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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Have you ever sucked a cock?

    I was just fucking daydreaming about Ewan McGregor!
  2. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I call my parents all the time.
  3. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    The Palin pick was meant to distract from the success of the DNC and, I guess, look for some women votes.
  4. At Home

    Things that Amuse or Please You

  5. At Home

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    I really love it when my dad sends me emails and text messages. He has such a funny way of looking at life. He's a funny guy. He's also going to appear in Vanity Fair for being a Bill Clinton look-a-like. My dad's a pretty dope guy.
  6. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

  7. At Home

    Gas Price Check...

    It... is... sparta?
  8. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Oh, wow, you'd actually give one the privelege of blowing you? That's stretching the limits of bi-partisanship.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    http://vpilf.com THAT IS JUST TOO FUNNY!
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Sounds pretty airtight to me.
  11. At Home

    Who can we do without.

    Fuck off and die.
  12. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    This election is pretty fucked up.
  13. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I'd nail the two in the middle row, left and right.
  14. At Home

    Campaign 2008

  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Arnold. Legality aside, I agree.
  16. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Czech, the "toothy grin" that Biden has is a thing that he does to keep him from stuttering. No joke.
  17. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I really like the premise of the Biden-Palin debates, because Biden debates pretty much exactly like I do.
  18. At Home

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Happy Birthday to John McCain, born on this day, 1936.
  19. At Home

    Lower the U.S. drinking age?

    Bitches dress up in lingerie and they fill the place with bubbles and you dance around and take E.
  20. At Home

    Russian-Georgian War

    The Ukranians aren't big on the Russians, though. I just read an editorial from Yushchenko that basically says that Russia is the bully of the East and gambles away these "frozen conflicts" like poker chips.
  21. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

  22. At Home

    Pictures I Like

  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Next year: Dragonforce.
  24. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    It's a very childish mentality.