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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph


    I'm not a conservative, but whatever. happy b-day to the man i love to hate in debating. =)
  2. Stephen Joseph


    Thanks K. Celebrations today include a free lunch, a softball game, and beer and WSOP.
  3. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    Sorry, I don't feel like rewarding a bunch of heirs who don't work. I'm not saying they shouldn't invest, I'm saying that as they enhance their lives with their second plasma TV, they should get taxed appropriately for it. This means they either keep a larger sum of money and live a more modest life, or they pay more tax. And this way there's no loophole. What you described Jobber is purchasing... not investment Jobber. Part of the reward for busting your ass is to provide for your future family. It is a return SOMEONE earned at some point. We have no right to diminish that return.
  4. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    Anyone who is making money off of investments DESERVES THEIR RETURN. Those investments fuel the economy.
  5. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    1) True. I've said that before 2) False. It's a rule. You can always write a loophole to cover recessionary pressures. As per the military issue, the point? I think an incentive to be like, peaceful, for awhile, and rebuild might not be so bad. 3) America's advantages don't lie in agricultural and manufacturing really anymore. Again, David Ricardo. America's best advantage is innovation. We should focus on innovating new industries as we've done for quite some time. Other countries can simply produce with cheaper labor and the older tech, and its better for them to do so. America's worst decision would be to try to prop up industries its passed by.
  6. Stephen Joseph

    Why can't we have this hear?

    http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/08/11...reut/index.html Starting nightly on August 16, Get Lucky TV will broadcast via satellite to European audiences the daily news read by a series of nubile young women who will gradually -- but tastefully -- remove their clothes on camera. "We are quite sensitive to certain issues, one of course being death," anchor Samantha Page told Reuters Television Wednesday. "We try to be as respectful as we can, and what we tend to do is we leave our clothes on." Just in case people get the wrong idea, Page pointed out that she has a degree in psychology and zoology and a black belt in karate. Fellow Naked News anchor Lily Kwan exhibited a similar candor. "I got into Naked News very accidentally. I was actually studying to become a dental hygienist. I was attending school when I soon realized that I needed something a bit more creative to cultivate my creativity," she said. She said she had no qualms about stripping in front of a television audience. "I do enjoy wearing clothes. But it is quite liberating to take your clothes off as well -- especially in public," Kwan added. The phenomenon of nude news reading first started in Russia and spread to Canada where Naked News started in 1999. The Toronto-based firm is now hoping to emulate its North American success this side of the Atlantic
  7. Stephen Joseph

    Why can't we have this hear?

    WHAT? You work for... *reaches for a silver bullet* DOJ, jobber. He is my ultimate boss.
  8. Stephen Joseph

    Who will get the World Title first?

    me bitches. me.
  9. Stephen Joseph

    Cue Spooky X-Files Music

    http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-08/...ent_1766126.htm BEIJING, Aug.12 (Xinhuanet) -- Russian scientists said they have discovered the wreck of an alien device at the site of an unexplained explosion in Siberia almost a hundred years ago, China Daily reported today, citing the Interfax news agency as the source. The scientists, who belong to the Tunguska space phenomenon public state fund, said they found the remains of an extra-terrestrial device that allegedly crashed near the Tunguska river in Siberia in 1908. Their findings also include a 50-kilogram (110-pound) rock which they have sent to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk for analysis. The Tunguska blast, in a desolate part of Siberia, remains one of the 20th century's biggest scientific mysteries. On June 30, 1908, what is widely believed to be a meteorite exploded a few kilometers above the Tunguska river, in a blast that was felt hundreds of kilometers (miles) away and devastated over 2,000 square kilometers of Siberian forest.
  10. Stephen Joseph

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    It's never bothered me the rich pay more...they benefit the most from the property protection rights due to the government but then again, I don't think you were speaking to me, were you?
  11. Stephen Joseph

    booking for next weeks show

    Given what Joseph said...hell yeah!
  12. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for the 8/12 HD~! from Vancouver,BC

    no thats just me
  13. Stephen Joseph

    booking for next weeks show

    What's going on with Cappa? You'll find out!
  14. Stephen Joseph

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    Please, Heffron connects better and has a better delivery. You can tell his talking style works.
  15. Stephen Joseph

    Calif. Court Voids S.F. Same-Sex Marriages

    I'm awaiting Supreme Court Goodness...
  16. I think an apology is in order, for not reading the thread ...
  17. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    Earned Income Tax Credit. One of the best tools we have to fight poverty. I feel that there would be some clause under a sales tax that would also do the same for the poor. Half the point of a sales tax would be to get people to actually see how much money they pay in taxes...and maybe then we'd get the ball rolling on reducing that debt (12% of all tax receipts go to pay its interest i think) Honestly, I prefer a flat tax, but anything's better than the shit we have now
  18. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    This is an incredibly weird day. Either two libbies are agreeing with me, or im in agreement with two libbies. Thanks WildBomb. I took like the idea of actually paying off the debt. Of course, if we can't I will certaintly try to pass it off on my kids.
  19. Stephen Joseph

    Why can't we have this hear?

    I'm sure my boss will listen to me. Right... Good point T
  20. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for the 8/12 HD~! from Vancouver,BC

    It's our secret happy place aka Glass Ceiling Folder, for DA MODS~! really its where we goof off and post stuff for shows and org stuff
  21. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    It's the most painless way to pay off the debt. It's like we go on a weight control plan, but we still get our burgers. It's been suggested alot. However, because special interests can bring more money and influence to bear on a topic than the rest of general public that is not largely affected by the increased spending on one program thats being lobbyied for, its very difficult to constrain growth when your electablity depends on increasing funds to your funders. And honestly, America's in a world of hurt if it continues to grow its government budget faster than it grows its economy. But that's 10-15 years away. This is amazing, Tyler and I are agreeing...wow. =)
  22. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    Considering you and I agreed a few posts ago on Education, I would not cut education. That's one public good the government can provide better than the private market...imho. So are you saying public schools are better than private? Also, most public schools get only 12% of their government allocated funding. I never said public schools are better than private. I said as a whole, the private market fails to allocate resources towards this public good better than if the ability of the public sector to provide for the public good. A public good is NOT necessarily a public school,as you think i said. A public good is education. I advise that you look up the meanings of the words I used because assuming what I'm saying. I was referring to the allocation of education as a good across society. I have no problem with private schools. They fill a niche that's important and help create more of the public good, education. Also, I'm referring mainly to K-12, not college which I believe is where your funding numbers come from. Basic education is a public good and typically public goods are best administered by a governing body, not through individual private action.
  23. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    yes percent. And the idea's been around for about 20 years...it was started by a group of conservative economists around gramm-rudman-hollings time
  24. Stephen Joseph

    Booking for the 8/12 HD~! from Vancouver,BC

    match in gcf
  25. Stephen Joseph

    Conservative economics

    Considering you and I agreed a few posts ago on Education, I would not cut education. That's one public good the government can provide better than the private market...imho. Our defense spending is some ludicrious sum, like greater than the next 7 largest combined or something. Could we? Maybe? What I'd actually rather do is kill fiscal policy. It's effects are lagged, unpredictable, and monetary policy seems so much more capable of keeping inflation/prices/and the economy in check. So I'd kill fiscal policy for the time being with a rule. Budgets can grow at the following rate: [GPD Growth (previous year) + GDP Growth expected (this year)]/2 - .5 That way, we'd have room to grow as the economy grew, but we'd eventually start creating a surplus to pay down the debt, and no programs would have to be cut. Talk about creating an incentive for the government to pursue growth then, cause thats the only way it could grow! Double Goodness!