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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2006

    Halfway Done <--1st Place Boo Ya Ka Sha!
  2. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2006

    treb, Kazmir is a great pitching keeper. Excellent move I think
  3. Stephen Joseph

    Earth's temperature at 2,000 year high

    We go through changes in climate due to small changes in the earth's position to the sun, which is cycical
  4. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2006

    All I want to say is LIRIANO = CY YOUNG 2007 He'll be a top 5 pick next year...except in this league, cause I am KEEPING him!
  5. Stephen Joseph

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    If that was a makeup call, it must have made up for alot of calls. You dont call a makeup penalty IN THE BOX!
  6. Stephen Joseph

    Major TNA Impact spoiler from PWInsider

    I think it would be preferable to have their STAR win it at BFG, rather than Defend it. I would be more inclined to purchase it for the title change than for a successful title defense. Means more.
  7. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2006

    I have completely punted saves. Using Liriano and Nolasco as SP's in the RP slot. Muwahahahaha
  8. Stephen Joseph

    OAO Slammiversary Thread

    That's the impression I had about the Steiner/Joe match too. I thought the garbage match opener worked well. Got the crowd excited. Right team went over. Gotta give D'amore props for busting out a moonsault and looking...competent? in the ring. Decent filler. Spot-Monkeys Who doesn't love Nash? Seriously, his delivery is gold. Shelley is right there too. (10 guys with knives?) No problems with the Joe/Steiner ending...Sets up another match. Sad to see Senshi led to the slaughter that is Joe. Absolutely wonderful tag team match. Loved the many false finishes. Thought the main event built on the story that was going into it. I'm smelling a Xian turn soon, but with the belt still around his waist. Love Cornette
  9. Stephen Joseph

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Umm I know alot of the facts. Kind of did alot of research when the theories started to fly around I can conclude that planes were hijacked, people died, and there was no government conspiracy. Wahoo, do you know what Occam's Razor is? If so, apply it here
  10. Stephen Joseph

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2006

    Well Iggy, it always happens that once the leader gets cocky, something happens. Sorry it was Pujols, I'm kind of glad I picked 2nd in the draft now. Right now, I am hoping that Beltran is okay, and not out for 2-6 weeks like Pujols, though with Floyd out, Beltran pretty much has to play for them this week. It's easy enough to plug in Outfielders. My Pitching is not the best, but Schmidt sure has been nice. Punting saves I was doing, might go back to that. But still, two months in and this is where I am? I can live with that.
  11. Stephen Joseph

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Dude Stephen Joseph Not Johnson. I mean, I got a Johnson, but it ain't my last name. Dig?
  12. Stephen Joseph

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Someone should read Popular Mechanics. I'm sorry, but either this government is the greatest two-faced most brilliant and evil entity out there or its just wholly incompetent when it comes to wars, feeding the poor, taxing us, and yes, preventing terrorism. I think I'll believe that the government is just completely incompetent. There have been many instances where conspiracy theorists have quoted people out of context or use people's "description of what it was like" to be the literal truth. There was no conspiracy. Two planes hit the towers. A plane hit the pentagon. People lost loved ones. Please take your whackjob theories elsewhere. You're doing a disservice to liberals everywhere (yeah, I said it)
  13. Stephen Joseph

    Interview with John Perkins

    I read the book. I found it interesting. He readily admits to over-dramatizing parts and splicing conversations together. I don't doubt that the experiences he had were true. I do doubt just how sinister it all it...came off to me as a little over the top. Wouldn't suprise me if it was partly true though. (the whole economic empire thing, i mean) Still, I'm a proponent of globalization and all that, but does point out that our motives are not exactly always what they should be im reading Jeffrey Sachs's End of Poverty and another book White Man's Burden now, both about the African poverty and health problems...good reads but heavy on the econ
  14. Stephen Joseph

    X-Men 3

    This movie was made so much better because it had the snakes on a plane teaser
  15. Stephen Joseph


    For the Lost Web-Maze, go to lost-tv (.com, .org)? their messageboard section has a section dedicated to this online game being played
  16. Stephen Joseph


    No plane crashed after the credits. Firstly, I'd like to take a bow. Turns out I was right about the whole elctro-magnetic properties of the island. Huzzah. Secondly, the first explains the 325 compass heading. There's only 1 axis in a magnetic field where one could travel and not have the compass change directions wrongly. I believe that is the compass heading Michael was given. Let's see if he follows it About the 4-toed statue. For what its worth, Bigfoot has 4 toes. But it looked ancient civ...yet another fun thing. Nice to see that the Purgatory/Other World/Time Travel theories were all shot down in the last two minutes. There is no official word on whether Desmond is dead. Finally, getting captured was Jack's (err Sayid's) plan all along. Did you see the non-verbal communication between Michael, Jack, and Kate. Kudos goes to Sawyer, who killed an Other.
  17. Stephen Joseph


    The BigFoot has 4 toes Casts of "footprints" of BigFoot show 4 toes.
  18. Stephen Joseph


    In the Lost Webmaze, there's apparently a few groups who have been trying to find the island. They are: Hanso Candle/Snowman Widmore Penny Widmore the 4 toed statue is freaky...it was also HUGE!, like Colossus Huge.
  19. Stephen Joseph


  20. Stephen Joseph


    Everything that Ive seen shows the big spoilers on the last page to be false. they were invented by a poster on abc's lost boards who watches the preview clips and then invents a story to go with them
  21. Stephen Joseph


    The spoiler could mean anything...but it came from an uber reliable source
  22. Please post what characters you control in this thread. I will compile a list and make it a sticky.
  23. Stephen Joseph


    The spoiler above was started by a poster on abc's lost boards who is known to have posted fake spoiler 2 times before...he never has posted something correct he seems to take the previewss and then create the episode...dont believe it
  24. Stephen Joseph

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    You do realize that I live a mile from the Pentagon right? Planes fly in VERY close to ground level ALL THE TIME in the Rosslyn/Pentagon area, because Reagan National Airport is less than 1 mile away from the Pentagon on the Potomac. There enough eyewitness reports of the plane hitting that there's no question that a plane hit the Pentagon. But if you want to beleive in a conspiracy, go right ahead. http://usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive/2005.../28-581634.html
  25. Stephen Joseph


    Nice too see Sayid still is thinking like a champ. You know, not a bad portrayal of an Iraqi. Smartest guy on the island, bangs the hottie, and still eats his Wheaties.