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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Not to mention that a lot of those things are flat out wrong, or misguided completely.
  2. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    An Obama win in Indiana would be most excellent news.
  3. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Freedom of speech is one of our freedoms here in this country. So, no matter how pig-headed your opinion may be, you are still entitled to it and allowed to express it. Except there is something called self-censorship and acting like an adult. Particularly, one who doesn't feel the need to let the world know that he thinks that black people are, to quote Atom, "evolutionarily one step behind."
  4. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Hawaii's AOC is 13, I believe, but they can only have sex with someone within 5 years of their own age.
  5. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Looks like most of the US does too.
  6. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I just want to fuck shit up.
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Big motherfucking surprise from a Fox News blogger.
  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I'm not
  9. At Home

    The Youtube thread

    Holy shit, Dr. Roxxo really does exist. And for the record, I do not listen to Buckethead.
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  11. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  12. At Home

    The TSM Hall of Fame

    I want to cast 10 votes for Slayer.
  13. At Home

    Simpsons character draft

    Jesus. Stop with the fucking drafts.
  14. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    The point of the question seemed more likely to find out her thoughts on why the Republicans are becoming a whites-only party. And the point of me posting the link to the video was that her response was stupid beyond belief. Eskimos may face racism in Alaska, but for her to say that she's lived the struggle of racism because her very white-looking husband had a few Native American great-grandparents is absurd. Excuse me, but I can totally relate to her answer. As a person of French-Canadian descent, I often find myself singled out and discriminated against. Don't talk like you understand what we're talking about. ...
  15. At Home

    EHME's Hall of Fame...

  16. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I really can't wait until the socialist purges take your fucking crocs and give them to some illegal immigrants.
  17. At Home

    Halloween 2008

    That is pretty disappointing. Probably the most memorable image from Vietnam, sans that guy with the gun up to his head.
  18. At Home

