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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. Czech, Kinetic, Slayer, VX Gary Floyd, KOAB, Xavier Cromartie, Edwin, Smartly Pretty, Amnesia Ten?
  2. At Home

    The YouTube comments thread.

    i have never been so moved in my life a pure feet of brillance
  3. At Home

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Al Franken picked up close to 1000 votes in MN, now has 225 vote lead. http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/01/fra...te-lead-on.html
  4. Probably because you make the cock harder.
  5. At Home

    Pictures I Like

  6. At Home

    More Middle East turmoil

    I'm not surprised, considering that virtually the entire fucking Middle East doesn't even acknowledge their existence.
  7. At Home

    More Middle East turmoil

    A lot of Israeli Jews favor a peace process.
  8. At Home


    I have the sound file of this, it's categorized under "blues"
  9. At Home

    Matt Young's Smug Facial Expression

    My penis certainly does not care about her back.
  10. At Home

    US demise not exaggerated

    http://www.lao.ca.gov/2006/cal_facts/2006_calfacts_econ.htm $31 billion in real farm production in 2006 for California.
  11. At Home

    Matt Young's Smug Facial Expression

    "The masses" you're speaking of is 4chan and collegehumor. It's really no surprise that she shut them down.
  12. At Home

    So how was your 2008?

    Graduated high school, got my own place, moved out, lost my virginity, committed a number of felonies, picked up biking, lost 4 inches off my waist, and got invited to the secret board. **
  13. At Home

    Matt Young's Smug Facial Expression

    Amanda Wenk, the one in the center, is pretty much a camwhore. Fixed
  14. At Home


    There's some good reggae like Jimmy Cliff and some Wailers, but sometimes it gets too one-track for me. I saw Steel Pulse live one time, and it was just a bunch of old Jamaican fuckers with ultra-long dreds and not a single coherent thought.
  15. At Home

    US demise not exaggerated

    But unfortunately, you'd need California because of our agriculture and economy, otherwise you guys would die But I'm all for Cascadia. BC too. Why would you guys create a new country if it didn't include Hollywood?
  16. At Home

    The Bush Years Compendium

    Saw Obama a couple days ago. I'm back in Hawaii for Christmas break. He was eating a big hamburger.
  17. At Home

    Gran Torino

    I'm patiently waiting its SF debut.
  18. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I support the law ten times over.
  19. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    HA HA, race relations
  20. At Home

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Man this thread has really taken a turn for the worse
  21. At Home


    Hella fuckin' balls to the wall awesome.
  22. At Home

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Butthole thing.