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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home


    Where have all the jolly fat people gone?
  2. At Home

    American Pride and Nationalism

    I'm taking a comprehensive class in the advents of Communism and Fascism in the 20th century, so..
  3. At Home

    American Pride and Nationalism

    Then, by that definition, there are no capitalist countries in the world. We're all socialists. I think a better term for what you're referring to is "mixed economy." On the scale from laissez faire to socialism the US tilts further toward laissez faire than almost all other developed countries, with the possible exception of Australia (maybe). No, the definition of socialism is to take measures against Laissez Faire capitalists. So, yes, by that definition, there are no capitalist countries. The modern definition of socialism is equated with countries like Switzerland or those other middle European cold countries. That's not incorrect, but it's also not the definition of socialism. To reiterate: socialism is to take any measures at all against Laissez Faire capitalism. Period. It's not the government controlling the economy in it's totality.
  4. At Home

    American Pride and Nationalism

    Ultimate Communism is the actual philosophical name for the state reached after all countries have progressed from a single proletariat dictatorship. No joke.
  5. At Home

    American Pride and Nationalism

    1. A Communist society must be worldwide or else it does not exist. Not in many countries, but in ALL countries. This is why you had such major conflicts, and thus the rise of Fascism, in Europe after WWI: the possibility of Communist uprisings in the midst of the sordid post-war conditions. Before going worldwide, there exists the PROLETARIAT DICTATORSHIP, basically a dictatorship. Much like Fascism where the dictator, king, Duce, whatever, rules on behalf of the transcendent State, the Proletariat Dictator rules on behalf of Communist doctrine. 2. Communism was the official name of the Bolshevik Party after Lenin changed it in like 1919 I think. 3. A Communist society is, yes, a classless society (<- the intensely watered down version) so therefore it has never existed. Socialism is NOT the closest any society has ever come to this. That's ludicrous. Socialism defines the classes like no one's business; i.e., workers, businessmen, etc. Fascism, in theory, has come closer to a classless society than Socialism ever has. If you read Hegel (specifically The Philosophy of the Right), it clearly defines that through the denial of individualism, classes mean nothing, and are therefore abolished. Of course, no truly fascist state has lasted longer than like 20 years. Remember, one must clearly define the boundaries between Fascists and Authoritarians and Monarchists/Tsarists/etc. 4. Most countries are socialist. The United States is a socialist country. By definition, if you are not Laissez Faire Capitalist, you are a socialist. Any measure that detracts from Laissez Faire Capitalism is socialist: strikes, minimum wage, union, any sort of hour restrictions. The US is a VERY socialist country. 5. Communism isn't technically the name of a government system. In Ultimate Communism, there is virtually no government. It's almost tribal. Hunters and gatherers were primitive Communists. They did not have any possessions, they just simply used and recycled whatever they needed without keeping it. Localized farming created capitalism through the creation of "possessions." Anyways, the main government system up until that point is the Proletariat Dictatorship, and then Ultimate Communism. There are some things to remember about Karl Marx and the Communist doctrine as well. a. Karl Marx never worked a day in his life. b. Communism is based upon 19th century Russian agrarian and worker conflicts. c. Communism is based upon the central philosophy that they are right and you are wrong.
  6. At Home

    American Pride and Nationalism

    God bless the US of fuckin' A
  7. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    But.... I'm..... white......
  8. At Home

    Daft Punk - Electroma

    DVD? Hah. $20 on the fact that this will come out exclusively on LaserDisk.
  9. At Home

    Daft Punk - Electroma

    The Holy Mountain '07 REMIX
  10. In 8th grade, I was at a camp thing, and this girl flashed her friend and I was standing right next to him, so I got a glimpse. Her just-began-puberty boobs were hairy. HAIRY. Not like a coconut, but they had actual hair on them. Dark hair too.
  11. At Home

    The Youtube thread

  12. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Well that answers the question from day one of "Is Pikachu male or female ?" Okay, the thing to understand about pokemon is that
  13. At Home

    Daft Punk - Electroma

    I think it already appeared at various film festivals... don't expect to see this one in theatres.
  14. At Home

    Guitar Hero.

