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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    No, Matt's.
  2. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    wanna kiss
  3. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Right, what did i say
  4. At Home


    Cut-offs every day. Black vans slip ons with a hole in the right big toe every day. Usually a band t-shirt. I have a couple of solid-colored hoodies, a red cardigan, and a couple of plaid button-ups in western cut.
  5. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah fuck that nigger.
  6. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Someone who recently took AP US History and is trying to sound smart??? I'm glad someone saw through that Ironically, the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act isn't in the AP US History curriculum (or at least says the Princeton review last time I read it); the first time I ever was taught this was in my IB 20th Century History class, and it wasn't in the curriculum for that class either. No, look, here's my opinion. First of all, my parents don't make half-a-mil a year. They make less than that, and they struggle with taxes just like everyone else. They both were born and raised in utter poverty in Michigan, and they made a good name for themselves with my dad's business and their timeshares they rent out. Besides the point. Cheech, I'm trying to look at this at a pragmatic standpoint. I know what's going on, I spent the last week reading all about it, whatever. When I come in here, there's some discussion, and there's some people throwing up their arms crying the end of the world. Here's my view on it: it's a bad crisis. But it's a classic recession coupled with a lending and credit crisis. A lot of money is going to have to go into this one way or another, and it's not going to be a prosperous next few years. But with that, I'm not going to put my money on this really truly affecting people in dramatic ways. It's not another Great Depression. It's a shitty recession.
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Right, it's trolling. I got the word wrong. My mistake. From what I can understand, it's sincere on his behalf. He talked about rising above all the hub-bub and, gasp, SWINGING BACK TO UNDECIDED. So, that's what I'll go on: his points and how he decides to present them. Great. Good for you. Good way to paint me in that color. Did you make a piggy face when you typed that "OMG" bit? How can I interpret this as other than something along the lines of this?: "Democrats today want everyone to have an equal say in matters, until it comes to people whom they disagree with, which they want to shut out entirely." That's wanting to stifle debate. I don't know how he also can say that only Democrats do this. Both parties are somewhat guilty of doing it. Right. No, he absolutely misinterpreted my post, his points are completely one-sided (the "Republicans think they're the 'holy' party" line does not salvage the other paragraphs), and I don't know how to defend myself against allegations that I don't want to hear the other people's side BESIDES using examples from this thread (I've been critical of Jerk and JotW, to name a few), and other real-life instances that prove that I'm MORE interested in hearing everyone else's opinions other than my own? I'm sorry if you feel the fact that me saying that gives me a holier-than-thou mentality (it doesn't), but if you can come up with a more effective way to defend myself, then please, chime in.
  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Great. Another fucking long series of quote-and-posts.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    No, Matt, that's not what I'm saying. I digress: first of all, being an independent, as you claim to be, doesn't mean coming in here and just rolling your eyes and presenting opinions against Obama. That's just being a whistleblower, but with no real purpose in mind other than for you to tell us all how we should step back and reconsider our support for Obama. It's freed your mind thus far, obviously. Don't accuse me of ever not letting people with a different opinion speak. You know what I did today for 2 and a half hours in my international relations class? Justified the war in Iraq. Not as a project, or speech, or structured debate, but I just argued with a class full of students the opinion that the war in Iraq was a just war. I was the only person doing that in a class of around 30. I play the devil's advocate on a number of occasions, that's true, but I will never tell anyone that I don't want to hear their opinion. I've told my father several times that "I wish I went to a good school in a red state, I find debating politics with conservatives much more interesting than with liberals." If I'm telling ANYONE to shut up, it's the liberals, because I hear that shit from 9 to 5, every. day. Getting back to what I said there. What are Bush's ratings now? 28? 72% of the country thinks that George Bush is doing a bad job. Many historians, journalists, and analysts alike have said that he's the worst president ever. Sure, that's their opinion, but that's also the opinion of A FUCKING LOT of other people. It's not even hyperbole! There's a justified cause to think that, and plenty of facts to back it up. It's hard to distance Bush from the guy who voted with him close to 80% of the time. The issues favor the Democrats this time around. Bush and his 6 years of a republican majority in the senate and house put this country on the wrong direction (or so says the majority of people asked). It's a simple fucking equation, and so far, Obama's campaign has failed to do that so far, pragmatically at least. So, thanks for the effort, but you completely misunderstood what I was saying. It's just a bad version of whistleblowing. You could argue your points well, but you choose not to. You could raise red flags on posts that make erroneous statements (like I have several times in the past), but you choose instead to take issue with points that you miss the mark on. EDIT: Ah, wait, trolling. That's what it is. Trolling.
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I tend to agree, Kotz, but then I can't help but think of the great numbers of voters in swing states who vote on gut reaction; this is the reasoning behind the Palin bump. If people wanted facts and real political debate, then Obama would be leading by double-digits. The fact that McCain had an R next to his name makes it an easy game to tie him to George Bush. But calling Obama an elitist and such has done it's part. I remember quite clearly reading a part of a story in which a voter in a critical swing state blatantly says, "I don't know, Obama just seems like an elitist." She'll probably vote Republican because of that, no matter how many debates that go to show how dumb Palin is, or how much better Obama is, etc.
  11. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    No one will be able to get credit ever again, you will all lose your homes, jobs, families, and pets, the United States will be reduced to a third-world country, and we will enter into a second Dark Ages.
  12. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  13. At Home


    I don't understand how they kill traffic and stifle discussion. If anything, I'd argue that they encourage discussion much more than little threads.
  14. At Home

    So I'm Off To Calgary.

    Damnit, EHME just ignored me what will I do with my free time
  15. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    But then again I really should start investing pretty soon. I'll be able to double my investment in, what, days?
  16. At Home

    Global Warming: the Thread

    Haha, is that the carbon credits thing? What a joke.
  17. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Because no one is interested in talking sense in this thread, apparently.
  18. At Home

    Halloween 2008

  19. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

  20. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I saw them live once. A girl three rows from me passed out while they were playing. I think they have a live album coming out, though I'm still waiting for a new studio album. Also, one of their former bands, Thorr's Hammer, weren't too bad. Check out the album Dommedagsnatt if you haven't. Passed out? I'd put my money on fell asleep.
  21. At Home

    So I'm Off To Calgary.

    You little bitch, if baron gets outta line and tests my gangsta, then I'll stomp a mudhole in him... But if he wants to have a fun drunken night in Calgary with the great EHME, then he's more then welcome to it. He was the one to backdown anyway, so get your facts straight. You're a fucking little piece of shit who's trying to be the nigger you're not. You got your ride taken away from you, some baby, and weed listed as the thing you treasure most. Kill yourself.
  22. At Home

    McCain: Instead of emergency room, go to Wal-Mart

    What's wrong with mega threads? I like having one thread for all things campaign. I mean, what other threads would there be?
  23. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Jesus Christ you people are acting like we're all going to have to fucking eat each other in order to survive the next 6 months.
  24. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Are you talking about the US? Or how when the US economy sneezes, Canada catches a cold? Either way, we've got a long way to go until we hit Great Depression status. It's a recession with a market crisis, but it's no depression. The Great Depression was made worse when international trade collapsed overnight thanks to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff. Not to mention that our unemployment hasn't reached double digits.