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Everything posted by Kristianna

  1. Kristianna

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    1. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Shane Sewell Bashir 2. TNA X Division Title Tournament Final: Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley Sabin 3. TNA Women's Knockout Title Lumberjack Match: Christy Hemme vs. Awesome Kong© Kong BONUS (1 pt): Whose interference will lead to the pin? ODB 4. TNA World Tag Team Title Three Way Match: Matt Morgan & Abyss vs. Beer Money Inc vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed© Lethal & Creed BONUS (1pt): Who will get pinned in the match? Abyss 5. Booker T & Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash vs. Brother Devon & AJ Styles & Mick Foley Foley, Styles & Devon BONUS (1pt): Who will score the pin in this match? Mick Foley 6. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett Jarrett 7. TNA World Heavyweight Title: Rhino vs. Sting© Sting
  2. Kristianna

    Royal Rumble 2009

    I was just kidding. I'm not Nostradamus, so all my "predictions" are mostly just for my own amusement.
  3. Kristianna

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Why try to make sense of it anymore?
  4. Kristianna

    Royal Rumble 2009

    In the prediction thread, I went out on a limb and predicted MVP to win the Rumble and turn babyface. I think it'd be the best way to really invigorate the character, and no better place to start a winning streak, either.
  5. Kristianna

    OaO WWE Raw - January 5, 2009

    I think its more like he'll "accidentally" cost him the match, right?
  6. Kristianna

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Come on, wishing injuries on someone is pretty bad mojo. But I will admit, I won't shed any tears when Hunter winds down into "retirement". Of course, everyone who complains about Vince being on TV too much will have to deal with Chairman Helmsley in the future.
  7. Kristianna

    US Senator recommends steriod regulations

    I read Steph's, Dixie Carter's and Vince's interviews. It really seems like Vince was the only one coming across as uncooperative. I mean hell, I don't want him to lose everything per se', but a bit of a wake-up call probably wouldn't hurt.
  8. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 9, 2009

    I agree with you, to an extent. I think he's great when he's on offense, but the guy doesn't sell very well. He botches the bumps a lot, and he seems to be kind of half-way sandbagging his opponents at times. While some might think this makes his work more believable, well... we've all seen the results.
  9. Kristianna

    Gas Price Check...

    $1.43/gal for reg. unleaded. not bad, I suppose.
  10. Kristianna

    OaO WWE Raw - January 5, 2009

    Unless there's some kind of gimmick for the match, I'm guessing there's a DQ finish, leading to a rematch at the Rumble.
  11. Kristianna

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Yeah, just a spotlight that followed him in. It was corny, but it worked.
  12. Kristianna

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    That was pretty funny.
  13. Kristianna

    Royal Rumble 2009

    I love Survivor Series as long as there are plenty of "traditional survivor series" matches. It's probably my second favorite PPV after WM. Summerslam is alright, but with too many PPVs throughout the year now, its lost most of its impact.
  14. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 9, 2009

    I think the injuries are the worst part of all.
  15. Kristianna

    The Royal Rumble 2009 Prediction Game

    1. Who will win the 2009 Royal Rumble? (5 Pts) MVP (face turn) 2. Who will be the runner-up (3 pts) Kane 3. Who will be the iron-man? (5 pts) Ezekiel Jackson 4. Who will have the shortest time? (5 pts) Charlie Haas 5. Who will have the most eliminated opponents? (3 pts) Ezekiel Jackson 6. Who will draw #1 and #2 (3 pts each, 3 bonus for accurately naming both) 1. The Miz 2. Kofi Kingston 7. Who will draw the most successful entry # of 27? (2 pts) Undertaker 8. Who will draw the #30 spot? (3 pts) Kane 9. What will be the eventual winning #? (5 pts) 23 10. Will there be any surprise/unannounced entrants as of 1/25? (no point value), If yes, who will they be? (3 pts each) Mr. Kennedy, Umaga 11. Will the endurance record of 62:12 held by Mysterio be broken? (no point value) If yes, who breaks it? (3 pts) and what will the new time be? (7 pts to closest time predicted) No way. 12. Who will be the final six men in the ring? (3 pts each, 10 pts for accurately naming all) MVP, Kane, HHH, Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson, Undertaker 13. How many instances of interference by non-competitors will we see? (2 pts) none 14. Will anyone bleed? (no point value), if yes, who? (3 pts) No 15. If Charlie Haas is a participant, who does he imitate? (3 pts) The Warlord (to coincide with his shortest time in the Rumble)
  16. Kristianna

    2008 Wrestler Televised Stats

    One thing I do miss, is that guy who'd keep an updated list of all the wrestler's win-loss records for the year. I'm just curious to see who jobbed the most last year.
  17. Kristianna

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    I wanna play!
  18. Kristianna

    The Youtube thread

  19. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    Anyone want to guess what Kizarny smells like?
  20. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    Imagine if McCool basically became the female version of what Orton's doing now. That might make something interesting.
  21. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    I'm going to try and predict Kizarny's career in the WWE. January 2009 - June 2009 Initial strong push. Mid-card title opportunity where he comes up short. Possible tag-teaming with Boogeyman. June 2009 - September 2009 Kizarny turns heel on Boogeyman. Pointless and shitty feud ensues. October 2009 - November 2009 Kizarny is relegated to jobbing in dark matches, Decmber 2009 WWE wishes Kizarny well in his future endeavours.
  22. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    Well, obviously you can't blame fellow babyface Hardy. Kozlov seems like he's probably an amazing technician, but he just can't get anybody either behind him or to hate him. Helms sold the headbutt pretty good, though.
  23. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    So how long until Zeke turns on Kendrick? Maybe another month or so?
  24. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    I get the feeling that your telecast must have started a few minutes before everyone else's.
  25. Kristianna

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    I've never much cared for McCool, but I don't really know if she "sucks".