At Home
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Everything posted by At Home
You're kind of ignoring the fact that Obama has an insurmountable pledged delegate lead, and also leads in the popular vote. Clinton is clinging on to the fringes of a failing campaign.
I really don't understand why this is such a big issue. I've felt that way for years. So what if it's not politically advantageous to say it. He said it, and there are several shades of truth to it. In other news:
I saw Fountains of Wayne live. They're all in their late 30s or 40s or so, but still kick ass. There was only a dozen people there, as it was a Tuesday, but it was one of the best shows I've ever been to. The Little Ones are also a great band.
Bruce Springsteen endorsed Obama.
Uh, what? A girl got severely beaten over some dumb shit on myspace or something like that, and when we say, "What the fuck, man. Bitches be runnin' wild," then it's the pussification of society. But when the city is literally pussified, and the cops kill a cougar, then they're just fucking assholes. Even though it may have been a threat to the general public.
That's true. I'm not going to debate people are living longer. There are some more factors, but that's a major one.
eBay, people on eBay, and people not shipping things out on time. There's a lot more, but that's what's bugging me now.
That, and that it's completely unethical and wrong to think that wars are justified for that purpose. I think that the problem really lies not with making medical advances (I can't really tell if you're being serious by saying that it is a problem), but with urbanization. 50% of the people in the world live in cities. With that, you're going to have health problems and you're going to have a mess of other things to deal with. But that's not to say that proper planning can't help combat that (see: Brazil). Maybe we need to see a resurgence in the power of suburbs: not only towns that cradle comfortable living, but also cradle successful businesses and economies. Not to say they don't already, though. Just distribute some of the power of cities outwards. Yeah, 1.5 children per couple isn't exactly a lot. Me? I'm doing my part by vowing to never, ever have children.
You have to buy the bulk package from Costco. Last time I bought them, they were like $3.50 for a package of three. Do not defend war as a means of combating overpopulation. That is the worst argument ever. Go fight in a war if you hate overpopulation that much.
Their government is run poorly and their business sector is crazy, but that one child thing is, on paper, a pretty good theory. It would be interesting to see how it would be managed in a fairly stable country, like one of the western / northern European states or America. Also, about that teen pregnancy thing: condoms cost $1 at any store around. Pull out. Get the pill. Whatever. There are so many ways to avoid pregnancy, yet some people still gamble and pay the consequences.
"This could've been a real disaster" COUGAR MASSACRE 2008 EDIT: That's the name of my fuckin' band, dude.
Awesome. Hopefully the time difference doesn't fuck me up.
We did tar & feather tax collectors though. That's pretty close. Because, you know, they died.
Something that I acknowledged, but in your post that I cited, the language used to present an argument and the actual argument are two different things. Um, you do, it seems. If by antagonize, you mean engage, then I guess you could make that argument. But I have looked over your posting history and my point stands.
Not really. The language that you used pretty clearly spelled out to us heathens and retards that you were making the argument that Obama couldn't run. You did say that being a bastard bothered you, but you never corrected Superjerk on the matter that we are discussing now. I have a month's worth of posts to prove it. Point and case. Then it's poor comprehension and stupidity on everybody's part. Everybody in here who "misreads" what you say is just stupid. Because most (if not all) of us, at one time or another, have tripped over your language, and then when we respond to the point that we think you are trying to make (and most people would think you are trying to make), it just becomes something like this. Marney, you draw people into these personal brawls like these and slow the overall progress of the thread. Instead of having rational debate, you name call, get personal, seldom support what you say, glibly toss out incendiary claims, and then blame it all on the rest of us.
She has a pretty hard time with this.
Not once did you clear that up, even when Superjerk said that "even if someone was Hitler's illegitimate son, that wouldn't disallow him from running for president," or specifically making a rebuttal to your post, which insinuates that a legal bastard cannot run for president. That rarely, RARELY do you ever contribute anything intellectually engaging to this thread. As far as I'm concerned, we're not making that much headway in Iraq. Why the hell were we in Iraq? A security threat? Come on, it's fucking IRAQ. I can't give you specifics. It's not my specialty, but I think that we can agree that spending more on defense than all the other nations in the world combined might be a tad excessive. From you lot? Nothing more, honestly. So I'm in the minority. That's just bad writing then. What am I supposed to think by reading your original post. "I can back my allegation up (that x groups are unpatriotic) by using the words of members of x groups." Oh wait, yes, then I should deduce that the member of x group was actually criticizing his own group. Sorry I don't watch fox news enough to know when one person says something "unpatriotic."
The new avatar is great.
You didn't make this clear. From the way you said it, I thought you were going to use an "unpatriotic" quote from each to show that his "group" was unpatriotic. My bad! Wait, no, that is what she said.
You also can't run for President of the United States. ^ sounds a lot like it. I'm not saying that I care that you call him B.O. Hussein, it does however, help prove one of my points. I'm not going to write out the fucking semantics of curing the socioeconomic problems of the United States, Marn. Are you kidding? Again, Marn, when you say that we gang up on you, what the hell do you expect? Here's the Cancer Marney Post Machine: a) Type a few sentences worth of characters with your feet: "lkasdflk;ajsdlk;jasdfl;kjasdlkjasdfl;kjasdfl;khjasdflkjhsdlkjhaeoi3o9t;oihj sdfoi23r5 2oiw roijw rsdin sdfiosdflk;sadl'jkads'lksfdlkhj';sasd;hjksdfa;hlksfa/ajweo,.cvmnvc.,m;lkjoij[ewlkadsg.,nm/vx.,/vcxzoeia[w39u824joia" Good! b) Send it through the C.M. Post Machine, and pick your buzzwords: [b.O Hussein, Mohammedan, unpatriotic, mongoloid] c) Add in words to make it seem like you're correct: documented, on record d) Pick subject: EricMM, Superjerk, pbone, IK Cool Jew e) Add in grammar: Self-explanatory f) Assemble!: You mongoloid, B.O. Hussein is documented as being an unpatriotic Mohammedan bent on turning this country into a pussified welfare state and is gay There you have it.
Marney, don't accuse me of not being interested in reasoned discussion when you tell us that some minorities are unpatriotic and "support" your claim using little more than the names of one person belonging to that group, or refuse to call Barack Obama by anything other than B.O. Hussein, or blatantly tell us that someone cannot run for president if he or she is legally a bastard, and refer to us as "mongoloids." How about we redistribute and prioritize our budget spending? That would be a good idea. $311 million a day in Iraq, you know. We aren't afraid of difference opinion, but in your case, the way that you handle what you say is at best sloppy. It's great that you can mix your words well, but maybe try putting together a coherent case for your argument instead of throwing out one-liners and then insulting anyone who responds.
Except Colbert was in Stranger With Candy, is pretty funny, and does not suck and die.
Marney, what's your definition of patriotism? Is it the kind of patriotism that's all about the fake tits, real beer, rah-rah flag waving bullshit to send kids to die in the desert on a lie? Then yeah, your Republican buddies are, in fact, more patriotic than Democrats (+ niggers, sand niggers, fags, jew liberals). Unless you're talking about the kind of patriotism that says, "Hey, our country is great, but let's start making real changes. Like helping poor people out, maybe, or putting people through college, or help facilitate building infrastructure." It's great that you subscribe to the "I say it therefore it is truth" mentality, but for the rest of us, half-assed inflammatory remarks aren't just gonna pass muster for us misogynists here.