Rather, he is making a metaphysical claim concerning ways the world could have been, a substantive claim with apparent ontological commitments. 'Epistemic possibility', on the other hand, just traces the confines of our knowledge. "It is possible that p" may be glossed as "I (or we humans) don't know that p is false". It is a claim about those matters about which we have no knowledge one way or the other. When philosophers say "possible", they usually mean the former. An illustration: Someone asks you if 54 squared is 2926 and you stammer, "I don't know, I suppose it's possible". This is 'for all we know' possibility. For, as it turns out 54 squared is 2916 -- and it is metaphysically impossible for it to have been otherwise (say, 2926). How to best interpret modal claims is a live issue for metaphysicians. Sometimes modal concepts are cashed out in terms of a "possible worlds idiom", which would translate the claim about Bigfoot as "There is some possible world in which Bigfoot exists". To maintain that Bigfoot's existence is possible, but not actual, one could say, "There is some possible world in which Bigfoot exists; but in the actual world, Bigfoot does not exist". This idiom still leaves unclear what we are committing ourselves to when we make modal claims. Are we really alleging the existence of possible worlds, every bit as real as our actual world, just not actual? Renowned philosopher David K. Lewis infamously bit the bullet and said yes, possible worlds are as real as our own. This position is called "modal realism". Unsurprisingly, most philosophers are unwilling to sign on to this particular doctrine, seeking alternate ways to paraphrase away the apparent ontological commitments implied by our modal claims
  6. Stephen Joseph

    The Bible is literally true.

