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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. Who the fuck is voting Iron Man? Seriously, Iron Man?
  2. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    http://www.newyorkfed.org/research/staff_reports/sr358.html "Seismic Effects of the Bankruptcy Reform" By shifting risk from credit card lenders to mortgage lenders, the BAR (Bankruptcy Abuse Reform Act) of 2005 created approximately 32,000 new foreclosures per quarter since its inception.
  3. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...hreadid=3032867 The first post is a great comprehensive statistical and historical look at the situation.
  4. At Home

    The Bush Years Compendium

    http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/15/world/mi...15prexy.html?hp Believe it.
  5. At Home

    The Bush Years Compendium

    By the way, WaMu got picked up by Chase, they didn't need to bail them out. To say it's "clearly not working" is false. The bailout wasn't supposed to make the economy great again, it was a preventative measure against letting the credit crisis take any further casualties. The new capital is going to take time to take effect, and you can't just buy confidence.
  6. At Home


    My microwave only has 4 buttons for time: 10 minutes, 1 minute, 10 second, 1 second.
  7. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    That's debatable, but I'd say that the state we are in right now is preferable to an industry-wide banking and credit collapse. The capital that they received isn't going to have a one-month turnaround. It's going to take time.
  8. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    The credit crisis has stabilized, so well. It's not going to remove us from a recession. The auto bailout was blocked because Big Guvment dogma got in the way of practicality.
  9. TV: IASIP Movie: Burn After Reading
  10. At Home

    TSM 2008 Year-End Awards: Music

    I only liked a couple albums this year. Beck - Modern Guilt Fleet Foxes - S/T Joan of Arc - Boo Human
  11. I prefer them. I'd rather everything be cited than not, as well. You can just not read them.
  12. At Home

    WWE Folder sucks dick

  13. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    More Doug porn please
  14. CE PoTY: A late runner, Xavier Cromartie. Solely based on his "Somali Pirates" thread, which is structured in a professional and well-organized manner, he's the least firebrand, but most quite frequently the most informative person in the folder. Through him, we've all gained a much clearer understanding of the pirates issue, and the daily updates are something that I take great interest in. So, here's to Xavier.
  15. At Home

    The Bush Years Compendium

    Way to not understand the situation at all.
  16. At Home

    TSM 2008 Year-End Awards: The TSMmys

    Half white, all internet tough guy piece of shit.
  17. At Home

    Book recommendations

    It's not, I can guarantee you.
  18. At Home

    Hey guys let's invite Shaq to post here

    I will kick your ass in 6-7 months.
  19. At Home

    Hey guys let's invite Shaq to post here

    You can't steal that from me, Daniel.
  20. At Home

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    C*Z*E*C*H, Pizza Hut's Game Face