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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    They're pretty good. Not gonna lie.
  2. Nah, I'm kidding. I don't like gore for gore's sake movies either, unless it's just humorous. Like Evil Dead.
  3. At Home

    The Youtube thread

  4. At Home

    The Dump

    General file dumping and sharing. Jaga Jazzist - A Living Room Hush If anyone is interested, I have 6 episodes of Gerhard Reinke's Wanderlust!, and one episode of Young People's Guide To History.
  5. I'm with you on this take...that's why i don't watch horror movies. Gore for the sake of gore does nothing to interest me. Now toss in a good actor, good plot, something that will genuinely give me a scare, then we can talk. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
  6. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Also, her taint skin between her asshole and pussy looks like that plastic stuff they wrap sausages in.
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I hope the beer things happens in this election, I really do. That should be a landslide victory for Obama.
  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Remember when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and then we went to war with them over fake intelligence and hype about nukular weapons that didn't exist? That was pretty fucked up.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Well, stick a flag in my ass and call me Sally.
  10. At Home

    And today, we remember.

    That song is so laden with irony
  11. At Home

    the most offensive two word combination

    Anal Cunt? That's how the band's name came about.
  12. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    That was supposed to be the conclusion or something, I don't intend on continuing it much further than that. But it's a little hypocritical to say that when you have a similar feud with Marvin. Not trying to pick a fight there. Point taken, however. Also, Pattie Mayonnaise with cum on her face is what I'm going as for halloween.
  13. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    This is cliche by now, but you are a fucking piece of shit. Not only of a poster, but of a human. Do us all a favor and leave the board forever. I don't visit the wrestling forums, but let me assure you, you will not be missed. There are other boards out there, stop polluting ours. I can almost predict that your reaction will be something along the lines of how you like the abuse (and if you say it as a reaction to this line, it will not be ironic), but instead of it being a coy shrug of the shoulders, it just piles onto the mountain of evidence that you are, in fact, a pathetic cunt. One look at your livejournal is enough to convince anyone. I, along with Adam, have fought your presence here from the very beginning. It's good to know that most of the board has joined our crusade (and yes, it is a religious crusade). Some may say that the board is shit enough, but if I want to clean up the chicken coop, I'm going to try to clean up the chicken coop. I'm not going to beg, I'm not going to plead, I'm not even going to ask politely, I'm just going to tell you what I, and most of the other regulars here have told you again and again and again and again and again and again: gtfo. I like both Parker and Adam, and am indifferent to Taiga. But really, this hasn't been amusing for a long time. Its' just malicious and unwarranted. We get it- She's fat, and you guys are really skinny. The posts just come off as creepy and fuck up what is the best and most amusing thread on TSM. It's got absolutely nothing to do with me being a bronzed statuesque human being, Adam being Gumby, or Taiga being fat. It's got more to do with the fact that she's an egregiously terrible poster. The knee jerk reaction to that statement is "well, it's just the internet," or maybe "just put her on ignore." I know that it's just the internet, and I've done the ladder. But with that, I can name off several dozen examples of virtually every poster here getting upset over other posters here, and this is no different. I guess I'm sorry that you feel that this is "fucking up what may be the best and most amusing thread on TSM," but I'm not going to apologize getting e-angered over Taiga. Like I said before, she's an egregiously terrible poster. I could go on further, but I won't.
  14. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Joe Biden is the king of gaffes, but this is probably the shining moment of his gaffe career.
  15. At Home

    The Youtube thread

    Holy shit
  16. At Home

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yes. There's a reason that the CTDWAT thread is dozens of pages long. They're good for keeping shitty discussion out of other threads, keeping new threads from popping up all the time, and provoke more conversation because people can just say what they want without feeling like they're contributing to a big mess.
  17. At Home

    You know there's a hurricane out there

    I got 99 problems, but a hurricane ain't one.
  18. At Home

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    Um, it DOES have a webcam. http://cms-project-cmsinfo.web.cern.ch/cms...Seye/index.html
  19. At Home

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    I met a bunch of famous people yesterday.
  20. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah. Isn't this what this thread is mostly about? Just like how I ask you to back statements up like this: Also, fist pounds to Paul Begala:
  21. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it usually requires some evidence to show for its credibility. So, if you'd like to make a case, go right ahead, please.
  22. At Home

    the most offensive two word combination

    Communist Nazi? Whats up 1948.
  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    One of the top reasons George Bush was elected.