    This, is fairly long. Credit goes to Bryan Caplan, a professor of mine. This essay attempts to argue that free will exists without tackling the arguments on the existence of God. By what's below, free will exists, period, and adding "God" into the mix will not change the outcome of the argument. I would contend free will and God then to be mutually inclusive. I've got one other article coming. _A Short Essay on the Freedom of the Will_ by Bryan Caplan 1. Free will, what At the outset, it is necessary to gt a clear understanding of what exactly "free will" is. A being has free will if given all other causal factors in the universe (genetic and environmental, physical and chemical are two popular current pairings) it nevertheless possesses the ability to choose more than one thing. The word "freedom" has many other uses -- political freedom being the foremost among these -- but the kind of freedom that I am talking about could be exercised even if a person lay encased in chains, or had a gun aimed at his head. It is the freedom of the mind from causal determination, not the freedom from physical constraints or threats of violence. 2. The Objection from the Law of Causality Now there are some immediate objections to the idea of free will. To begin with, it seems to violate the law of causality: "Every effect must have a cause; the same cause always produces the same effects." The reply here is fairly simple: it simply denies that a free choice is an _effect_ of anything else. Since a choice is not an effect, the law of causality is simply irrelevant here. Another formulation of the law of causality says that "Every _change_ must have a cause." Now this does indeed conflict with my notion of free will. And hence I ask: why should we believe that every change has a cause? I simply deny that this is so. I observe uncaused changes during my every waking moment, whenever I contemplate my own choices. Why should I discard this observation in favor of one formulation of the law of causality, however plausible? 3. The Quantum Confusion A further confusion identitifies free will with randomness, probabilism, and (of course) quantum mechanics. But I say that free will and randomness have nothing whatever to do with each other; indeed, a probabilistic theory of choice is just as contrary to the freedom of the will as a fully deterministic one. The argument here is extremely simple. Imagine that my action is determined by the roll of a six-sided die; if it comes up six, I raise my arm. Now suppose that _all six_ faces have a six on them. Now it is clear that in this case I have no free will. But suppose we put six different faces on the die, each one determining a different action. Am I any freer than before? On te contrary, I am fully a puppet dangling from the proverbial strings. The point is simply that if my actions are determined by any outside process, then I am as fully unfree whether those processes are deterministic or have a random element in them. To uphold free will then, we must deny than either of these theories describes the etiology of the mind. 4. Choices, Actions, Causality To face a final preliminary issue -- what is the relationship between causality and free will? To put the question more clearly: in some sense, causality is necessary for free will, because an essential part of free will is the idea that I _cause_ my actions. The answer is that we must distinguish actions and choices. Actions are effects of a cause known as the free will. Free will causes actions by making choices. But choices are not effects. 5. What We Choose I move now to my substantive notion of free will. I claim that we choose a large number of things. To begin with, we choose our beliefs. Secondly, we choose many of our bodily movements. Thirdly, we choose many of our mental processes (by analogy, mental movements) such as whether we will think and what we will think about. A more precise breakdown would be difficult, but fortunately everyone already has a pretty clear idea of the boundaries: the pumping of the heart is involuntary, whereas speaking is; accepting a belief is voluntary, but having an emotion is not; thinking about free will is voluntary, but seeing what is in front of my face when my eyes are open is not. The thoughtful reader will surely see that even these boundaries have exceptions and irregularities: supposedly some people can control their heart beat with training, and sometimes thoughts spring into our minds involuntarily. Philosopher Mike Huemer hinted as a provactive distinction: "A choice is something one _does_, whereas the involuntary is something that _happens_ to one." 6. Four Arguments for the Existence of Free Will I believe that the main objection most people have to free will is just that it conflicts with the law of causality. I have addressed this problem above: on one interpretation, there is no conflict, because free will is not an _effect_; on a second interpretation, there is a conflict, but there is no reason to believe that the second formulation is even true. This section will go further and offer four positive arguments for the existence of free will, deriving from an earlier paper of mine on John Searle's philosophy of mind. A. The Argument from Observation First, there is the simple fact of observation. I observe that I choose freely, at least sometimes; and if you introspect, you will see it too. There is no reason to assume that these observations are illusory, any more than there is reason to assume that vision or hearing is illusory. I frequently hear scientists declare that real science (as opposed to bogus Aristotelian science) rests on observation; that is, they take the observed facts as a given, and work from there. The insistence that free will does not exist has more in common with the worst a priori scholasticism than with modern science. The latter demanded that the facts fit the theory, while the essence of science is supposed to be that we make our theories fit the observed facts. I would like to see a single argument for rejecting introspective evidence in favor of the other senses, because any argument against the validity of introspection might be applied, ipso facto, to sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In other words, I maintain that introspective evidence is just as good (and no more subjective) than any other sort of empirical evidence. And