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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Makin' Music with Peter Bone

    Well I hardly have ever worked with fruity loops, but that was a couple of years ago. The most comprehensive DAW I've used is Pro Tools, the industry standard, but Logic and Live will give me pretty much the same results, if not more.
  2. At Home

    Makin' Music with Peter Bone

    That, coupled with the fact that he'll never get a Pitchfork review, is probably why he's a sad black man.
  3. At Home

    Makin' Music with Peter Bone

    Well, that's why BB King plays blues and doesn't get invited to Bonnaroo.
  4. No, they aren't. Then I assure you your social circle is the exception, not the rule. I'm not talking about about rhetorical evidence, I'm telling you that saying "men are inherently more reasonable and logical than women" is unfounded. There's no neurological evidence to support saying this, children don't exhibit differences in reasoning abilities between the sexes, and the differences between women and men in regards to "logical" thinking (as opposed to, I assume, emotional thinking) are almost entirely conditioned through development and explained through phenomena like stereotype threat. When you say "men are better than women at math," you're exhibiting a social attitude as well as a statement. Men are encouraged to be good in math because it's gender-appropriate for them to do so, and the exact opposite is true for women. Math encourages vertical, logical thinking (breaking down situations into parts, etc), so it's no wonder that a male-dominated discipline like math would lead to a statement that men are inherently more reasonable and logical. I'm not going to base my entire statement around math, but that's the deal with gender-appropriate tasks and stereotype threat. Women simply aren't encouraged to be logical thinkers because a) that's assumed to be the role of the men, and b) their role is to be emotional thinkers. It's too common to not notice. But if you're going to tell me that there's something genetically programmed from a little zygote and social conditioning has nothing to do with anything at all, I'm calling bullshit.
  5. At Home

    Covering Coverage

    No one messes with Joe.
  6. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    But the entire country isn't borrowing, only the government is. So it would be like if a guy who made $300,000 a year borrowed $80,000 to fix a house that cost $1.6 million.
  7. At Home

    Faith No More Are Back!

    Mr. Bungle and Lovage are the only two Mike Patton projects that are listenable.
  8. At Home

    Covering Coverage

  9. At Home

    Mellow's sig is stretching out my screen

    Word. Use what works then. Check out that Ableton sampler video, you can do a lot of cool FM stuff with it. You might want to check out the Korg Nano series. I have the pads and the keys, but I'm selling the pads (my MIDI keyboard has pads on them already). You can do a lot of cool shit with them, and they're not very expensive at all. Try to find a free version of this, too: http://www.sugar-bytes.de/content/products...dex.php?lang=en
  10. At Home

    Mellow's sig is stretching out my screen

    VSTI's, I think so. Are audio units a Mac thing? There's no Mac version of FL. I like it because it offers a fuckload of virtual instruments and the piano roll is easy to navigate, unlike GarageBand. I should mention that I don't do any actual recording, just sample sequencing. Of course if you're recording vocals or live instruments FL is not the best choice. Audio units are indeed a Mac thing. You should check out Ableton Live though, it's the tits, and comes with a shitload of instruments as well. I do a lot of recording, so having that available to me is necessary. That's why I use Logic for most stuff. You might want to check out this website too: createdigitalmusic.com. Good resources there. Do you have any sort of set up, or is it just the computer? http://www.ableton.com/sampler
  11. At Home

    Anybody here seen "The Wrestler"?

    I met the guy from Haiku Tunnel today in Berkeley.
  12. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    The annual budget is only $3 trillion, though.
  13. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    You have to define Communism there. High tax rates on businesses certainly isn't the only factor in motivating where a company is and how it produces. Obviously, wherever a company is, by its very existence, it is an attempt to make as much money as possible with the capital it has. If the United States has a high business tax rate, but is an economic center for the world, a business will see it to be more profitable to locate itself here than in, say, Ireland, where taxes are much less. Obviously, there are loopholes to go around this like outsourcing labor to less developed countries, but the flow of workers is mainly within developed countries, and the numbers really aren't that significant. The demand curve of the economy is in trouble now because of expectations. If people are afraid that they may lose their jobs, they're going to save. If people are afraid that prices are going to go up, they'll save. If they're afraid that their hours may be cut or their salary may decrease, they're going to save. I'm trying to find any sort of general information for price increases/wage decreases for the last 6 months, but I'm not coming up with anything, and I don't want to argue a point without something to back it up with. If anyone would like to present some, that would be nice. Wait, found some, courtesy of the SF Fed. http://www.frbsf.org/publications/economic...ews/graph_1.pdf So, according to the SF Fed, prices are dropping. Might want to construct your argument again if you're going to trust my source, because it undermines your entire premise. Also, any sort of credence to "the government is trying to convince them that what they're seeing is not reality and these things are still good investments" would be useful too. Furthermore, regarding the stimulus package: (I can't link to the photo, but it's the last graph on the .pdf up there) Also, I don't agree with you saying that it's not a liquidity problem. For instance, (let's look at credit liquidity) my father's business has a line of credit of several hundred thousand dollars. Say the bank that this line of credit belongs to decapitates it, and knocks it down 30% less available money in the off-season of the business cycle. That 30% is devastating. That's enough to bankrupt a company, or at least get a bunch of people fired. (Thankfully, that didn't happen). Have that happen to a series of businesses, employment jumps up, and the whole cycle gets worse. Bank of America and Citi are poised to lose billions over the next few years, and there is zero chance that they're going to have enough capital to cover those losses. The private investors aren't going to be able to restore capital to these banks, and if they are to become any sort of effective again, they need capital and the government is essentially the only source for this capital. In terms of interest rates, I think it's fair to say that we're in a liquidity trap for home loans. Interest rates are basically zero, and they aren't having any sort of effect whatsoever. I do think, however, that what we have now isn't nearly enough. The taxpayer is being forced to bear far too much risk, and the FDIC should just go ahead and temporarily nationalize these shitty banks (which it has been doing).
  14. At Home

    Mellow's sig is stretching out my screen

    Fruity Loops is not great. If you're looking for a DAW, get Behringer's energyXT 2.5. It's free, and it works pretty goddamned well. I use Logic and Ableton Live myself. Can FL even host vsti's and audio units?
  15. At Home

    Mellow's sig is stretching out my screen

    Are you on an Apple II or something?
  16. At Home

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    I said I would post in threads in that interest me... All of them?
  17. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Nail, head
  18. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Somewhat. She went back and forth between Hawaii when I was living there. Met her a few times at some parties. She sucks.
  19. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Uhg, I actually know that girl. She makes me want to kill myself.
  20. At Home

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    Josh Brolin has the best shot at pulling off the upset Bullshit. Philip Seymour Hoffman is going to take it.
  21. At Home

    Chris Brown

    Haha, you are so wrong.
  22. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    And then there is the massive tidal wave of actual economists (not ideologues) who agree that something needs to be done. Let's not talk about Glenn Beck, thanks. There wasn't any points that were made there. He gave 30 seconds of yelling to fellow stockbrokers about how the government shouldn't buy up these bad mortgages (which it isn't) and "paying the losers." Great.