    360. Hands down. I don't even have a 360 (I have a Wii). Hands fucking down. The Wii's graphics (although, did they seem to get better or something? Patch?) are atrocious. And my copy is all laggy at the home screen. Wii
  15. They do. Call me racist. They do.
  16. At Home

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    Funny story about Xanax (not really) Me and some friends returning home from college would smoke pretty much every night in the little park in front of my high school (holy shit i'm cool). We'd get the occasional homeless guy sleeping in the little bathrooms a short walk from the benches that we were sitting at, but if we got lucky, Laptop Guy (or as I called him, Stabby McCutskids) who was basically a homeless guy who had a laptop and played flight simulator for hours, would show up. One of my friend's friends decides to go smoke with him real quick, and he gives them a Xanax in return for being so hip and chill with him. What? Total mind blower.
  17. At Home

    Asian People Suck At Driving.

    I think we can all agree that pickup trucks driven by women are the absolute bane of the universe. What do they need to prove?
  18. At Home

    Daft Punk - Electroma

    Well these guys made electronica music, so it's okay.
  19. At Home

    Wanna hear Dog the Bounty Hunter say "nigger"?

    He lives about 3 miles from where I live. I've been in front of his house a couple times running. Seems like a nice fella.
  20. At Home

    Wii Numbers

    Guitar Hero 3 - 154733530073 Pbone's the name.
  21. At Home

    Wanna hear Dog the Bounty Hunter say "nigger"?

    Hah, he's talking about how he's not going to risk his career because some nigger might hear him say nigger. Ironysicles
  22. At Home

    Best Song of 2007

    O plz You know that Bloodtrocuted and Thunderhorse are both infinitely better songs.
  23. At Home

    Guitar Hero.

    Okay, I've been playing for a full day now and have beat campaign mode on both Medium and Hard. So here's my final take. The Good: Awesome gameplay, can't really get much better than this(?). Pretty good online program, doesn't feel laggy. Good campaign mode. I love the battle feature! Many of the grievances of GH2 answered and solved in this version. The window for a note has been increased (thank god), but there isn't any decrease in difficulty. The Bad: Despite it's greatness, I would've like to have seen a stronger song roster. I'd keep about 70% of the songs, but the other 30% keep GH3 from being awesome. No "Free Bird"! I think that GH2 had a stronger song roster. That optical illusion thing. A lack of unlockables! You just pay for shit! That sucks! No real surprises. The characters pretty much suck as well. I was expecting more cool characters, but instead you get a lot of the same characters in GH2, plus a few unexciting ones. The Ugly: The fucking graphics. On Wii, they're absolutely sloppy. 360 and PS3 have great graphics for this game, but the Wii's look like it was built for the Gamecube or Dreamcast. Piece of shit. But you're really not spending that much time looking at the graphics. It's still a let down nonetheless. Overall: A good damned game. Will keep me entertained for hours. I'll not stop until I can complete a song on Expert.
  24. At Home

    Guitar Hero.

    Looks fine on my HDTV. Besides.. graphics aren't that important for this type of game, really. Seriously? I'm playing it on an HDTV (though I don't think it's even in 480p so an HDTV doesn't matter) and it looks just atrociously bad. I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter since you're looking at the fretboard pretty much the whole time, but damn it's got some terrible graphics. Even the menus and stuff are muddy and pixelated. Look at the text that pops up that goes "YOU ROCK" when you beat a song. How the hell do they make TEXT look so shitty? Does it suck as bad on the other systems or is it just the Wii version. I don't really care, the game's fun as hell though. +1, but it makes me want a 360 that much more. Is anyone else getting some sort of crazy optical illusion effect when you look away and everything seems to be moving up? I think I should stop playing, my brain hurts. On another note, I'm becoming satisfactory in Hard.