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Everything posted by edgehead69

  1. Hogan = Politicking, EGO (Wouldnt let his son pin him) . Then again.. I never liked hogn HHH - Politicking, and Booker not winning at XIX and Orton losing at Unforgiven 2004 HBK - For losing his Smile, but he's on my good side now. Austin - Arrive Get Paycheck Leave... ( I can stomach so much of Austin) Mick Foley - Ego Problem with his books Randy - HIs Immaturity and Antics backstage (Glad he is back to normal) Batista - That fight with Booker and the fact he thinks he is bigshit because HHH and Flair dress him up everynight before Smackdown Chris Benoit - (Do I Really Have to Say?) Brock Lesnar - Walked Away from a Dream Job Goldberg - Sellout and A really piece of crap wrestler Edge - Stealing Matt Hardys Girlfriend Matt - For coming to WWE to promote that storyline Kurt Angle - TNA Politicking Rey - Going through with Eddie Storyline Bret Hart - Get Over It Buddy Boy, its been 10 years... Also WM 22 Absence PISSED ME OFF!!!
  2. edgehead69

    Wrestlemania 24

    That \s what MITB should be about... thats why a former World Champ should NEVER be in MITB IMO. Im glad Ken won but Edge, Orton, and Booker should not have been in that match. I called shelton winning MITB III at WM 22. Man was I wrong...
  3. edgehead69

    Wrestlemania 24

    this is my fantasy card: WWE Championship: Mr. Kennedy vs Randy Orton © vs King Booker World Heavyweight Championship: Edge vs CM Punk © ECW Championship: Rey Mysterio vs Elijah Burke © Triple H vs Ric Flair Shawn Michaels vs John Morrison Undertaker vs Bobby Lashley John Cena vs Batista Money in the bank: MVP vs Mattt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy vs Finlay vs Carlito vs Kane vs Kevin Thorn vs Umaga This is just a prototype...... tell me your thoughts or feel free to make your own
  4. edgehead69

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    I wanna see the build up for Orton/Cena mostly. As well As king Booker, Carlito/Lashley, Ken Kennedy trying to get a win, and Jeff/Umaga.
  5. edgehead69

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I read on NoDQ.com that a member of Marcus Cor Von's family passed away and that he is taking it really hard. He, I believe, is not ready to return to the ring until he is mantally ready and he recuperates from the family tragedy.
  6. edgehead69

    Former World Champion Debuting on Impact Thursday

    Chris jericho, Sid, popped in my head.....
  7. edgehead69

    Wrestlemania 24

    yeah who knows what will happen in March 2008 time...
  8. With the Iron Man... I agree if HBK had won with 1 second on the clock that could've been bigger than Andre/Hogan. XIX is my fave mania followed by 21,18,17. XII had plenty of hype but some matches felt really bleh. like the 6 man tag and the womens title match. XII had great matches in Austin/Rock, TLC, Jericho/Regal, benoit/Angle. I didnt like Taker/HHH as much because they should have just stayed in the ring and have a barn burner. The rest of the card was merely meh....IMO. XIX however suffered from only one truly bad match (Handicap Match), That wrestlemania flowed really well with the triple threats being great and the cruiserweight championship being entertainable (I mean how could they do Wrestlemania without Matt Hardy?) I loved the Last 5 matches of that card. HBK/Jericho was simply outstanding on all levels. Booker/HHH was really exciting to watch and the commentating is funny as hell. I just wish Booker won.... The Street Fight was classic WWE style and it was fun to watch and the story was really something....(I love watching the promo for that match). Austin/Rock III is one of my fav matches all time. The magnitude, the hype, and the fact it was the end to probably the greatest rivalry ever in the WWE. Lest not forget Austins last match. I have an xtremly soft spot for that match. Angle vs Brock was everything and then some. Sure Summerslam 2003 and the iron man on smackdown surpass match but damn..... its hard to get any better then this Wrestlemania main event. Sure Brock screwed up the SSP, but the wrestling was phenominal and i can watch it over and over and never get bored. 17 did have a bigger hype input. 19 had multiple main events and the hype was strongly divided. 17 was probably better in terms of buyrates and such; plus there wasnt 2 brands. 19 IMO had more compelling storylines but at 2001... WWE was riding high andwas so popular they could do no wrong.... Although look at the crap that was WM 15 and 16.
  9. edgehead69

    Wrestlemania 24

    Why? Vampires have fear of ladders? lol who would you rather want? big daddy v? HELL NO!! but I see where you are coming from
  10. edgehead69

    Wrestlemania 24

    Sorry, but that's one awful fucking card. Well.. what can I say... its far off from now and i can dream.... hell in my wm 22 predictions I had Christian vs Randy vs Batista and Edge vs TRiple H....
  11. edgehead69

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    A FEW times.... why buy it more than once? My friend had Mankind vs Shawn Michaels (Mind Games) about 5 times HIstory of WWE Championship Mankind greatest hits andd misses HBK: Boyhood Dream HBK : The Vault and i believe one more....
  12. Mr. Kennedy will win when he cashes... oh wait.... never mind...
  13. edgehead69

    Wrestlemania 24

    some respnse... at least put in your 2 cents... Nice fantasy. Here's what it's really gonna look like: WWE Championship: HHH vs. Cena World Championship: Khali vs. Lashley ECW Championship: Boogeyman vs. Viscera Melina vs. Whoever Wins Divasearch This Year Undertaker vs. Rey Misterio Jr Money in the Bank: Kane vs. Batista vs. Umaga vs. Edge vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Flair vs. Eugene ugh.... i hope not.... where HBK, RKO, Jeff, MVP, Kennedy, Flair, Carlito, CM Punk, Morrison ?
  14. edgehead69

    WWE Get Juiced! Campaign

    that was some good humor... thanks!
  15. edgehead69

    Favorite Crowd Reactions to Face/Heel Turns?

    I enjoyed when Booker T turned Heel on Benoit On Smackdown in 2005
  16. edgehead69

    7/27 SMACKDOWN! Spoilers

    Yeah I feel your pain bro.... I think as long as Taker is around... kane will always be overlooked... I wonder what MVP vs Matt will be... Ladder Match? Where's Rey and Who's gonna take the title...
  17. edgehead69

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    My friend has it and said its good to watch only a few times... it wasnt woth the 20 dollars he paid... i reccomend pay less than 15.....
  18. edgehead69

    Jackass Crew Backs Out of SummerSlam

    I'm glad that The JAckass angle is dropped.... but not under the Benoit circumstances.... I dont want Jackass in my wrestling just how i didnt want KFED or Trump.. im glad to see umaga vs jeff rematch again though....
  19. Uh oh... will HHH be appearing as Conan the Barbarian permanetly? I hope not.. yet.... i hope so!
  20. edgehead69

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    I never knew Kane had a DVD on him. Just a way to promote See no evill... i did want the DVD though... i want to see HBK vs Kane
  21. edgehead69

    Smackdown going HD in January...

    HD doesnt mean much to me.... its just a TV+. It be nice though to see WWE with the "HD" effect.
  22. Didn't Edge pull the tights? I'm like 99% the first victory against Batista wasn't clean. NO... he was just touching Batista's ASS!
  23. "Yo Cena... Your Time is Up Get Over IT You Phony Chump You Got RKOwned and lost your belt The rest of your career will Freakin melt"
  24. I change mine to Steven Richards beating Kevin Thorn yesterday on ECW...
  25. I cant..... ive been watching for 9 years and as bad as it gets.... ill still watch it... as for tna.... till the day it dies... (if it dies, i hope not)