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Everything posted by Kristianna

  1. Kristianna

    ECW/Smackdown Spoilers for this week

    I love it, but probably not for the right reasons. It never fails to make me laugh.
  2. Kristianna

    Your teeth.

    My teeth are straight thanks to braces I had in my teens, but I have to get them cleaned fairly often thanks to the coffee and smoking. Dental insurance is definitely a perk of my job I enjoy. I have to admit though, that scraper thing they use sends shivers through my entire body.
  3. Kristianna

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    shh... we're all trying to forget that.
  4. Kristianna

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    its pretty hard to take a guy abusing women's hormones seriously.
  5. Kristianna

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    I know its a common sentiment in this thread, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how this whole fucking mess is going to shake things up at the E. The next month is going to be either awesome or tragic, but interesting, nonetheless.
  6. Kristianna

    SD Spoilers for the 8/31 Airing

    I like the tag that Hardy placed on MVP.
  7. Kristianna

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi 8/28

    Great way for him to bring back the anaconda vice. Which sadly, is probably not going to happen. I'd love to see it, though. I like the GTS and all, but I really miss him winning by submission.
  8. Kristianna

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi 8/28

    Thorn defeats Stevie Burke defeats Balls Punk pins Miz to re-become #1 contender thanks!
  9. Kristianna

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi 8/28

    I missed the show... what were the final results of the matches?
  10. Everyone at my watching party was pretty pissed to see Punk lose to Morrison... again. I really don't know what the hell they're hoping to accomplish by consistently jobbing him out like that. My boyfriend is a HUGE Punk fan, and I haven't seen him that pissed off at something "fake" in a really long time. No one much gave two-shits about Rey v. Chavo, but I was glad to see the little guy back. The body paint was... something. Trips was back in full force, and I for one, I was happy. I thought he looked great. Batista and Khali wasn't much, and I don't think anyone was really that into it. Diva Battle Royal, same. I was glad to see Kane win, as I've always liked the guy. Cena v. Orton... what's left to say? I actually thought Orton would win, even though I wanted Cena to win. Life's funny like that, I guess. I think the only thing that was a huge surprise was Umaga pinning Kennedy. I was pretty damn certain it was going to be Kennedy over Carlito, to take the title without making Umaga job. Overall, it was a good enough time, gotta clean up the beer bottles and get ready for the fallout that will be RAW tomorrow night.
  11. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I've got the beer, burgers & bratwurst ready to go! We're gonna hook up the projector and watch the Summerslam Games & Tournament on a big wall in the living room and have a grand ol' time! I'd love for there to be a PPV in the north Texas area, because I'd definitely be all over that.
  12. Kristianna

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    Yeah, I remember that. I mean, everyone usually has a bad day at work their first one back from a vacation. But I have to admit, I've never torn a quad from the bone in any instance of mine I can recall. Cena deserves the time off, though. The guy has been carrying the company for the past three Wrestlemanias, and I think if he's willing to drop the belt and fade away a bit for a little while, I think they should let him. I honestly doubt he'll be forgotten. As much as you love him or hate him, everyone knows who he is. Honestly, I'd like to see him get a sort of mini-repackage, and maybe pick up some more wrestling skills. If you coupled that with his charisma, his promo work, and his overall physicality... I think he could come back better than ever. And the added skills would probably help to silence some of the folk who can't stand his brawler-who-overcomes-all persona. Still... if Orton does win, I'm hoping its transitional. As much as everyone would hate it, I'm guessing he'd drop it to Trips soon after.
  13. Kristianna

    "John Morrison" is a Horrible Gimmick

    I feel the same. I'm definitely not knocking the guy's in ring abilities, far from it. I think he's amazingly athletic, and a good seller. But yeah, both the name and the obvious gimmick that go with it are uber-lame. But if that's what they're going with this guy, I just hope they find a way to improve it. The top heel of a brand definitely needs to have an insanely over gimmick, or else people won't buy it, or will shit on it. Which is what I suppose most of us are doing right now, ha.
  14. Kristianna

    Just because I spent the last 4 hours at a bar discussing it...

    That's what I'm talkin' about!
  15. Kristianna

    If I were to put "Kristianna" on ignore

    Wow, I thought that's what the chat was for... I'm sorry I let you down. I've never thought I'd find so many people on a site devoted to wrestling who were so uninterested in it.
  16. Kristianna

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Come on, you guys don't want to see him come back and beat Hornswoggle in a steel cage for the Cruiserweight Title? I guess its just me.
  17. Kristianna

    Orange Coke

    I really want to try the Orange Coke. It's still not available here, and the Coke vendor guy I talked to at the store last week said he had no idea what I was talking about. You guys didn't just make that shit up, did you?
  18. Kristianna

    "John Morrison" is a Horrible Gimmick

    I've pretty much hated him from the start. The gimmick, not the wrestler. Mr. Hennigan is a very talented athlete, and I especially enjoyed his IC title matches with Jeff Hardy. I'm not saying I'd like for him to be Johnny Nitro again, because that gimmick blew dogs too. I guess I don't have an answer for the guy... but I do know that I'm really looking forward to seeing him lose.
  19. In truth, I do have hopes that it will, good sir.
  20. Kristianna

    4,000 dead Americans

    Or what's worse, when its handed to you with a bundle of lies to go along with it too.
  21. Kristianna

    4,000 dead Americans

    Oh yeah. the current government of Iraq shoulders a lot of the blame for the current problems in Iraq, there's no doubt. They're too busy fighting over their petty religious squabbles to actually take care of their government. But hey, I'm not really surprised, and really... none of you should be either.
  22. Kristianna

    4,000 dead Americans

    I agree with your sentiments. But you must be willing to admit I hope that our presence is, if nothing else, a firebrand. Rebuilding all we had destroyed on the way in is really all we should have done, and be doing right now. Don't get me wrong, I know that a lot of that does happen. My older brother just recently ended his second tour as an engineer over there. He was a water treatment expert, and you could tell that the people he helped truly appreciated the work that he'd done.
  23. Kristianna

    What did you eat today?

    breakfast: bowl of Strawberry Special K and a glass of orange juice. lunch: Big 'n Tasty from McDonald's. It was... hardly either. w/ a Diet Coke. dinner: made some grilled fajitas and a salad and washed it down with three or four bottles of Shiner Bock.
  24. Kristianna

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    that's mean.
  25. Kristianna

    If I were to put "Kristianna" on ignore

    now this thread is actually getting interesting. so did I get a backstage pass, or what?