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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. Warn me again please. I want to get to like, 90%.
  2. At Home

    Weekend Box Office Report

    The reason I hate Dane Cook started off with his standup. First of all, look at the guy. He's a frat boy. Second of all, all his humor follows this basic forumla: "HEY YOU KNOW WHEN YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING AND THEN YOU DO THIS AND THEN YOU YELL AT SOMEONE AND THEN YOUR FRIEND COMES AND EVERYONE'S GOT THAT ONE FRIEND" It's all based on yelling and being ostentatious and dancing around on stage. He steals jokes from other comedians, and is basically kind of a living monument to unfunny. It's not as egregious as Carlos Mencia, but operates at the same level. Then, he went into movies. More yelling. More being ostentatious.
  3. At Home

    Rocky. (Deon, MVP, Douchebag)

    You're doing the same thing that you've been doing for the past several years, now just with a brown colored thing.
  4. I get by. One of those five guys asked me for money one time. I was with the old lady, and he came up and said, "'Scuze me sir, do you and your wife have any money? Congratulations on the baby." Then I shot him in the knees and peed on him. No joke.
  5. 6:41PM 5 homeless guys. Aged probably in their late 40s or 50s.
  6. At Home

    The YouTube comments thread.

    You guys know why he is so funny? ever thought off that? Its because of the weed stash he smokes everyday, which opens his mind and lets him think outside the boundaries of this society which everything is fixed and you aint free.... Seth Rogen well smoke one day....
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I've not heard one peep from Obama or Biden regarding this matter at all. It's being fluffed up in the media, but it's the latest snow day on the Alaskan mountain of evidence against her. There's an investigation going on about this, and it's not going to be some giant teeth-gnashing upset for the Democrats should her hands be clean of this.
  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Not because he divorced your sister. That's not okay.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Shut up, Marvin.
  10. At Home

    Diss Deon

  11. At Home

    Rocky. (Deon, MVP, Douchebag)

    Haha, make Metal Ed cast a vote.
  12. At Home

    The Hangover Thread

    Norwegian/Irish/German for me?
  13. 1:44 PM Black chick with fire-truck red hair and some guy in a tall tee. Then she went into Planned Parenthood.
  14. At Home

    Chat Conversations

    Post your favorite AIM/ICQ/Yahoo/whatever conversations here. Mine's not a goddamned gem or anything, but this girl's pretty stupid. (I'll just post bits and pieces)
  15. At Home

    Chat Conversations

    The pin thing was just a joke. This thread is a year old, anyways. There were a couple threads with "can we get this pinned?" as the subtitle.
  16. At Home

    Chat Conversations

    My roommate's ex girlfriend lent him the $900 that he paid for the deposit, and he never intended to pay her back. The girl is a dumb bitch who we both hate, and she contacted me last night about the deposit, resulting in the dumbest conversation I've ever had.
  17. At Home

    Rocky. (Deon, MVP, Douchebag)

    Well maybe the board's switched from legal responsibility to political responsibility. If a member's unpopular enough, the constituency can hold a vote of confidence (which seems virtually unanimously in favor of banisimo) and either retain or send a member packing.
  18. At Home

    Rocky. (Deon, MVP, Douchebag)

    Hahahaha that is so pathetic