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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    How am I trolling?

    Only one?
  2. At Home

    How am I trolling?

  3. At Home

    Which poster would you most like to hang out with?

    He just fucking sucks. No rhyme to reason.
  4. At Home

    The 2008 Pitchfork 100

  5. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    What the hell.
  6. At Home

    The 2008 Pitchfork 100

    I'll be there too. Pooping.
  7. At Home

    The 2008 Pitchfork 100

    Fleet Foxes is my favorite band of 2008
  8. At Home

    Pictures I Like

  9. At Home

    Stupid, embarrassing shit you did as a kid

    1. I once buttered the monkey bars on a friend's play set. 2. Sweatpants almost every day in Jr. High. 3. Tied a volleyball net between two cabinets. Played with a friend, he fell into the net, cabinets came a-crashing down. 4. Wrote swear words on everything that allowed for some degree of anonymity. 5. Instructed a friend to beat at a cardboard box I was inside with a bat. 6. Lit my sister on fire. Twice. 7. Drew moustaches on my face every day for 3 months in 2nd grade. 8. Threw a baseball bat at a kid for striking me out. 9. Once purposely threw up on a kid's bounce house because he got a present that I wanted.
  10. At Home

    The Bob Barron Comedy Lounge

    That is some convincing evidence if there ever was any.
  11. At Home

    The Bush Years Compendium

    Yep. Why do you think the first thing that the Iraqi people did when Saddam's statue came down was to stomp on his face?
  12. I guess we can agree to disagree. Wait, it wasn't sold as a popcorn movie, it was a popcorn movie. "Doing good in the world?" Bob, puh-leeze. I couldn't imagine a more hackneyed and cliche theme for a movie, and that's a supremely flimsy justification to like it. Was Spiderman I, II, The Punisher, both Incredible Hulks, the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, and every other possible movie that deals with the horribly worn out GOOD V. EVIL motif uplifted by their uninspiring use of it? I think not. There was absolutely nothing to Iron Man other than a big budget. The storyline was about as bland and predictable as they come, and even came with a healthy dose of Middle Eastern terrorists getting their asses blown away by a miniature rocket launcher! Hell-fucking-yeah! BAR was original and clever, that much is untouchable. Hell, even the action was better than Iron Man. I'll take that a couple thousand times over Jeff Bridges in a clumsy metal costume flipping over cars and falling through a building. Last but not least, Robert Downey Jr is an insufferable actor. I can't imagine him getting through one scene without his vision being severely blurred by a wanton desire to go pick up an 8 ball and call it a day with a thousand-dollar-an-hour escort. Fuck Iron Man.
  13. I think we can agree, however, that Burn After Reading and Iron Man represent two different movies. One was a huge-budget boner-fest of ass kicking and special effects targeted mainly at 13 year old boys, whereas the other was another clever dark humor from the Coen Brothers. I guess I have different standards of entertainment.
  14. At Home

    Which poster would you most like to hang out with?

    VX, KOAB, K-tic maybe
  15. At Home

    So which poster would you most like to fight?

    He's one of my favorites, but I think I could take that bitch.