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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah no one has ever thought of doing that before. You're so clever.
  2. At Home

    2008 Summer Olympics

    That's not how you pronounce it.
  3. At Home

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    It's just a response. We're not running down the gas meter or anything like that. I'm not shrieking about it, I just think that it's a very tasteless thing to do and pretty shameful of the group, even if it never made it to print. There's no harm in me saying that, and it's pretty condescending to tell people to calm down and "save your energy" (you know, internet energy) for other things.
  4. At Home

    Gas Stations

    Wow. I'm impressed.
  5. At Home

    Pineapple Express

    The time between the phone call and the farm scene is short, so I'd assume nothing. That was a fucking hilarious conversation though. Included my personal favorite joke in the movie. "You'll go off to college, get into Godspeed! You Black Emperor...."
  6. At Home

    How strong are you?

    They're pretty angry. I mean, they have a reason to want to beat you up. Your objective is to knock them the fuck out.
  7. At Home

    How strong are you?

    So, how many children could you defend yourself against?
  8. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Says the man with Sarah McLaughlin lyrics in his sig.
  9. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Fascinating. Please elaborate. Yo I can't tell if this post was sarcastic or not so I guess I'll elaborate anyway. M.I.A's music is basically a textbook example of recuperation. It's nominally counter-cultural art that is, in reality, nothing more than a harmless participant in the very system--Western Capitalism--it's supposedly working against. You can't really claim to be trying to tear down the apparatuses of global capitalism when you're releasing records on Interscope and selling your music for commercial usage. It's "revolution" as mass market fashion statement, commoditized and sapped of anything truly rebellious or dangerous. Furthermore, Good argument.
  10. At Home

    Pineapple Express

    I think lots of people didn't like Juno. Was that released in 2007? Yeah, that was my most hated movie of 2007. Then this year it's Indiana Jones.
  11. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Don't get your hopes up though, this is kind of a big deal. I'd suppose that Obama would want a New Frontier kind of cabinet, and I doubt that he'd kick it off with an adulterer.
  12. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    John Edwards admitted to an affair today. So there goes anyone's veep hopes.
  13. At Home

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    Amen to that.
  14. At Home

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    Who gives a shit. You haven't seen those videos about the aborted fetuses right? You didn't see that article about the sinking of the Lusitania right? Those ads are meant to leave reason out and flood your senses. Anything that involves blood or ugly images gets to your mind way faster than reason and logic.
  15. At Home

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    At times like these? At times when a man is brutally beheaded on a bus by a clearly mentally unstable nut wielding a knife? To take advantage of such a horrendous situation like this one is "their job"? These people are first and foremost human beings, and a rather deplorable lack of humility in the name of pushing their agenda leaves me almost in disbelief.
  16. At Home

    Pineapple Express

    Of course not, but I'd say that your average Apatow movie is miles above your average Hollywood comedy.
  17. At Home

    Pineapple Express

    I could take Apatow movies all day long. The thing that I love about Apatow movies is that the dialogue isn't restrained. We've all seen an interview with any one of those guys, and that's how they talk. Rogen himself even said, "I'm not doing anything different now than I was 5 years ago, I'm just getting paid now." The dick jokes and gratuitous swearing, it's all legit. I know that's how I talk. It's just a nice breath of fresh air. Apatow flicks are just, above all, funny fucking movies. The dude's produced several dozen movies by this point, and I can only see a couple that I think are mediocre. I mean, fuck, Anchorman, Superbad, Knocked Up, Virgin, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express, Freaks & Geeks... I even liked Kicking & Screaming. Besides, would you rather have several Apatow joints or several black-cop-and-white-cop-get-together-to-solve-a-hilarious-murder-case kinds of comedies?
  18. At Home

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    Czech, a move like that definitely draws some parallels to the Westboros. Picketing someone's funeral to get their message across and using someone's recent decapitation to tell people that it's just like animal slaughter is both disrespectful and about as opportunistically shallow as they get. Given that I've never heard any other cases like this from PETA, I'm not going to draw the absolute comparison here, but I think we'll all agree that it was a very low blow.
  19. At Home

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    Yeah, fuck animals. If it's between us and them, we're the ones with the fucking society.
  20. At Home

    Pineapple Express

    Great movie. Funny as shit, Apatow-style dialogue, awesome actors, damn good action, definitely a great one. I laughed harder in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but I enjoyed this one more.
  21. At Home

    How strong are you?

    Okay, so I guess the question becomes how many children could you fight at once? I'd say probably 7. Unless they immobilized my legs. Children are weak and a swift kick with my legs would knock a couple of them out.
  22. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Nah, look, 2010 is just when they have the party.
  23. At Home

    Gas Price Check...

    They're not chasing the American dream. I'm surprised that you'd say that. Very surprised. They're industrializing. That's entirely different.
  24. At Home

    How strong are you?

    Jump off a building. If you die, then you're pretty weak.
  25. At Home

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Oh God, was that Pamela Anderson. Wow. I didn't know it got that bad.