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Everything posted by Kristianna

  1. Kristianna

    You Favorite Alcohol

    Wow, I can't believe I've missed this topic for so long! I'll break it down by type, since I'm quite the connoisseur of all things drinking. Beer - Shiner Bock It's brewed right here in Texas, has a lot of history and to top it off, it tastes great. Plus, you can go tour the brewery and they give lots of free samples. Liquor - Malibu Rum This stuff is amazing by itself, but its great mixed with one of those frozen fruit juice cans too. Really smooth. Wine - St. James Velvet Red I'm originally from Missouri, and this stuff is made about 20 miles from where I used to live. Its an amazing red wine for dinner or just sipping throughout the evening. Mixed Drink - Mojito When i go out clubbing, I hardly ever drink anything else! The mojito is the perfect blend of alcohol, lime and mint. Plus, it tastes great with cigarettes, always a plus. And the minty flavor keeps the alcohol aftertaste from becoming overbearing. But I'll be honest with you, these are just my favorites. Booze is booze, and I haven't found any yet that I'll refuse to drink. Especially if its free.
  2. Kristianna

    OAO SmackDown Spoilers for 8/10

    why isn't anybody in the chat to talk about smackdown with me? you guys totally suck.
  3. Kristianna

    PayPal Peeps

    I've been using PayPal since it started, pretty much. I've never had any serious issues with it, but I've heard the stories from others. It's not perfect, I suppose... but what is?
  4. Kristianna

    Just started dating a girl, appropriate b-day gift?

    Dinner and flowers are definitely the way to go at this point. Or if she's like me, and she loves to dance, take her out to a nice club, and buy her a few drinks. And also give her flowers, and dinner too if you can afford it. We want it all, honestly.
  5. Kristianna

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I actually mentioned Umaga turning face back in the "What Would It Take to Get You Interested in WWE Again?" thread a week ago, I think. Jesus guys, I was fucking kidding.
  6. Kristianna

    7/27 SMACKDOWN! Spoilers

    you obviously missed the glory years of SuperStars, Challenge, Saturday Night....The Main event on Raw and the four PPVs a year was really the only chance you got to see the main roster face each other....The new breed of wrestling fans have missed so much I don't really miss that. And besides, Mark Henry should just go back to lifting barrels and pulling semi trucks, he's really boring to watch in the wrestling ring.
  7. Orton as champ just isn't working for me, somehow. I mean, he's a good looking guy, he's alright in the ring I guess... but I just. I don't know, I can't get into his promos. And those weak-looking "career-ending" kicks he's giving everyone aren't convincing in the slightest. Now if he started RKOing people on to a chair, that'd be sweet. I know, I know. Cena is stale right now, but until they can honestly find someone better than Orton, I think they should just let the strap stay with him for now.
  8. Kristianna

    Jackass Crew Backs Out of SummerSlam

    I was honestly looking forward to Bam Margera taking a Samoan Spike, so I'm a little bummed now.
  9. I would tend to agree. I'd like William Regal as the RAW GM personally. I really dig his "gentleman villain" persona, as JBL put it.
  10. Kristianna

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    I was thinking that too, but it might honestly just be Rey wanting revenge for Chavo putting him on a shelf. The title would just be icing. Of course, I could be (more than likely) totally wrong.
  11. Kristianna

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    YAY! My first crack at a PPV prediction thread! Cena vs. Lashley I figure the superman push isn't over just yet, and Lashley is just the next "monster to be slain". Khali vs. Batista vs. Kane I WANT KANE TO WIN, but I know he won't. Khali has transitional champion written all over him, as post two-losses to Cena, he'll never be taken seriously as a monster again. Morrison vs. Punk Like you said, an obvious set-up for a blow-off at Summerslam. Hardy vs. Umaga I'd love to see Jeff win here, but I really don't see it happening. I think he'll put in a great effort though. Candice vs. Melina Who honestly cares? I'll just go with Candice. Orton vs. Rhodes The old man is gonna get creamed, and the son will want revenge. MVP vs. Hardy This one could honestly go either way, but I'll go with my gut and say Hardy. Sandman vs. Carlito Something for the fans, it'll be a good garbage match. I would have liked to see a cruiserweight match, but I don't know if they're gonna have anyone win the title from Chavo, because I'm pretty damn sure they'll begin a program between him and Rey when he's back fully. And no tag matches? For shame, WWE.
  12. Kristianna

    Book recommendations

    So umm... nobody has cared about reading for nine days now, huh? I'm currently reading "The Rights of Man" by Thomas Paine. Its one of those books that I think people who actually give a shit about the world and other people should definitely read.
  13. Kristianna


    That sounds too absurd to be true.
  14. Kristianna

    What did you eat today?

    breakfast: french roast coffee & 2 croissants lunch: 3 slices of spinach pizza and a caesar salad & 20oz Sprite dinner: yellowtail tuna sushi roll, miso soup & 3 glasses of sake
  15. Kristianna

    The king of bread

    Wow, that does sound really good. I'll definitely be trying that soon.
  16. Kristianna

    Bobby Lashley - Is he underrated?

    Lashley is just straight-up boring. Did anyone else read the thing they have on WWE.com with him and Cena answering the same questions? Cena does the typical baby-face answers, but it almost sounds like they're going to turn Lashley heel at the PPV with answers like he's giving. Which would be fine, as long as he doesn't ever do his own promos again.
  17. The scariest thing about this thread is that if we're not careful, someone from WWE creative will read this thread, and take these as suggestions, and not gripes.
  18. Kristianna

    OH! I get it now!

    I gave a mild childish chuckle the first time I heard it. But after that, nah.
  19. Kristianna

    I'm bored

    do you really think giving out your phone number on a message board is a good idea?
  20. Kristianna

    SD! Spoilers for July 20th...

    I hate him.....but only because he gets to bang Mickie James.....lucky bastard. Wow... I guess there's no accounting for taste. Kenny is alright looking I guess, but if I were her, I'd be more after a fine piece like Edge. Hell, I'd bang Mickie James though, if I could. She's definitely the hottest diva.
  21. Kristianna

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    Well, as long as Steph writes it, it'll be great! ... right?
  22. An Umaga face push would be funny. Bobby Lashley having his tongue removed and going mute (real or kayfabe, either one works) Then they could have some midget with great mic skills sit on his shoulders and do all the talking (et. al. Master Blaster from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome) Jeff Hardy hits Edge with a Swanton Bomb at home while he's sleeping. (real or kayfabe, don't care as long as its taped) They could have Matt Hardy there, "encouraging" him to do it. Kinda like the Money in the Bank match. Sandman as the WWE Champion. Come on, it'd be cool for a week or two. He's already got the best entrance in the WWE now that Ultimate Warrior has been gone for years. He could bash his head open with the belt and put blood all over it. Get rid of the Women's Title. NO. ONE. CARES. Not even me, and I'm a girl. Give Stevie Richards a serious push on ECW. That guy works his ass off. CM Punk. Heel. Enough said. Oh, and make ECW two hours, and have Extreme Expose' between each match! MAN, THAT SHIT IS SOOOO OVER!
  23. Kristianna

    OaO ECW on Sci-Fi 7/17

    I don't know you... but you should know this. I love you.
  24. Kristianna

    iPhone and iPod

    This made me laugh... a lot. I seriously enjoyed the kid's smugness at the end of the video.
  25. Kristianna

    SD! Spoilers for July 20th...

    Yeah, he's not Hacksaw Jim Duggan... yet. I just hope they don't try to turn Kenny face, because deep down, no matter what they do with that character, I'll always hate him.