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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    The same way that Obama supporters have flip flopped to support Obama's various economic plans and stances on trade embargos, I suppose. A politician flip-flopping on an issue isn't exactly something new... Yeah, flip-flopping on trade embargoes with Cuba and changing your entire economic philosophy in the matter of two weeks is really the same thing.
  2. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    No, he shouldn't. There isn't any credibility to the guilt-by-association attacks, there's no reason to propagate them. Not to mention the other mountain of evidence of which to attack Palin on. Not to mention again that attacks on Palin have been almost nonexistent, and for good reason.
  3. At Home

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Not yet, brutha. Ban time.
  4. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I wrote a response to that editorial:
  5. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Man, I'd really like to go to some of these crazy churches where they talk shit like this. Oh wait, I did. My high school's chaplain was a crazy bitch. Here are some of his points: don't marry outside of your race; the Jews killed Jesus; dinosaurs lived at the same time as men and women did; all Mexicans live in boxes; all Indian people wash floors for five cents an hour; the Columbine massacre happened not because those guys hated their lives, but they hated the school's administration. I'm not making any of that up. Not a single word is exaggerated. My high school mentor, a guy by the name of Michael Weisner, rushed up to the stage one time and screamed, "THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE A SINGLE WORD OF IT." Then returned to his seat. Dude's like a 68 year old Jewish guy. Awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=M...mQzN2Y3ZGZjMTg= Haha, the National Review is the worst magazine ever.
  6. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    The public is finally wising up to these kinds of attacks. Looks like people are finally understanding that Obama working with Ayers to improve the Chicago school system plays no role in Obama's judgement. Looks like they're also understanding that trying to push a message that Obama hates America is filthy.
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Nah dude, Obama sat on a commission with Bill Ayers, a dude who WENT ON TO SERVE HIS LOCAL COMMUNITY(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), so it's different. Furthermore, is it just me, or has an unsightly amount of conservative press been delegated to repeating the same Ayers information and propaganda?
  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Marvin, you really don't get this, do you?
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  10. At Home

    The Youtube thread

    Have you seen it? You have to watch it.
  11. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Agent, forgive any sins I am about to commit. Marvin, everything you have just said in the past hour and a half has been the most irresponsible, worthless, unfounded drivel that this thread has ever seen. It defies all logic. Your arguments are products of completely missing the point of whatever we said, and you have structured them in a manner that only Sarah Palin would find acceptable. Not only are they devoid of any sense whatsoever, but they will be shining representations of any posts you make in this thread in the future.
  12. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    "I'm a journalist" HAH
  13. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, let's put $200 million back in the moderate category. Which Mitt Romney would've single-handedly stopped? ----------------------------------- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/08/opinion/08friedman.html?hp
  14. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Hahahahha holy shit
  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Don't avoid the question, Barry!!!!!!!!
  16. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    When I heard he had a black belt in Judo, I pictured him fighting off secert agents in a secert layer. I recently watched a documentary of him where he literally pictures his political opponents in dresses and bousties (sp; with breasts and all) and shit.
  17. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  18. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    woah shit good question here
  19. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Haha, this made me lol pretty hard.
  20. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Fucking Obama. These follow ups are going to murder this debate.
  21. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Even CLEAN coal? Which Biden has voted against a billion times
  22. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Under Obama's plan for Iraq, Iran would've bombed Israel, we would've been attacked again, WWIII would've broken out, and taxes would've gone up.
  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  24. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Good answer here, Barry
  25. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    right, bro