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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    Being that TDK is thrice the movie that Iron Man was, I'm not surprised.
  2. At Home

    100 reasons why TheSmartMarks.com

    Wrestling lol
  3. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Remember when I said that people who blast their woofers in front of my house annoy the shit out of me? I think some guys car just broke down right in the street because of that. Sort of, looked like some shit just came off his car.
  4. At Home

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    Me and Czech had a discussion about this a little while back; he asked, "Where was the demand for this X-Files movie?"
  5. At Home

    The AIM Away Messages of a Bi-Polar

    Yes, give me her screen name.
  6. At Home

    Has anyone here seen the dark knight?

    Batman & Robin = The zenith of cinema.
  7. At Home

    Has anyone here seen the dark knight?

    Arguably the highlight of both George Clooney and Uma Thurman's careers.
  8. At Home

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    You actually paid money to go see The Love Guru?
  9. At Home

    I'm High

    Last time I smoked before I moved, I got way way way too high, and now I have anxiety attacks every time I smoke. How embarrassing.
  10. At Home

    What was the very last thing you purchased?

    Last thing I bought was either pizza or a train ticket home. I have to buy some shit for my bike sooner or later, and I think it should be time to start looking at another bike now in the next month or so. I'll start savin' up. I also should have a date tonight, so probably dinner.
  11. At Home

    I'm High

    My favorite is every time a new restriction gets put on smoking, they feel as if part of their humanity has been stripped away.
  12. At Home

    Games you can beat to death

    Halo 3. I borrowed it from my friend and beat it on legendary mode 15 times in a day.
  13. At Home

    This Week in Baseball 7/21 - 7/27

    Angels are #1 in the game. Just wanted to say that.
  14. At Home

    The Dark Knight

    Sweeney Todd was shit. It was all trying to fit a movie around a certain aesthetic. Which is Burton's thing, I guess, but that doesn't mean it makes for a strong movie. Depp is a surprisingly good singer though.
  15. At Home

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    It's pretty easy to spot a drunk driver.
  16. At Home

    Stuff White People Like

    I think the worst problem is that it's a mediocre idea from the beginning. The writing manages to keep it afloat for some, but the whole schtick wears thin after the first couple of reads. Good review though, Czech.
  17. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    The Asian girl is still really cute despite being as flat as an eight year old boy. X
  18. At Home

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    +1. It's all about the decisions you make.
  19. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    You're not those things. Those things are you.
  20. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Holy shit, was that Andrew WK
  21. At Home

    The Dark Knight

    Batman 3: Shittier
  22. At Home

    Fear me, Theseus.

  23. At Home

    The Dark Knight

    How about you just CGI Ledger?
  24. At Home

    My Idea

    I have never received a rejection letter, and I've applied for around 50 jobs.
  25. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    It's cool for some guys to be fat if they make that their look and are all jolly and shit about it. Still unhealthy as shit, but cool nonetheless.