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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Apple Pro Speakers

    Selling apple pro speakers. I think you need a mac to work them due to the special jack, but they work perfectly. $8.95 for shipping, paypal only please.
  2. At Home

    Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor

  3. At Home

    Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor

    Bought this a while back because my guitar was producing lots of feedback into my amp. Solved the problem, don't need it anymore. I'm a photographer and I'm buying a $1,100+ lens. k. If interested, PM me or post here. Paypal is my preferred method.
  4. At Home

    Bush looks after his friends

    Yeah, apathy is rampant in this country. It seems like the people in the US only care about two things: not takin' my gun away and gas prices.
  5. At Home

    I need money.

    Dude, that's like asking me to drink less water... In actuality though, I have cut down severely. I've even become a fucking scavenger smoker. Ugh. Only for a few more weeks though.
  6. At Home


    i loved zelda. the key is just not to flail around with it. a simple wrist flick will suffice. metroid 3 + super mario galaxy + super smash bros brawl = joygasm
  7. At Home


    i loved zelda. the key is just not to flail around with it. a simple wrist flick will suffice. metroid 3 + super mario galaxy + super smash bros brawl = joygasm
  8. At Home

    Bush looks after his friends

    Keith Olberman requested bush to resign today. It's not like it's going to get anything done, but it was a good monologue. Bush is just kind of a dick anyways and he's doing whatever the hell he and his cabinet wants to do. Lame duckism in its best. To make matters worse, Democrats are buying into this bipartisan bullshit when they should be grabbing the reins and making serious reform. The whole "reaching across the aisle" scheme is a shining example of a complete lack of democrat backbone. It's fucked up. Even with democratic control of the house and senate, the republicans are filibustering every piece of legislation that the democrats put forward, which is just about as ironic as they come seeing as how the democrats came under intense fire from the grand ole assholes for filibustering the alito confirmation as well as other pieces of legislation. Yeah, Obama '08 motherfucker.
  9. At Home

    I need money.

    I'm a jamba jew. the manager is out so I haven't started yet, but I doubt i'll get my paycheck in time.
  10. At Home

    I need money.

    already tried that. used more than sold.
  11. At Home

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    Also, HOT FUZZ is going to be on HD DVD july 31st. I think that HD DVD is going to ultimately pull through just because its cheaper, also just so sony can get their asses kicked again just like betamax.
  12. At Home


    Another interesting time for me was the day that I got the Wizard's Staff, my bong. It was pretty much made by merlin and has transcended like 5 names: the meteor hammer, mace windtube, jungle-jalula, child abuse, and now the wizard's staff. It was on 4/20, which was the day that my dad decided to have his birthday party. I locked myself in my room and proceeded to get utterly wasted (wasted as in not able to walk) while I heard people come in and out of the house. My parents yelled at me for what seemed like hours to come out of my room and meet the guests, which I reluctantly did. I also had to sing happy birthday to my dad which just turned into incoherent mumbling noises, and I got sweaty doing it. It was pretty unreal. After that I told everyone I was feeling sick, and then went back into my room and stared at the iTunes visualizer for 3 hours.
  13. At Home

    I'm stupid

    I paid $125 for a seminar in Photoshop CS3 today, and it was a really good seminar and worth it for sure, but as soon as I got home, I forgot everything. I even wrote it down.
  14. At Home


  15. At Home


    speaking of cars, there are plenty of nice smoke spots in a certain wealthy neighborhood. I parked there with my friend, turned on the radio and lit up. Of course, the battery ran out and it went from happytime fun sesh to defcon 5 crisis. Luckily, the neighbor had some jump cables and we got the car up and running.
  16. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    yeah. i accidentally hit the reply button. but that's the button.
  17. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i created a little paypal donate button. I can't figure out how to link it here though. Here's the button though:
  18. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    A new lens. I'm getting a $1,000 lens already, so that's why I don't have anything else to sell. I seriously had to jump through hoops of fire to raise the money. The lens costs $500, and I have a little under $300. It also has a nice rebate deal on it ($50!), but it expires on the 14th. I'm a Jamba Jew, but I don't start until, hopefully, this week and I don't know when I'll be paid or what's the deal with payroll. i mean drugs
  19. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I need to make $200 in a little less than 2 weeks. So far, i've been utilizing craigslist and eBay to do my bidding, but I can't predict their success. Anyone have any ideas? I've already sold everything short of my body.
  20. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    its up and running guyz srsly
  21. At Home


  22. At Home


    Ghostride The Whip: Easily the best thing black people have invented. Seriously. Basically, you roll down the windows on your ride and pump the shit real loud, and then you put the car on cruise control or neutral and you dance next to your car as it goes down the road, or you just relax on the windshield. Ya, amirite?
  23. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    we should have a thread dedicated to drug and/or alcohol experiences
  24. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Last night I got really high at a beach with three of my friends. The guy that was the designated driver ended up getting chased by all of us because we pretended we were animals. The cops eventually came because one of the guys thought it was a good idea to howl for 45 minutes straight, and then we split up. I couldn't find them, and then I thought they got their heads cut off. I found them and then we went to a local restaurant and had apple napples, which are these delectable little pastries.
  25. At Home


    Warren from Against Me! guh. look at that beard. grizzly adams Edit: