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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    No. That's not the short answer, that's the answer. No, she does not.
  2. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    We just don't care anymore.
  3. At Home

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    At least we can agree on one thing: Superbad is better than everything.
  4. At Home

    Myspace - In the Butt

    The kid videotaping? I pretty much am that guy.
  5. At Home

    Myspace - In the Butt

  6. At Home

    Standup anyone?

    I don't follow your logic here, Milky.
  7. At Home

    Looking for the worst thing ever

    I vomited in my mouth.
  8. At Home

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    I think that he's more of a product of type casting than just signing up for movies. Everybody's gotta work in Hollywood. I'm not his agent, but I'd blame it on type casting. That being said, everything after Anchorman just got progressively more embarrassing.
  9. At Home

    Standup anyone?

    Paul F. Tompkins is a god.
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Tack on Jack Kennedy to that too, if you want to play this game.
  11. At Home

    8 teens arrested in beating of girl

    Really thought I could expect better, man.
  12. At Home

    Excess in Moderation

    I'll not buy the place and turn your plan on its head.
  13. Evidence enough for me. I suggest a pool until the culprit reveals himself.
  14. First time I got drunk was 14. I just do it out at parties and stuff. And, you know, not at my house.
  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    It doesn't feel like that at all. The Clinton legacy and the Obama candidacy has been causing a rift between the party. Seems like a lot of party members jumped onto the Clinton boat pretty quickly in the beginning, but Obama picks up supers at a rate of like 5:1 over Clinton now. What do you mean by the "current Party System"? 2-party? No reason to change the 2-party system.
  16. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Yeah, but too bad you have to go on seven or eight of them though.
  17. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Yeah, I made phone calls for Obama when hawaii was having their vote.
  18. At Home

    Fucking Wisconsin

    Oh, La Crosse. Not Lacrosse.
  19. At Home

    Fucking Wisconsin

    The lacrosse tribune?
  20. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

  21. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    I'm not officially a member, no, but I think I've firmly rooted myself with the democrats. My dad's a fuckin' professional Bill Clinton look alike. We're in. Not to mention that my family has business ties with Al Gore and the Kennedys. Oh, and all the other shit we do, like vote democratic and go to conventions and make phone calls and go to rallies and protests. It's my party, and I'm going to refer to myself as a member of it.
  22. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Who are we? You're not a registered member of the Democratic Party, are you? You can't even vote yet. We're not talking about football. If anyone ever catches me in an act of pronoun abuse from here on out, slap me in the face. Why can't I associate myself with my party?
  24. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    I know that. What are you trying to say, dude? Even still, what's more unpatriotic than the Iraq war? The Dems have been crippled by this thought that the republicans have them beat on national security. That's not true though. If the Dems take the Republicans head on in national security, it's a winning debate for the Democrats. The fact that they're not doing enough is what's really crippling them.
  25. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Yes. This is the Republicans fault. That's not what I'm saying, Eric. I'm saying that the Democratic party is not fulfilling its duties to its members. Democrats assail the party for this all the time.