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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    You are, actually, misunderstanding her point. 1 billion years ago, there was one thousand times as much CO2 as there is in the air today. So, by Eric's understanding, that would've made the world one thousand times as hot as it is right now. But, no, that's not the case. The paper I wrote is included in this post. Climate_Change_Paper.pdf
  2. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I thought that Obama won the states that Democrats can't win in November.
  3. At Home

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Right, let's never discuss anything ever again that isn't related to porn or drinking.
  4. At Home

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Is anyone interested in reading the paper I wrote on sun variance and climate change? An astronomer who has a doctorate from Princeton gave me the lecture that I based the paper on personally. It's not the best paper I've ever written grammatically, but content-wise it's all there. It's not too long: 5 pages, double spaced.
  5. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    What's bad about the enslavement of the white race?
  6. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Right, and that's because racism has been so ingrained into our social fabric. If we saw people as they truly are and took down the stupid classifications of race, then I'm sure we would see an elimination of prejudice as well (what would there be to judge?).
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Racism is, by definition, categorizing people as races (stupid idea in the first place). So, yes, black people can be racist. Anyone can be racist. Everyone is a racist. If you have feelings towards people based upon their "race," that's being prejudice, but prejudice and racism are best friends. Race doesn't exist. Race is only in our minds.
  8. At Home

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Hey, I finally got some graphs and shit! So this graph indicates the level of CO2 over tens of thousands of years and the average temperature in the same time period. As we see, the two are closely related. Civilization as we know it is in the pretty stable yet very short line on the very left of the graphs, dating back about 15,000 years. So the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere jumped up very high before civilization even began to exist. The amount of CO2 production by humans have not caused the increase in temperature, as coal, oil, gas, etc only began to be used as a main source of energy really in the last 100 years or so. A conclusion we must draw is that CO2 does not cause warming, but is an indicator of it. Conclusion: CO2 levels have not affected the shrinking of glaciers, even though it increased by several times in the last 50 years. Same thing for the seas. However, a better correlation exists between the number of sunspots on the sun and the temperature at the poles.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Ah, yes, D-Day, the poorly planned invasion of Europe which left hundreds dead because of a lack of coordination at the upper levels. Ah, yes, Henry Ford, America's leading anti-semite in the roaring twenties. Woops, didn't read through the whole thing. Has Noonan really studied up on her history? Actually, I didn't like any of that. That was a good read, though.
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Probably because she's going to say that Indiana is more representative of the voting populace.
  11. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Hopefully when this Hillary shit is all said and done with, we can begin to realize that the Wright controversy is sensationalist bullshit and that guilt by association is terrible logic, and then move on to better things.
  12. At Home

    Pictures I Like

  13. At Home

    Fuck Apple

    No one has really addressed this yet, but, correct me if I'm wrong, the main reasons that the buy into apple costs so much more is because a) they write their own OS while others simply use Windows, and b) they don't have competitors using the Mac OS.
  14. At Home

    Worst President Ever?

    But running a country into the ground, tallying up a multi trillion dollar debt, ruining our foreign policy, etc etc etc etc etc etc, in my mind, qualifies me to call him a pretty stupid leader.
  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Way ahead of you.
  16. At Home

    Worst President Ever?

    I don't know about that.
  17. At Home


    From what I've heard, it's either been green lighted, or bank rolled by Will Ferrel.
  18. At Home


    It's the fact that movies like these (with intentionally quirky casts and dialogues, hackneyed everything, etc) are populating and slowly destroying the "independent" movie scene.
  19. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    From Kos:
  20. At Home

    My Chocolate Socket

    At work, in public, at school, near your kids, at a funeral. It's all good.
  21. At Home


    She should have given birth to a hand. Or died. That would've been a good ending to a terrible movie.
  22. At Home

    Unban Leena

    Who cares?
  23. At Home


    Uhg, Juno sucked. I still can't really stress enough how terribly written and brash the dialogue was. Thank god the supporting cast was there to make it a little less shitty than it actually should've been. This pretty much sums it up: