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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Why would he lose to McCain in those states? Obama's drawn out millions of voters in those states to the polling booths. I don't really follow the logic of equating a Clinton win to a potential McCain win. In the fall, if the party isn't destroyed by then, all the democratic voters will rally under Obama. They're not going to splinter into factions or anything like that. In 1988 Dukakis came in third in Iowa's primary, but ultimately won it in the general. Whereas Obama has the ability to inspire, which makes him such a viable candidate for the fall. Fact is, Clinton's ability to win "big states" really has no bearing on her ability to win a general election. It doesn't even give her enough room to win the primary. Dead in the water time and time again? Who is that referring to, just to clear up. If Clinton, we have to remember that after Super Tuesday, the race turned pretty stagnant with most of the states finished with their voting and we had long periods of inactivity. Clinton began her campaign with a big bang. She polled extremely well everywhere and "inevitability" became the slogan of her campaign. But Obama has been steadily gaining ground, and he's winning now. Clinton has been running a dirty and despicable campaign. The pledged delegate race is over. Obama has won that. South Carolina will likely erase any gain that Clinton made today, and the popular vote has a great chance of going to Obama. We're coming out of 8 Bush years, remember. As long as the Democrats fucking play ball, I don't expect to see McCain anywhere near the white house.
  2. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    You mean in the states that the Democrats are virtually guaranteed a win?
  3. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Chamberlain's mistake wasn't that of misinterpretation. Chamberlain's mistake was that he and the rest of Britain did not want a war at all. They lost an entire generation. It's not like Britain and other countries were blind to the fact that Hitler was a threat to the human race. It was obvious. Can't comment on Carter. And the same mistake Jack and Bobby Kennedy made in literally averting nuclear holocaust?
  4. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Wrong. Jews aren't a race. The idea that Jews were a Semitic race began to gain ground with the hatred of the Jews. Then and only then were they began to be erroneously classified as a "race."
  5. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yes. Absolutely. They wouldn't use them against Iran because it would be reckless to do so. The Arab countries have binded together in their refusal to recognize Israel as a state, and most have histories of attacking them. Essentially, the Jews are the sworn enemies of the Arab nations, but the Israelis aren't going to just launch a nuclear strike against them. Israel's nuclear policy is this: if you come after the Jews, we will come back at you one hundred times harder, and take everybody with us. That is because of the holocaust. Have you ever seen Munich? The policy is spelled out right there; "The world must see that killing Jews will be from now on a very expensive proposition."
  6. At Home

    Fuck Apple

    I wish Steve Jobs was here right now so I could fellate him and thank him for all the work that he has done for this country.
  7. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    People don't like water? The fuck?
  8. At Home


    I'm with you on this one, Marn.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    story of my life
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I still love yah
  11. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Q? Please. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_and_Not_U (see above) http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/4/2...4269/526/499856 I'm not even going to touch that. Okay, that's fine, but you're completely missing the crux of the argument, Jorge. Bullshit. Everyone with half a brain knows that's a complete fabrication. I take offense. Hm... good point.
  12. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Guys, thank our Pagan gods that Marney is gone, now we can go back to circle-jerking to a B.O. Hussein poster.
  13. At Home


    Having finally rented the flick, I completely agree with you. And, yes, I felt the need to bump this thread just to say that. Yes, it is.
  14. At Home

    Gas Price Check...

    In some European cities, street parking spots actually separate the road from the bicycle lane, making it much more safer to ride a bike.
  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    In the scale of things undemocratic, superdelegates take the cake.
  16. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    The best game Japanese game shows..... ever. I forgot the names, but here are the descriptions. 1) A man was shut up underground in a little bunker for one year, given nothing but about a few weeks' supply of food and water. And several hundred magazines, pens, pencils, envelopes, and stamps. To survive, he had to furiously enter magazine contests. 2) A guy was tied to a pole naked and had to run around an arena. Long story short, he got raped by a dog.
  17. At Home

    The Eliminator

    Yeah when is this starting.
  18. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    I'd say just the right amount. It was really either that or a full-on invasion of Japan. I mean, we would've kicked their asses, but the casualty count would have been in the six digit range. The reason why they are so crazy weird is because of the whole rapid modernization after Commodore Perry.
  19. At Home

    Gas Price Check...

    $3.67 in HI.
  20. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Not surprising. Douglas MacArthur ran the country for 6 years, instituted several democratic reforms, and was actually well-received by the Japanese.
  21. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Me. Much more, in fact. The nuclear weapons did serve their purpose though. Interestingly, Pearl Harbor was a limited tactical success. They didn't knock out communications or supplies at Pearl Harbor, only destroyed a few ships (the big boys were coincidentally out at sea), and chose not to send a second wave. Not to mention the Rape of Nanking. That is easily the most atrocious event in human history. Period. Japanese generals would have contests to see how many Chinese they could behead by sword in one day. Not to mention human experimentation and several other gruesome atrocities. Do you know why our strategy was island hopping? After Pearl Harbor, we had to concentrate our efforts against Germany for a good amount of time, and build up an army, and switch to a wartime economy. In all that time, the Japanese rolled all throughout the Pacific and set up forts on small islands around the pacific. A fort is set up so that it is totally defendable, and in order to pass it, you must take it. To take a fort requires massive bloodshed. The Japanese actually thought that the Americans were pussies and wouldn't accept the life loss in order to take the forts and advance through the Pacific. Well, they were wrong. Fun fact: after the battle of Coral Sea, both armies had set up camp around New Guinea. As the Americans progressed forward through NG and up to Japan, Australian citizens living up there became spies and routinely reported back to American commanders in the area. Also, in several islands, Americans teamed up with none other than Pacific cannibals to defeat the Japanese on some critical islands.
  22. At Home

    Pictures I Like

    Great zombie Jesus.
  23. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    I'm not going to take the bait on the first part on what you said, but I never really knew that the Japanese were traitors. They were the most brutal soldiers in WWII. Not the strongest, but certainly up there in thirst for blood. Multiple accounts of Japanese soldiers getting wounded, and when an American soldier attempted to help them, he pulled the pin on his grenade. Not to mention they trained every woman and child with whittled bamboo staffs to kill one American soldier before they were blown away. But we firebombed their asses, set their entire city on fire, and even set the air on fire. Bruuuuuuutal.
  24. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Obama wasn't even on the ballot in MI, not sure about FL. Counting those delegates would be just unfairly and illegally handing over a big group of pledged delegates and popular votes to Hillary. Not to mention that was early in the game, before the Obama momentum really started going. I'm not saying that he'd win there, but it would be different, that is for sure. They did, however, break DNC laws and are having to pay the consequence for that. There are a lot of supers to be spoken for, and Obama picks up supers at a rate of something like 11:1 over Hillary.