it is not the place of science to determine that our perceptions are fundamentally in error, but rather to develop a consistent explanation of _all_ of our observations. Of course, if an experiment comes out one way 1000 times, and a different way once, then the scientist will rationally conclude that there was problem a problem in the experiment. But our observation of our mental freedom is not an occasional fluke, but an empirical fact as repeatedly and continuously confirmed as the existence of the external world itself. B. The Reductio Ad Absurdum to Skepticism My second argument consists in a reductio ab absurdum. I shall begin with the assumption of determinism, and show that it leads to the self-contradictory position of abject skepticism. Now it is a fact that people disagree on many questions; this leads us to wonder if on any given issue we are correct. How is the determinist to come to grips with this? If the content of my mind is determined entirely on the level of micro-particles, how would I ever double-check my views? I would be determined to believe them; and if arguments convinced me, then they would be determined to convince me. The crucial point is that my views -- correct and incorrect alike -- would be the result of inexorable causal forces. And these forces determine people to error just as inexorably as they determine them to truth. Of course, I might be correct by coincidence. But knowledge is _justified_ true belief; and when we are pre-determined to believe whatever we happen to believe no matter what, it is hard to see what the justification of our beliefs is. Put succinctly, if we have knowledge we must accept beliefs only because we understand them to be true; but if determinism is correct, then we automatically accept whatever beliefs that our constituent micro-particles impose on us, since as Searle says, scientific explanation works from the bottom up. It might be the case that those micro-particles coincidentally make me believe true things, but the truth would not be the ultimate causal agent acting upon me. Determinism, then, leads to skepticism, the denial of the possibility of justified true belief. This is a controversial issue, but I hold that skepticism is necessarily false. For suppose we affirm skepticism. Then we may wonder if we know that skepticism is true. If we do know it, then at least one item of objective knowledge exists, which contradicts the premise. But if we don't know that skepticism is true either, why should we accept it? To recap: Determinism implies skepticism; Skepticism is necessarily false; Hence determinism is false. C. Moore's Proof of the External World Extended Third, I bring G.E. Moore to my defense. In his "Proof of the External World," Moore refuted skepticism about physical objects merely by saying, "Here is a hand, and here is another hand." Critics accused Moore of begging the question; and the critical reader of this paper might object that I am merely repeating my first argument. Both of these complaints simply miss Moore's point, which was this: In order for any argument to work, it is necessary that the initial plausibility of its premises have greater initial plausibility than those of the denial of its conclusion. Since no premise has greater initial plausibility than "This is a hand," said Moore, it is in principle impossible for that claim to be overturned. I think that the same is true of the existence of free will. Nothing has greater initial plausibility than the premise "I have free will"; no scientific or philosophical argument will ever have greater initial plausibility. So how is it even coherent to argue against free will? Any valid argument showing that free will does not exist serves merely as a reductio ad absurdum of that arguments' premises, not a disproof of the freedom of the will. As A side note, it is interesting that John Searle , a reluctant opponent of the doctrine of free will, says that he continues to believe in free will no matter how many arguments against it that he hears. This shows quite well that Searle finds the initial plausibility of "Searle has free will" to be greater than that of his arguments against free will; for if the arguments against free will were really that powerful, Searle would do what we usually do when overwhelmed by convincing arguments: Namely, change his mind. Since he can't change his mind, the initial plausibility of his free will must exceed the plausibility of the apparently conflicting scientific arguments. Given this, he should re-examine the propositions of science and his philosophy of mind and see if they are really harder to doubt than the existence of free will. D. A Thought Experiment Showing the Freedom of the Will Fourth, try the following thought experiment. Our brilliant neurophysiologists come up with an equation that they claim will predict all of our behavior. The equation is so good that it even incorporates our reaction to the equation, our reaction to knowing that it incorporates our reaction, and so on indefinitely. Suppose that the equation says that the next thing that you will do is raise your arm. Do you seriously believe that you couldn't falsify this prediction by failing to raise your arm? But if you can falsify any prediction about your arm, and if the prediction is derived perfectly from a comprehensive knowledge of your body's constituent micro-particles, then your mind must be free. In a crucial sense, then, the denial of free will is predicated on our ignorance of the very causal laws that supposedly show that free will is impossible. For once these allegedly binding laws of nature were compiled and capable of making falsifiable empirical predictions, it would be child's play to falsify them forthwith. Surely if human behavior were unfree, then science could in theory at least predict when I am going to raise my hand. And why should the equations be unable to compensate for the subject's knowledge of the prediction? And yet, it is very hard to believe that upon the proclamation of these alleged causal laws, that I would find it any harder to falsify them than I would find it to falsify e.g. the reader's prediction about when I will raise my hand. Nor would it help if these scientific laws were probabilistic rather than deterministic. It is child's play to falsify the prediction that I will raise my right hand now with certainty. Is it any harder to falsify the claim that I will now raise by right hand with probability .3? Simply by deciding not to raise it, couldn't I instantly make the probability equal to zero? 7. Some Objections to and Misconceptions about the Freedom of the Will A. Are some choices more difficult than others? There is a rather common view which admits that the will is free in some of the cases I assert, but denies that it is free in other cases. For example, it may be conceded that the normal person is free to use or not use alcohol; but certain people are not free to not use it. The choice is "too hard" for them to make. There are many variations on this theme, and I have a common objection to all of them. Now the underlying image here seems to be that the will is kind of like a muscle. Just as the ability to lift weights depends on the strength of the lifter and the heaviness of the weights, the ability to make a choice depends on the will power of the willer and the difficulty of the choice. People make choices only within fairly narrow bounds; beyond these, apparently, they are fully determined. My objection to this is basically that it just contradicts experience. Imagine that there were a button in front of you, the pressing of which would instantly exterminate all human life. You would not (I hope) want to press this button. But can you really say that you do not feel just as _free_ to do so as you would to dial a phone number? Suppose someone pointed a gun at you and told you to push the button. Would you not be free to refrain? But if you are free in these extreme cases, how could you be unfree to refrain from drinking alcohol or taking any number of choices which appear to be much "easier"? The essential confusion, I think, it between the emotional experience of a choice vs. the choice itself. The emotions associated with a choice may range from incredibly pleasant to incredibly unpleasant. Pleasant choices are "easier" not in the sense that they are more free than other choices, but in the sense that we are more inclined to freely choose it because it is pleasant. To talk of the difficulty of a choice can be very misleading, because it conjures up the image of there being some definite probability of succeeding at making a choice despite genuinely trying; but this just brings us back to the probabilistic misinterpretation of free will which I have already shown is just as contrary to the freedom of the will as all-out determinism. B. Is Choice Limited to a Select Few? A variant on the above doctrine affirms that certain people (such as fellow philosophers) have free will, but that the mass of people don't. Free will is appararently a byproduct of intelligence and education. Generalizing from introspection to the whole human race is simply mistaken; the sensible induction extends only to a narrow elite of one's fellows. I answer that the broadest induction is indeed justified. Almost all humans use the language and concepts of free will. They blame and praise each other for their actions in a way suggesting moral responsibility. And most plausibly, they do so because they are generalizing to other people from _their_ own experience of freedom. To suggest that they are merely aping the vocabulary of philosophers is quite absurd; it is philosophers who picked up the concepts of free choice from ordinary language, not the other way around. Actually, it could easily be argued that the experience of free will permeates the lives of ordinary people to a greater extent than it does intellectuals. An intellectual might buy the murderers excuse that his life in the slums drove him to brutality, but the non-murderers who grew up in the same slums are likely to think of his action as a willful choice to do evil. C. The Objection from Regularity One fairly common objection to the doctrine of free will is that different groups behave consistently differently than one another on matters that I say are free. But if they are really free, how could these systematic differences be explained? The explanation, of course, is simply that members of some groups make different _choices_ than members of other groups _on average_. There is nothing amazing about this. The typical criminal makes a long series of brutal choices over his life; there is a systematic pattern to his choices. Does this show that each of his actions was not a choice? But if there is no conflict between an _individual_ making systematically different choices than other people and the doctrine of free will, why should there be any more of a conflict etween a _group_ of individuals making systematically different choices and the doctrine of free will? D. The Objection from Inexplicability Another objection to the doctrine of free will is that it renders a persons choices inexplicable. And in a sense, this is correct: a choice is necessarily, by definition, impervious to a causal explanation. If there were a causal explanation, then the agent would have been determined to take his actions, and then they would not have been free. But there is really no paradox here, anyway. Of course it is possible to "explain" a choice, in the sense of describing the actor's motives, goals, impulses, and so on. But we must remember that these were simply the factors that the agent chose to go along with; we are explaining which factors out of the cosmos of possibilities that the actor drew upon when making his choice. 8. Conclusion. In a way, it is strange to even write about the freedom of the will. The issue is not one of abstract concepts or a priori reasoning, but simply a matter of empirical fact. The most telling proof for the existence of free will is that we all observe it during our every waking moment. The only basis for the denial stems from the arbitrary exclusion of introspection as a valid source of empirical knowledge, coupled with one unpersuasive interpretation of the law of causality. And while I do not choose to address the related issues at length within the confines of this essay, they cannot be overlooked. Free will is perhaps more than any other the distinctively human attribute which sets us apart from everything else. The denial of our freedom leads to the denial of virtue and vice, individual responsibility, and the value of political freedom. And ultimately, this denial of our free will leads to the dehumanization of us all.
  7. Stephen Joseph