    Halloween 2008

  19. At Home

    The Bush Years Compendium

    Copy pasta, but I thought that it had the spirit of what it was going for the most: 2000 Election Fraud (FL & other states, Diebold & More) 2004Election Fraud (Documented Suppression of Minority Vote in OH & other states) Paid Armstrong Williams to Promote Education Reform Without Citing Admin Funding Cheney’s Energy Task Force (Released Documents & WaPo Article) Jeff Gannon Journalist Mole/Closet-Gay Playmate (NSFW) Jack Abramoff (Modern Day Slavery & More) Katrina Response (Bush Debriefed on Conditions, Video & Timeline) Veto Stem Cell Research (First Use of Veto in 5 ½ years) Federal Funding for Churches to Distribute Community Based Services White House Rejects Most Foreign Aid for Katrina Carbon Dioxide (a Greenhouse Gas) Cannot Be Regulated as a Pollutant Kyoto Protocol Rejection New Nuclear Weapons Development Anthrax Letters (No Arrests/New Information) No Child Left Behind (Underfunding, Students Not Knowing How to Learn) Bankruptcy Bill (Ties to Credit Companies/Banks) Dick Cheney Saying, “Fuck himself,” on the Senate Floor False information disseminated on Jessica Lynch & Pat Tillman US Attorney Firings (Timeline) Torture World Wide Via Extraordinary Rendition (Torture Efforts Ramped up in ’05, Must Read Static) Falsification of Iraq WMD Claims (PBS Fails to Contradict Perle Claims) Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson Retribution & CIA Leak (Bush Knew) No-Bid Contracts (Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, next? Watch Iraq for Sale) Halliburton Gas Price Gouging Halliburton (Cheney CEO @ time) & Iran Dealings (Moving Offices to Dubai & More) NH Phone Jamming During 2002 Election (Sadly, Overturned) Bogus “Video News” Releases (Society of Professional Journalists & Details) Ground Zero’s Unsafe Air (Union of Concerned Scientists & Whitman Refuses to Testify) Karl Rove Meets with Companies He Holds Stock In (Enron & Intel) Justice Scalia Refuses to Recuse Himself from Cheney Energy Task Force Case (Roberts Does the Same) Bush’s National Guard Service Niger Uranium Forgeries (Bush Links Iraq & Niger in State of the Union Address) Sibel Edwards/Ashcroft FBI Translation States Secrets Cover Up Bin Laden Free (Possible Innocence in 9/11 & FBI Most Wanted Poster Last Updated 11/2001 & More) 9/11 Questions Remain Unanswered (Molten Steel at Foundation, Buildings Falling Into Their Own Footprints, WTC 7, Bush Lies in #57, Saudis Flown Out (Osama Might Have Chartered Their Jet), etc.) Enron & “Kenny-Boy” (Bush Helps Enron Profit from Torturers) Dollar Drops to Record Low Against Euro Mission Accomplished Carrier Production Monitoring Higher Education Courses & Teachings Via “International Studies in Higher Education Act of 2003″ Bush Allows FBI to Confiscate Records of Business’ Customers Without Being Allowed to Notify the Customers Sending Troops to War that are Unfit for Battle (Extended Tours & Army Strained to Near Its Breaking Point) Walter Reed Scandal (Veterans Sue) Patriot Act NSA Spying on Peace Groups, et al. **UPDATE** Pentagon Shuts Down Database on Peace Protesters!!! Banning Photographers on U.S. Military Bases from covering the Arrival of Caskets Containing the Remains Of U.S. Soldiers Killed Overseas Paying Iraqi Journalists to Write Positive Accounts of the U.S. War Effort Inviting U.S. Journalists to “Embed” with Military Units but Requiring Them to Submit Their Stories to the Military for Pre-publication Review Military Erasing Journalists’ Footage of Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan Refusing to Disclose Statistics on Civilian Casualties Matteo Fontana Placed on Leave from the Department of Education for Receiving $100,000 in Stock from a Student Loan Lender Reducing Acceptable Levels of Arsenic for Gold Miners North of Yellowstone National Park (Wants Arsenic in Your Tap Water) Bush’s #2 Domestic Policy Advisor, Claude Alexander Allen, Going Down in a $5,000 Shop-lifting Spree Terry Schiavo Intervention Theatrics Guantanamo Detention (UN Urged Closure & Military Panels Flawed, a Sham) Guantanamo Torture (Prisoner Letter, Rumsfeld Pussyfoots, Force Feeding, More Details) Geneva Convention’s Provisions for Prisoner Treatment Labeled “quaint” By Gonzales Abu Gharib Torture & “Gitmo-iz[ation]” by Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller Erosion of Habeus Corpus August 6, 2001 President’s Daily Brief, c/o Condi Rice: “bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S.” (The Smoking Gun) U.S. Muslim Chaplain James Lee Falsely Accused of Aiding the Terrorists Bernard Kerik Nomination for Secretary of Homeland Security (Why Kerik Sucks) Robocalling Voters with Fake Democratic Candidate(s) Recordings Cheney Shoots Supporter in Face SAIC No-Bid Contract to Establish Iraq Media Network NPR and PBS Used as White House Propaganda Machine Car Bombs Excluded from Casualty Counts to Support Surge is “Working” Kidnapping of Haiti’s Democratically Elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide USAID Secretary Caught