At Home
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The election has already started, and concludes in less than two weeks. There's a part of me that's going to miss George Bush. As John Stewart said, "George Bush is great for my comedy career," but these throes of nostalgia have made me want to gather a master list of what made Dubya so prolific. Let's dust off those old New York Times and gather a list of things that happened under the 8 Bush years. I'll begin. - Almost getting assassinated by a pretzel.
There were only a small amount of posters who are misogynistic shit. Unfortunately, the two worst ones were Mole and Keiper, who had power. What happened to them? Have they been banned?
Who else are you planning to make mods?
That reminds me of all the people on the street who want you to sign up for their dumb Greenpeace shit. I usually tell them that I'm already a member, but then sometimes they want to talk to me, which is a punishment worse than the guilt I feel for saying "no" and walking away.
The RIAA may be the biggest collection of money-whoring fucking pieces of garbage shit in the known universe. They are trying to kill music.
Your service provider knows if you use P2P sharing, it's not difficult to see at all.
Nevermind, it's just because NHB because that's the most frequented folder in here, and it's a pain in the ass to keep switching.
I don't like the whole concept of "triggers." You're just saying you're not responsible for what you did.
Hi Leena!
That's a bad idea then. I thought the general idea was to drink to get drunk.
That's not true. In Hawaii, you need to have almost half a pound to be prosecuted for possession with intent to sell. Also, an ounce is a lot. I don't think I could fit an ounce in my pocket.
You also distributed c**** p*** on an internet messageboard.
Dealing weed.
I'll try to find the video of this debate, but the topic of it was American hegemony around the world. It's no doubt that America has tons of influence around the world (or does it?), and the term "American Empire" is thrown around a lot where I am. But what are the consequences of American dominance throughout the world, both positive and negative? Was it the motivating factor in consolidating Europe into the EU? Is America the least rapacious empire? Let's discuss.
I've never gotten a hangover. I just drink lots of water.
Byron, one of the prompt questions was, "Is America the least rapacious 'empire'" or something along those lines, so comparisons to past powers is A-OK in this thread.
Some funny moments (Jenna falling) Right. I didn't even laugh at The Office this week. Boring episode, and Jim and Pam still remain to be two ridiculously boring characters. The Muppet thing, Naysay, phone sex commercial, deaf person, "I'm going to buy it with money," coffee vending machine in the basement of the K-Mart, just get the key from David, etc, this was a great episode.
I don't buy that for a second. China invests in other countries faster than most countries on Earth. Their influence is monetary, not militaristic.
I already said that I'm pro-gay marriage, and just playing devil's advocate because there are a bunch of people in this thread that don't understand this argument. And that's not even what I was talking about.
Which was "Always drink your Ovaltine." Or "I used to fuck guys like you in prison." I tend to forget sometimes.
Says the man whose first two posts in this thread were anti-religious! Up until that point, posters were discussing the Mormon church's role in propagating the Yes on 8 campaign specifically, then you made it into the issue. I don't have a religion, and don't tell me that it wasn't the issue when you were the one to start the whole damn thing. I wasn't even discussing religion, I was discussing the very nature of the debate, which you do not understand, plain and simple.
Okay, give us the facts. No assumptions or beliefs in any of them.
You're an atheist good for you. Since you don't take the Bible seriously, there's nothing to argue here. But don't expect those religious nuts to take a guy with his own full capacity moral standards seriously either. And that's why both sides will continue to have problems. When the athiest backs his argument up with logic and facts, it's not the atheist's problem if the Christians can be reasonable. So after all this, you guys still get it wrong? This isn't a "logic and facts" argument. This is entirely a beliefs argument. Most, if not all, of your "logic and facts" are completely predicated on certain beliefs and assumptions regarding this debate. What assumptions are you talking about? The assumption that every one deserves the right to marriage, that marriage can be considered a right, that homosexuals should have the same marriage rights, etc. I'm a firm believer in gay marriage, but I'm playing devil's advocate because you guys just don't get the debate. That's great that snuff can say that he's totally right about this, but you may as well consider yourself excluded from any discussion if you're going to say any opinions are right or wrong. It's not a right or wrong kind of thing, it's a personal thing, period.