    Very Important PPV Note

    Oh yeah, two thangs from me 1) Cappa/SJ vs. Poet/Dandy 2) Nappy Roots really says "Y'all up n done it" and rages at being held over!
  8. Stephen Joseph

    Very Important PPV Note

    Then ill just take doing the next ppv then, tony, allright?
  9. Stephen Joseph

    Dirty Deeds booking thread

    Considering that we've got alot of late submissions, I am going to extend the deadling to MONDAY. At this moment, I have 1 match, and my own. I'd like for everything to be as good as possible. If anyone doesn't like this, and wants the show up tonight regardless, PM me. I'll listen. For those who are turning in late, PM me your stuff. Let's make it a good show
  10. Stephen Joseph

    Dirty Deeds booking thread

    please tell me where the stuff youre editing in is supposed to be thanks
  11. Stephen Joseph

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    Okay, I want to put this to a vote PokerRoom or PartyPoker?
  12. Stephen Joseph

    OAOAST Weekend House Show Report

    Hmmm Rodez owes me a job... =) btw, i like this, its cute
  13. Stephen Joseph

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    Sorry, I meant a K. You'd be right though there. Last Sunday I was all-in to get into the money (trying to set myself up) with K,J offsuited. I was called by pocket 5's. On the flop, K,8,J. I'm thrilled and screaming. Nothing comes on the turn, and a freaking 5 came on the river... Shoot. 4th place sucks.
  14. Stephen Joseph

    Hurricanes vs. Bush

    Wow, surely it MUST be coincidence that hurricanes come every year about this time... /MikeSC off funny dood
  15. This thread is very sad
  16. Stephen Joseph

    What are the most gerrymandered/weirdest

    They fight about it every time this comes up. Georgia, by far
  17. Stephen Joseph

    I dont know where to share this

    Eh, I got the news today that a good friend of mine was shot by rebels in Iraq today and died. Guy was just a few years older than me, great wife, good family, good career as an officer...random ambush and they targeted the officer... Bunch of shiz.
  18. Stephen Joseph

    I dont know where to share this

    that sucks man, I'm sorry for your cousin i do hope he sees his father again
  19. Stephen Joseph

    Dirty Deeds booking thread

    Because the show is coming from Louisville, I can confirm that none other than the NAPPY ROOTS will be our musical guests
  20. Stephen Joseph

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    That sucks man I'm in two games this weekend, one I host (I love my new chips) Ever had this shit happen to you..well for me it was a good thing Scenario (4 people left, I'm number 2 in chips) In my hand, pocket deuces. I call. Chipstack 4 folds, and Leader and 3 call as well. The flop comes 2,2,A. Right now, I'm sitting on 4 of a kind, and I know no one else can beat that on the flop. That's cash money for me. but I check. 3 goes all-in. Leader calls the all-in, I call the leader as I'm hoping to suck him out some more. Turn brings a K. I check, he checks. River brings another ace. I'm thinking this whole time buddy's got an ace, so I'm thinking he'll bite. He's not betting like he had a full house on the flop, as he wouldve bullied me on the turn. I raise all in, and he calls. Damn...I was hoping he didn't have A,A. Chipstack 3 shows A,A. WHEW! Leader then shows A,K. Damn, and my four of a kind beats both full houses. What damn crazy game that was
  21. Stephen Joseph

    My Adventures in the Ghetto

    bring back rawmvp
  22. Stephen Joseph

    I dont know where to share this

    At GT it varies from year to year, that year the food of choice happened to be pizza
  23. Stephen Joseph

    I dont know where to share this

    To put a story with my friend. Tyler Brown was a 1st Lt in the 2nd Infantry Division. While at Georgia Tech, he was in Kappa Alpha Fraternity, served as their president and was elected as Georgia Tech's student body president in an election known as "PizzaGate" because his rivals lured votes with free pizza. I had stopped by the office afterwards and inquired about a vacant seat, a lunch later I had been nominated for it. T was a guy who basically said what he felt, and because of that I learned alot from him. After that year, he had a ton of offers, but choose to continue on with his ROTC commitments and served. He continued to serve after his commitments were served. He was the kind of guy who'd toast the American flag with a Budweiser and sing the national anthem at a baseball game. I can't say how I feel, but I know T wouldn't have been over there if he didn't believe it in it. Hearing about the war takes a different meaning when you know someone who died in it. I just hope his death isn't in vain (along with the other 1000). s
  24. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for the 9/23 show from Nashville

    Hey Umm, remember to send me the stuff for the PPV peeps! I'll have...something