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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    No, studying music. Major modes
  2. At Home

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    Let's just go in the bug jar and sort it out like animals.
  3. At Home

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    Wrong! Venkman, and Mattdotcom are in the chat right now! Venkman rarely comes to the chat. Why do you follow me around? Hop off my nuts you little dork. Hah! This proves my whole theory wrong!
  4. At Home

    Cast of Seinfeld to return to tv

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuck Yeeeeeeeeeeess
  5. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Because it's too easy to get around it, and bars can close down for a while if they find out that some minors ordered drinks, or, worse yet, lose their liquor license.
  6. At Home

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    Because you post 10 requests to have people talk to you sequentially before someone punctuates with a comment. You're, in effect, the only person who posts in this thread. What's the range of people who chat with you? 3? Same three every time?
  7. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    For not curtailing a horribly runaway financial industry that flooded the entire world with toxic waste, yes. Let's not forget that the collapse of the financial and lending industries were precipitated on the backs of private enterprises, namely, the ones offering subprime loans with wildly ranging interest rates. While the borrower does have to take responsibility for taking on such risk, it's the system as a whole that profits off of them doing so. Then the whole aspect of predatory lending enters in, which is like designing a game based entirely off of your opponents weaknesses.
  8. Got a cancerous mole removed.
  9. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    I don't have tv, but from what I have seen, it's bad. They're cheerleading.
  10. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    They totally missed the signs. It doesn't take Jon Stewart to discover that.
  11. At Home

    Weird Girls In School

    She emailed me. Wasn't all that difficult to guess.
  12. At Home


    I even yelled out in the theatre, "THAT'S DAVID BOWIE!" Woo. I laughed at the sex scene too. Out loud. For a long time.
  13. At Home

    Weird Girls In School

    I just cleaned out my email inbox and found this, from a girl who had a crush on me when I was a freshman.
  14. At Home


    David Bowie was in the movie! He's listed in the credits. Obviously not the real David Bowie, but he's in the Studio 54 scene with Veidt.
  15. At Home


    Too old. And cabbageboy, you are a fucking idiot. Holy shit.
  16. At Home

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    Lent's not over until April , you lost.
  17. At Home

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    You could stop being a sad manbaby and get some friends so you don't have to come onto a message board and chat with the same 3 people every day for company. This is pretty much the same thing as posting a myspace bulletin that just read, "won't anyone hang out with me?" I mean, that's just one of the things you could do. And it is sad, considering that you're the only person who posts in this thread. Like a deceased sailor's wife standing on the shore day after day, yearning for her dearest to come back. You, EHME, you are that wife.
  18. At Home

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Re: Santelli http://robertreich.blogspot.com/2009/03/is...ll-streets.html
  19. At Home

    The Concert Thread

    The quote function isn't working for me, so I'll just respond anyways. KKC: When I saw FoW, they pretty much rocked the shit. Medium sized venue, not more than 50 people there though (on a tuesday), but seriously played a great show. Smartly: Did you see Broken Social Scene? One of the best bands I've ever seen live. Fucking incredible. Snuff: More information on Dinosaur Jr. please. My last concert was Annuals, who always put on a great show. I got to talk to a couple of the guys in the band, and they're all way fucking cool. My next show is Say Hi To Your Mom. I've seen them before, but they're definitely worth the $10 to see them again.
  20. My dad is pretty much my best friend. I get along with my mom just fine, some of the things that she does pisses me off, and we don't have that much in common, but she's still my mom and we have a pretty good relationship. I do favor my dad though.
  21. At Home


    I would so much rather listen to 2 and a half hours of interesting character development rather than drudging through the same length of time in The Dark Knight.
  22. At Home

    Changes made by Barack Obama

    Oh god yes, the compensation thing for civil cases is a better slap in the face than losing.
  23. At Home

    I will suck your dick if:

    In terms of their singing ability or their respective runs in Black Sabbath? Dio has the classic metal voice, but I still think Ozzy's work on the first sixth Sabbath albums is superior. Yes
  24. At Home

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Double whammy! Holy shit!