in Call-Girl Ring Abramoff Trading Favors with Justice Department Lawyer Use of RNC Servers for Official Gov’ment Business (CNN w/ NSFW Image) Medicare Total Cost Misleadings (The Donut Hole & Big Pharma and Insurers Get Some Action) REAL ID Act Bush Appointees Resign Under Clouds of Suspicion Continuation of Star Wars Program (Why It’s Probably a Bad Idea) Bullying North Korea During Korean Peninsula Reunification Talks (More) Domestic Surveillance (Illegal to Wiretap Domestically, Congressional Report, Media Falsehoods) No Fly List (Some for Attending Peace Rallies, Now Deemed Worthless) Presidential Signing Statement Policy that Institutes Rule by Decree (More & Examples) Immunizing Cheney, Rove, Libby, Armitage and Hadley from Prosecution for Outing a Spy by Declassifying Her Identity Paul Bremmer’s Loss of $12-Billion in Iraq Government Contracts for a 20,000 Strong Private Army (BLACKWATER USA Mercenary Army, Exempt from Rule of Law, Corporations Hiring Mercenary Armies) Reversing a Specific Prohibition in Law Against Unwarranted Searches of Registered Mail, by Decree Giving Medal of Freedom to Paul Bremer and George Tenet Paul Wolfowitz Nomination for World Bank President Bankrolling Al-Qaeda-related Terrorist Groups to Suppress Shiite Influence in Middle East Iraq War (Woodward Plan of Attack, Noam Chimes In) No-Bid Domestic Soil Detention Camps Built by Halliburton (More Sources) Warmongering with Iran (I’m Starting to Hate Tables, Polls Show U.S. Behind & Bush Authorizing Deployment Anyway! & Just Because We Say They’re “Terrahists” Means We Can Attack!, September Threats & NIE Says Iran Has No Nukes!) Adopting Pre-emptive Warfare Doctrine as U.S. Policy (One Gov’ment to Use Pre-emptive War) Ports Still Unsecured (PDF) Terrorism Protection Racket Using the Establishment of the Dept. of Homeland Security to Undermine Labor Laws and the Civil Service Contractors Using Foreign Labor for Iraq Reconstruction Failure to Protect the Iraqi National Treasures from Looting & Destruction (Military Had List of 16 Baghdad Locations to Protect, More) Conspiring to establish permanent colonial control over 70% of Iraq’s oil Plotting to Overthrow the Democratically Elected Government of Venezuela Sidestepping International Court of Law Selling Control Operations of 6 U.S. ports to the Dubai Port Despite Objections from Congress and the Public Bullying China with Aggressive Spy Plane Operations (China’s View) Breaking Non-Proliferation Treaty with Attempted Nuclear Arms Sales to India Much of Government Computer Infrastructure Run by Group with Terrorist Ties Establishment of White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Censoring Scientists from Issuing Factual Reports on the Threat from Global Warming (More Scientist Censoring, It Never Ends!) Adopting a Policy Refusing to Honor FOIA Requests Citizens Ejected from Taxpayer-Funded Bush for Anti-Bush Bumper Sticker (Nurse Wins Ticket Over Bumper Sticker) Reclassifying Information Long Held in the Public Domain (Opinion with Good Stats) Using “National Security” as an Excuse to Avoid Judicial Scrutiny and Punishment Malicious and False Prosecutions of Political Dissidents (Bolton Gets in on the Action, Media Threats, Prosecutors Digging for the Truth Not Immune & More) Stacking U.S. Courts with Religious Zealots (Role of Evangelicals) Recess Appointments of Controversial Appointees (ExxonMobil in Charge of Our Energy Policy?, The Gall Continues) No Real or Hard Evidence of Iranian Government Involvement of EFPs Appearing in Iraq Taking Iranian Diplomats Hostage Despite Being in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi Government Alberto Gonzales “forgot” to Turn Over to Emails to Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald Cheney Says Congress Can’t Stop President from Continuing Iraq War For Purposes of Inquiry of the Executive Branch, Vice President Dick Cheney is a Member of the Legislative Branch, and for Purposes of Inquiry of the Legislative Branch, Cheney is a Member of the Executive Branch (TPM with More & Dick Claims to be Above the Law & More) Purging the CIA of Democrats & Replacing with Bush “Yes Men” (More)
  20. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Not surprised. Mitt Romney is a GOP line machine.
  21. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Holy shit. 1.9%? That's the lowest it's ever been. I'm also glad to see that the electoral projection map has shifted back to Obama after Silver put Florida as white. Not to mention looks like Montana and South Dakota are showing movement to the left as well.
  22. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yes, it was today.
  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Come on, you guys. Really?
  24. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Hands off, I got to it first.
  25. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Hey, I'm one of those people. It was the last post on the last page, so here it is again: http://www.npr.org/newsinbrief/index.html#MT96539145 Obama's grandma died