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At Home

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Everything posted by At Home

  1. At Home

    Pictures I Like

  2. At Home

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    Only 8 more votes for MVP and they both get the banhammer!
  3. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Hillary's campaign is doing the unthinkable (to me): kneecapping the first most influential and energizing politician in the 21st century. Supporting McCain over Obama was an act of sheer cynicism, and only proves that Clinton, is indeed, a "polarizing and divisive force."
  4. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    No, not really. If she wins by a 50 point margin, maybe, but that's unlikely.
  5. At Home

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    MARVIN AT 50
  6. At Home

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    Fuck it, let's just do it anyways.
  7. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Turned out Obama actually pulled up ahead of Hill in this last week including the votes from Wyoming. Hm. Daily Kos
  8. At Home

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    Great post.
  9. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I wonder if Hitler ever did anything like Spitzer..hmm Don't ever compare another modern politician to Hitler unless it is totally legitimate.
  10. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Clinton doesn't have as much to gain as being VP though. Obama more so, but he's not in the position to take the VP. He is, after all, in first place.
  11. At Home

    Semifinals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    You sound glum, and resigned to your fate. But you're the same guy that told us to VOTE LUNATIC IN '08 because of all the ways you troll. So which is it? Did you want to be voted all the way through, or have you changed your mind? Sounds like flip-flopping to me.
  12. Is it not the Stussy symbol? You know, the guy partyin' in hawaii and shit.
  13. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Given that most of these Mexicans are crossing into a state where grown men care deeply about high school football, kidnappings and killings can only be a positive. The kidnappings are in California. Of course, thats probably even more reason to support it, right? Who would really shed a tear if California went back to Mexico? Seeing that California is the 3rd largest state, the most populous, one of the most politically influential, and the state alone has one of the best economies in the entire world that competes with other countries, I would assume lots of people would care. Well then again we're a bunch of beaner-lovin' hippiecrats. Obama got 3 net delegates in Wyoming, and he'll undoubtedly win Mississippi too. Should that happen, Clinton can win all 158 delegates in PA and still be behind 10.
  14. At Home

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    What's the love for Mew around here?
  15. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, the average "supporter" as you call it is going to fucking be up in arms over a small handful of delegates. Sorry we can't be as informed as you. I guess some parts of the country just don't get Glenn Beck. We could probably fix it up so we do get it, but we're too busy burning Hillary Clinton effigies and skateboarding to do that. “I’ll leave it up to the Democratic National Committee to make a decision about how to resolve it,” Mr. Obama told ABC News on Thursday night. “But I certainly want to make sure that we’ve got Michigan and Florida delegates at the convention in some fashion.” That seems like shit to rally behind.
  16. At Home

    Hey Marvin

    Let's just not do anything at all!
  17. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    You are blowing the Michigan/Florida question out of proportion. It's not going to tear the Democrat party right in half. We're not THAT polarized. If they don't hold any more voting, how can Hillary win? I don't understand that. And who would be painting anyone as racist? The Obama camp? Have they EVER painted ANYONE as racist?
  18. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, what an unelectable fucking cunt.
  19. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Unlike most her smears against him (the Muslim stuff), which is totally BS, most of the stuff he could use against her is probably true or has some legitmacy (whitewater, shady donors, threatening Bill's mistresses). It's not playing dirty. It's self defence. She started it. Are we still talking about Rezko? The Chicago Times reported that Obama was in the clear about that. I meant the laughable plagarism accusations, allegations of his drug use (which he already admitted to), the turban picture and the Muslim allegations, the healthcare meltdown, the 3 am advert, Hillary endorsing McCain over Obama...etc basically most of the things she's done since super Tuesday. Ah, yeah, I see what you mean. It's all bullshit. Not to say that Obama is perfect, of course. "our projections" are pretty shady, though.
  20. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Unlike most her smears against him (the Muslim stuff), which is totally BS, most of the stuff he could use against her is probably true or has some legitmacy (whitewater, shady donors, threatening Bill's mistresses). It's not playing dirty. It's self defence. She started it. Are we still talking about Rezko? The Chicago Times reported that Obama was in the clear about that.
  21. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    I was just gonna bring up those tax returns. I think it's legit to bring that up. Clinton's "red phone" ads did turn quite a few voters, but I doubt we're gonna see some mudslinging from Obama. One staple of his campaign is trying to avoid that shit.
  22. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Not true. He can still keep his stride. It's essentially mathematically impossible for Obama to lose. (2nd source) (3rd source) Hillary's delegate net gain was in the single digits. This was an upset, but it wasn't a defeat. (for good measure)
  23. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Is it just me or has Clinton changed her rhetoric to almost.... Obama-esque? "This is your campaign. This campaign is about you." Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.
  24. At Home

    Canadian Politics

    I have a Canadian friend who thinks the sun rises and sets in Canada's asshole. How can I prove him wrong?
  25. At Home

    Campaign 2008

    Now this is just funny.