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At Home

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Posts posted by At Home

  1. Oh by the way, the whole Ayn Rand libertarian thing is based upon the debate over free will, not the political stance. So yes, she is a libertarian inasmuch as Sartre was a libertarian.


    No, she's not. Or even close. The absolute foundation of libertarianism is human freedom and liberty. Rand, a homophobe and totalitarian, does not fit that bill at all.


    She gets the selfishness doctrine right, but you can't be a libertarian and be opposed to the rights of certain different individuals/groups just because they're different..


    The absolute foundation of philosophical libertarianism is free will, not free rights or what have you. She's certainly not a determinist. That being said, I've never read any Rand.

  2. I botched my first dish today. I don't know what to think. "Tender the egg," how simple! How could something so abecedarian be so crucial to the construction of a classic dish? And then the cheese! Oh how that cheese curdled in the pan. No matter how many times I whisked it... over and over and over again... there was no recourse. Those orange chunks of sharp cheddar, punctuating the surface of the boiling milk as if to tease my tumultuous heart, already on the cusp of mourning the impending death. It sled easily into the oven-- nay!--the tomb. The sickly dish spent its last remaining minutes succumbing to the cancer I administered! on its grated death bed, creeping toward rigor mortis in the fiery grave. It's browned facade greeted me with a deceiving warmth, obscuring the debauchery underneath. Like a crazed grave robber dissecting the departed, I eviscerated the corpse with my spoon, bringing it to my mouth.


    Tasted like sand and rubber.

  3. We all lose horribly, so shut the fuck up pbone and stop being an annoying little punk and following me around.


    So I see that you're still a dumbass even with a day to think about what you've done. Needless to say, you will remain a dumbass forever. So, I offer you this. Officially announce that I defeated you in the Bug Jar II, say that you're a pretty princess, and take a 1-day suspension, and I will never respond to anything you say ever again unless it is unreasonable for me to do so. Deal?

  4. Item: You are a bad poster.


    Your tough thing isn't a schtick, it's you being you, and you suck. Me saying this doesn't mean that I "fell for it!", nor does you saying that it's just a schtick make it true. I can meet you a little closer to the center on this and see that you did call out some of your friends as a joke, but you didn't get banned for not flooding NHB with dumb threads. Your last few threads in NHB speak for themselves.


    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    In which you keep a running dialogue with yourself to beckon people to go talk about MMA or good jabs at bob_barron. We get it, you're lonely.



    SO FUNNY. Worthless thread. In fact, the first response in the thread was "EHME is ruining No Holds Barred." from our very own Cheech.


    Fuck you...

    Buy me a beer...

    Did you use to write for Leno?



    Wherein you exchange two posts with Detox. Two.


    It's noon, and I'm already drunk! Woooooooo!

    You're drunk and you're looking for attention. I'm seeing a pattern.


    Secondly, that fucking custom title and sig. Could you have picked a stupider quote? "it makes you more alert, like a deer coming across the lawn" Jesus christ, I cringe every time that I see this. And you don't even live in America! It's great that you could steal a black joke from some comedian, but way to go on being a black stereotype as well. Calling people out 24/7, beating your landlord up, having a "baby mama," being a coke head, and ridiculously overusing the ellipses.


    I have to go for now, but more later. In the meantime, you're shit.


    If you're going to reply to this, maybe challenge yourself not to use "nuts," "dick," "fuck," "pedo," or "virign" in any combination. Or else you may as well have just copied it from the EHME Post Generator.

