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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Book recommendations

    The Kite Runner, at the moment. What a boring book. Halfway through, and it's a biography of a fictional dad. The son is a weak character and the whole story has nothing to do with Afghanistan in the slightest.
  2. At Home

    I'm Calling Who Be Winning Da Poster Of Da Year Dis Year

    College basketball does suck.
  3. At Home

    TSM 2008 Year-End Awards: The TSMmys

    Thread of the Year - "My good friend died last night" Folder of the Year - CS Feud of the Year - Chazz & Cyber Mark Post of the Year - Will do later Dumbshit Moment of the Year- "" Worst Poster - EHME Funniest Poster - Kinetic TSMeme of the Year - Dunno
  4. At Home

    Somali Pirates

    Yay Dutch!
  5. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    These little fucking presents were driving down the street. No joke.
  6. At Home

    Saddam Hussein wrote the US a Letter

    No excuse not to ban someone. You choose to give your "matter"? You're just doing the same thing you've always doing, you're just doing it under the ruse of a stupid title. Just drop it.
  7. At Home

    Saddam Hussein wrote the US a Letter

    I don't feel I'm antagonistic, I admit to being argumentative and opinonated, and that probably comes off as antagonising. Regarding Brody, he's a troll who has been banned numerous times, and I don't feel he should be allowed to post here. Isn't your job definition to take public opinion, not give it? Oh wait, it's just a brown title.
  8. At Home

    Vote for My Big Daddy

  9. At Home

    Attacks in Mumbai

    Two wrongs don't make a right.
  10. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    I doubt 10 people didnt see an unfolded $50 bill laying face down on the ground. I could buy 1 or 2 people..but 10? Possible explanation is that they might have thought it was counterfeit, or that they've never seen the backside of a $50 bill before (which features the U.S. Capital ) and maybe somehow thought it was a $2 or something dumb like that but still.. Silly Americans. You should have coins for lower denominations and color code your money so things like that can't happen. In all honesty I can't imagine anymore getting $1 and $2 bills. I know I used to use them but the loonie has been around since 87 and the toonie (God I had that name) since 96. When did we decide that thing was a called a toonie, I seem to remember everyone calling it a dubloonie at first.
  11. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    They were too busy walking to their car with their shit to be looking around on the floor of the store they just came out of. Case. Closed.
  12. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    They didn't see the dollar bill. Case closed.
  13. I think sometimes he feels like I really dislike homosexuality, but it's actually the opposite. You really love homosexuality?
  14. At Home

    My good friend died last night.

    Department Of Men's Shoes and Apparel
  15. At Home

    Vote for My Big Daddy

    3rd parties are more successful & influential in some places--Canada, Germany, India, etc. Not sure what your point is. No, the American system isn't very amenable to 3rd parties, but that doesn't mean nothing can help them. All those countries have proportional representational voting, with, granted, half of an exception for India. Single plurality voting systems are, by design, essentially firewalls against third parties and coalition governments.
  16. At Home

    Vote for My Big Daddy

    Guess what; nothing can help third parties. Do some research on electoral systems.
  17. Too bad he's lip syncing, and he just won MTV Europe's Best Act Ever award.
  18. At Home

    My good friend died last night.

    You showed him.
  19. At Home

    Vote for My Big Daddy

    Grope alert.
  20. At Home


    Too flashy. It's a red leather (or vinyl) jacket.
  21. At Home


    How convenient. http://www.insideedition.com/news.aspx?storyID=2381
  22. At Home

    Chazz just sent me a private message.

    EHME and Chazz would make the worst team ever.
  23. At Home

    My good friend died last night.

    Post of the week? Maybe. Not even close.