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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    http://minnesotaindependent.com/14940/glen...ndorsement-ever 'Bout what you might expect, I suppose. Stupidest fucking endorsement ever. Palin spearheads this stupidly dangerous populist message that says that the common people are qualified enough to lead the country, don'tchaknow. Even though that is the fucking dumbest bullshit ever, people fall in line to lick her cunt. There's a reason that we tend to elect Ivy League-educated persons to the highest offices in the land: because we trust that their intelligence will prevent them from doing insane. Obviously, there have been serious betrayals in this sense, but could you imagine regular, unqualified schlemiels running this country? What the fuck does he mean "I don't see any of them that actually believe in you"? What a bunch of self-serving bullshit to say that Sarah Palin BELIEVES IN US. OH THANK THE HEAVENS THAT THE GOOD LORD SENT SARAH PALIN TO EARTH, BECAUSE SHE ACTUALLY BELIEVES IN US, NOT THOSE TWO OTHER ASSHOLES. Is there actually one coherent argument that looks at something other than unfounded nonsense up there? God Damnit I hate Sarah Palin so much. So fucking much.
  2. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I live in the Bay Area, and there will be a whole bunch of upset hippies (read: the entire population of the bay area) if McCain wins.
  3. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Are you trying to tell me that Sarah Palin is a truther? ---------------------------------------------
  4. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I'll just give that whole sheep comment a big roll of the eyes thankyouverymuch.
  5. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    So how's it like having a gay dad?
  6. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    It's just insane to call Obama's tax increases on the highest echelons of the income bracket anything like socialism or punishing the wealthy. Did we forget the fact that George Bush lowered these rates by ridiculous proportions pretty much for the sole purpose of serving his special interests? They're just going back to Clinton-era rates, those people were still rich under Clinton. I just do not understand how many people are fervently opposed to these tax rate increases on the rich. It is just beyond me 100%.
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/28/opinion/...tml?ref=opinion Comprehensive yet cumulative and comparative (alliteration ftw) look at the candidates health care plans.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Heaven forbid that Marvin procure a trustworthy source, and, even according to that math, people saving 3% of their income would have a 2.1% negative effect on the nation's GDP, or roughly 1/50th of 14 trillion, or $280 billion. GDP grows at 3-5% a year, so that number would be virtually erased by the end of the next fiscal year. Furthermore, we're not even talking about the good that saving can do in the long and short run, such as bring down the number of bankruptcies and amounts of debt.
  10. At Home

    The TSM Market Research Thread

    1. How often do you visit TSM? How long are you here on a typical visit? How many minutes, or hours, do you spend here daily? Every day. I have the page constantly tabbed, so I couldn't tell you how long I spend here. 2. Which folders do you spend the most time in? Why? Which ones do you skip over? The current events folder and the chocolate socket. As the saying goes, they are relevant to my interests. The only forums I skip over is the wrestling folder. 3. Who are your favorite posters? What makes a poster "good"? Czech, Kinetic, Slayer, Milky, Agent, El_Brujo, Superjerk, Snuffbox, Ketamine. Their ability to put coherent sentences together. 4. Who are your least favorite? Why? Taiga Star. She's a dumb whore. 5. Who is your favorite mod? Can you actually name the mods we have? Czech, because I see him modding around the most. Some. 6. What brought you to TSM in the first place? Do you still come for the same reasons? Do you still watch wrestling? Amnesia's thread about premature ejaculation. You betcha. Never have. 7. When was the board at its best? When the Maff clique took over and no one knew what was around the corner. 8. What is the one thing, above all else, that keeps you coming back here? I can't say. 9. If you could change one thing about TSM, what would it be? Nothing. 10. How much longer will TSM be around? A couple of weeks.
  11. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I take issue with this.
  12. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    He's not saying that. He's saying that comparatively, your average bum may or may not make as much as someone in a third world country. Seeing as that there are a shitload of people who live on a few dollars a day, and that homeless assholes can make upwards of $20 a day, this is true in some cases. Also, re: government spending. I posted a NYT editorial on the matter, I'll try to go find it. It was all about how this is the time to ramp up government spending on infrastructure projects and shit like that.
  13. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, because poor people live, eat, sleep, and breathe Wal Mart.
  14. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Okay, that is kind of awesome.
  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Have I missed something with Obama's tax plan recently? I thought Obama was going to cut taxes on people making under $250,000 a year. Or has John McCain been talking to audiences where the majority of the people there make over a quarter mil a year? Do voters prefer a divided government?
  16. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    But I thought I was his friend
  17. At Home

    Pictures I Like

  18. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    http://video.newsweek.com/#?t=1877566669&l=1873841402 Good God, Marvin, even you have to be ashamed at this shit. "When Barney Frank says, quote, and I quote, 'THERE ARE A LOT OF RICH PEOPLE WE CAN TAX', we can assume that means you." People of America, Barney Frank wants to tax you, the rich man.
  19. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    T. Time to leave.
  20. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    My roommate does this in two fronts. First off is the lesser evil, she puts a leash harness on him. She has two, one that's just two collars (one for the neck and one for the ribcage area), and one that is a full-on dog wrap. The dog obviously hates it, and she doesn't want to think that he does. I take them off because he spends a lot of time in my room, and, even though I hate him, I'd hate to be stuffed into tight sweaters and shit against my will. She tried to argue me about it, but when it was apparent that she was wrong about it and the dog actually did hate it, she got stubborn and made some coffee or something. And she does the costume thing too. A lot. Either way, the dog ate some chocolate that was sitting out in my room and then went through my trash, so hopefully it'll fucking die or something. I'm sick of it.
  21. At Home

    What do you think of me

    Great line, but terrible imagery.
  22. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I got the reference, but I also like how it just flat out says, "is on record as supporting same-sex marriage," when, in fact, he's stated several times that he's not
  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    "This evil, black Nimrod is on record as supporting same-sex marriage"
  24. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Well, hey, look at it this way. When the Purges start, you can scream at the blue revolution soldiers holding you and your loved ones at gunpoint, "I VOTED FOR OBAMA, I VOTED FOR OBAMA"
  25. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    So, you voting McCain this year?