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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    Then again, the Democratic party is the party of little bitches. George Bush sent troops to die in the desert on the lie, turned American credibility on its head, ran the economy into the shitter single-handedly, ran up a multi-trillion dollar national debt, illegally wire taps American citizens' phones, used John Yoo to get a judicial all-access pass, disenfranchised voters, stole two elections, lies to the American public, opened the door for corporations and businesses to take stock in as much as the government as they want, ignored environmental issues for 7 years, put a couple of conservative judges into the Supreme Court.... so much more than that even. George Bush is the worst fucking president ever. John McCain's ever-amounting parallels to Bush need to be brought to the public spectrum, and it's time for the Dems to start playing hardball. I don't doubt that we're going to win in November, but we also need to gain congressional and senatorial seats. I have NO idea why the Dems aren't using their A game. Bush's approval ratings are going to dip lower into the 20s. Strike while the iron is hot.
  2. Amnesia, what have you created?
  3. At Home

    Amazon.com credit

    Yes, yes it is. I need to peddle this shit pretty quickly, by the way. It needs to go by the end of the week.
  4. At Home

    Amazon.com credit

    I've accumulated like $75 of this shit, and I want to get some paypal money for it. I'll negotiate the terms, but I only accept paypal for this stuff. If you're looking to buy something off of Amazon, why not pay less for it! Anyways, there's a loop hole. I can't just give you a code or anything, you have to buy it through me. This doesn't really mean anything outside of you have to give me your address. Also, no orders over $75. Send me an IM or PM. AIM's TheSeaTacAirport. Thanks.
  5. At Home

    4,000 dead Americans

    This has been going on for decades. I don't think it's right to call it an impulse.
  6. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The gulag had entertainment?
  7. Did they turn that inside-out as well? Way to hit it out of the park, Slayer!
  8. Nah, me and Amnesia pretty much got together and agreed to mudsling. Yeah, she's a pretty annoying poster, but I'm being pretty facetious.
  9. Hey, Marney's the new whiny bitch.
  10. At Home

    Airbag/How Am I Driving?

    An apology? Where's the Czech I know?
  11. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Oh, damnit, it shows up as "Fuck Michelle Wi..." Damn.
  12. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I can't really take her seriously. I kind of see her and Leena in the same light, yet can't understand why they would post here. The whole B.O. Hussein usage signifies to me that most of the things in there is there to incite. Nevertheless, I address them. I don't know. She's a better linguist than I.
  13. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Good lord that is such bullshit. It's tossed around so often, and so little thought actually goes into that sentiment. You don't need war to achieve peace. In any war which you have a zero sum game-scenario (one winner, one loser), you're setting yourself up for future conflict. War thinking breeds war. EDIT: Yes, I understand that war is an extension of diplomacy. Are there examples where military intervention was necessary? Yes. Several. But I mean, Grenada? Iraq? My argument is that if peace is the absence, in this issue, of military conflict, then military intervention isn't going to be the path to peace.
  14. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, peace is for pussies.
  15. I don't think you can PM people while you're a Whiny Bitch.
  16. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    More here!
  17. My work here is done.
  18. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Thank god.
  19. At Home

    Let Me Tell You Bout the Birds and the Bees

    In 2005, the median age for getting married (first marriage) was 27.0 for men. For women, it was 25.0 I think. http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/GRTTa...p;-format=US-30
  20. At Home

    Let Me Tell You Bout the Birds and the Bees

    But statistically, people are getting married later. It's that mentality of trying to make a living for yourself first before getting married, which ends up for a lot of people to be in their late 20s or 30s.
  21. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    He's considered a black man in America. It's not like just because his father is from Kenya people see him on the street and decide not to have the same prejudice against him that they have with other blacks. We don't divide the blacks in this country according to where they came from, in Africa. Everyone is the same here. And maybe he hasn't said it, but if you read that crap that Ann Coulter wrote, discussing Obamitler's Mein Kampf, where she took certain excerpts and tried to make some shitty point, you see that it's in the back of his mind. Obamitler's MEIN KAMPF? Yeah, because The Audacity of Hope is a utterly insane foray into explaining how Obama hates the jews, plans to take over Russia and the Sudetenland, and consolidate power under one totalitarian leader.
  22. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I think that question is more irrelevant. The burden of proof is on people saying that they're somehow not his people...? Oh, wait. I read Zoo's post. I thought you guys were just referencing political rhetoric and pundits. My bad.
  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Does he claim that blacks are his people? News to me.