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Stephen Joseph

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Everything posted by Stephen Joseph

  1. Stephen Joseph


    No. They're all completely false.
  2. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    My weakness~! :: Popick slinks off holding his kneecap from the treachorous Baseball Bat...vows vengenace after eating ice cream
  3. TSA's allright, a little on the allknowningly nympho variety, but eh, nothing too offensive. Astro or Unger. Their lack of intelligence as presented in the CE folder is astounding. EDIT: Though we don't get along boardwise, I'd have to meet C-Dub and apologize for being an ass at times. I really don't think his sense of humor and personality is that far off from many of my friends. Damn shame really. Oh yeah...Dames...He stole my board...or something. (just kidding people)
  4. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    Wow, CWM, what did I say again? Oh that's right, I'm an annoying asshole. Fine. I'll try harder and be even worse from here on out. So much for bad humor eh?
  5. Stephen Joseph

    Just Clearing the Air

    Yeah, and that mean's I'm so not Urkel, because I'm cool all the time. What? The damn A/C won't turn off in the office...
  6. Stephen Joseph

    Showtime at the Apollo?

    Here in DC they show the old show with Steve Harvey hosting at about 1am.
  7. Stephen Joseph


    I couldn't bring myself to watch it again. What I'd miss?
  8. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    You said I looked good in this makeup... YOU LIED! I'm never calling you again *sniff* /aside...Anyone here stay current on RedvsBlue, theyve got a character named Caboose that's freaking hilarious. check it out doods. /back in character ::Decides hitting people with random objects sucks, so SJ picks up a harmonica and starts wailing and singing "Just Wait" by Blues Traveler
  9. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    But I'm not everyone else... Boo Ya~! ::Ignores Caboose::
  10. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Well, yours is so white and shiny it just kinda is a light in the darkness... ::starts singing "Blinded by the Light~!" And for good measure turns Zack around and Finalizes him onto ohhh Al Gore
  11. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Whatever... ::Adds in an extra sledgeshot 'tween the cheeks' for good measure Heel Zack~! < Heel Stephen Joseph
  12. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Like any good heel ::No sells:: ::pants's Zack, revealing Screech thong~!
  13. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::picks up nearby aWo-Sledge:: ::heelishly waffles HEEL ZACK~! across the noggin::
  14. Stephen Joseph


    I LOVED this show, and will so be watching tonight~! /sarcasm Actually, I will watch it tonight, if just for the sheer value of laughing my ass of at how BAD this is. Stupid Stupid things 1) Bike Dood. Tower Falling, directly over the street you're on. Pedal faster, or turn and go down a street the tower is not falling parallel too? Obviously, keep going straight and get smushed. 2) The President's dialogue. Can you get more freaking cheesy and cliched? I don't think its possible. 3) The President...again. So you tell the guy "Do Whatever" and then you question him when he tells you the plan. 4) Who THE FUCK builds train tracks over a damn fault line? 5) Yeah...that Golden Gate looked real...anyone notice the "screaming" cute. 6) You're the governor of California. YOU"RE NOT DIVORCED. I hate Contrived plot devices. 7) Was the daughter cast as just the requisite hottie in jeans to keep us watching...because that's all she's good for and I'd rather have her be offed right now. Stick something in her mouth please...But she'll "learn a great truth or some bs" 8) Poisonous gas ruptures, guy doesn't die. Breathing in oxygen after you've inhaled the gas isn't going to help and bring them back that fast. 9) Contrived Plot Device #2 - FEMA dood's son is a doctor in Cali. Please. 10) Fucking Drama Queens~! 11) Completely unrealistic "super-fault" premise Uhh uhh...Entertainment...It's entertaining me for all the wrong reasons...It's sooo laughably bad!
  15. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    Angelslayer Slay al Negar(s) RACIST~! you can't just go and add letters to my name, otherwise I could change your name to Ripper(likesskinnywhitechicks) Your MPP is zero, asshole MPP? Marginal Product of huh? Marginal Physical Product Maybe I should've said MLP (Marginal Labor Product) No. If CWM has gone nice and Banky's gone sublime, someone needs to pick up the slack around here Yes Agnes, MPL, not MPP Carry on your flaming, ya flamer~!
  16. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    Your MPP is zero, asshole MPP? Marginal Product of huh? Frick that, I don't even know what you're trying to say. But this is CWM's thread of positivity, so you know, be positive or something. If you keeps chips on your shoulder, someone's just going to dip them in salsa and eat them.
  17. Stephen Joseph

    Just Clearing the Air

    If that's true, then I'm TSM's grinch
  18. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    I work for the government I have work to do? I thought I just sat here and took your hard earned tax dollars
  19. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    Yeah, I'm with Alfdogg on this one
  20. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    Yes. Yes you should. Can't help you though, not Catholic =( But seriously, what's with the turnaround C-dub?
  21. Stephen Joseph

    To everyone that I've been mean too

    You did all that? Well umm...gee...I had no idea...never got any gay poorn, Jesse never emailed, and no one's called my cell. Oops. They all changed =) Thanks though!
  22. Stephen Joseph

    If I were to suddenly die...

    Reasonably related point: Swing dancing, not ballroom dancing =)
  23. Stephen Joseph

    OK America, Defend this

    4 Civilian contractors, ambushed, killed, mutilated, hung in effigy. Does that answer your question, or was that a rhetorical one? If it was, it doesn't make for a very effective point.
  24. Stephen Joseph

    IndyMedia and Pat Tillman

    Back on TOPIC~!!!! Rene(if image not working) That's the kid who wrote that Tillman was a Rambo wannabe. I think I made my point. Proceed
  25. Stephen Joseph

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::Waffles Cabbose with a Chair Shot as well::