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Posts posted by Kristianna

  1. Definitely Not Hot Young Wang Region


    1. Goldengreek

    2. TaigaStar


    Most Likely Homosexual Region


    1. cabbageboy

    3. AmDragFan


    BUTT Fuck Stupid Region


    1. RoHo

    7. DarKnight


    The "I Tried to Save Good Matchups Until the End and Now I Have a Fuck Load of Them" Region


    8. Cartman

    2. Enigma


    I'm debating whether or not to call an audible on the whole "region one vs. region three" thing and all that. If I change it, I will make region one face region two, and region three face region four, in the Final Four. If I were to keep it as R1 vs. R3 and R2 vs. R4, there's really no doubt that the winner of R1 vs. R3 would win the whole tournament, thus leaving us with an anti-climatic final.


    Would you like me to change it so that, in all likelihood, R1 will face R3 in the final? Essentially, winner of the top half vs. the winner of the bottom half will end this whole thing. The majority answer of the first ten who answer get their way. Answer YES or no.


  2. Definitely Not Hot Young Wang Region


    1. Goldengreek

    5. theone


    6. Jericholic82

    2. TaigaStar


    Most Likely Homosexual Region


    1. cabbageboy

    5. EricMM


    3. AmDragFan

    2. bob_barron


    BUTT Fuck Stupid Region


    1. RoHo

    4. Chazz


    3. Jingus

    7. DarKnight


    The "I Tried to Save Good Matchups Until the End and Now I Have a Fuck Load of Them" Region


    8. Cartman

    4. Gary Floyd


    3. Y2Jerk

    2. Enigma

  3. Definitely Not Hot Young Wang Region


    1. Goldengreek

    8. Xavier Cromartie


    4. KOAB

    5. theone


    3. YKRG

    6. Jerichoholic82


    2. TaigaStar

    7. NoCal Mike


    Most Likely Homosexual Region


    1. CABBAGEBOY!!! goddamn it!!

    8. JN News


    4. pbone

    5. EricMM


    3. AmDragFan

    6. Twisted Intestine


    2. bob_barron

    7. Milky


    BUTT Fuck Stupid Region


    1. RoHo

    8. HarleyQuinn


    4. Chazz

    5. Matt Young


    3. Jingus

    6. Czech


    2. Marvin

    7. DarKnight


    The "I Tried to Save Good Matchups Until the End and Now I Have a Fuck Load of Them" Region


    1. EHME

    8. Cartman


    4. Gary Floyd

    5. Porter


    3. Y2Jerk

    6. Lord of the Curry


    2. Enigma

    7. CWM


    DISCLAIMER: With the exception of cabbageboy, none of these votes should be taken personal. If it were up to me, I'd just vote for him 8 times, and be done with it. Rules are rules.

  4. The reason Enigma lives on is because, in truth, I created him when I was forced to expel all my negative posting energy to be considered as the Guardian of the Earth Wrestling Folders and an all around top poster. Destroying him would also destroy me - is it worth the ultimate sacrifice?

    Tear down the cockpit door. Doctor. Venkman. The pilots have already made...the ultimate sacrifice. TAKE THIS BOARD. INTO A NOSEDIVE.


    Now THAT is pretty damn funny.

  5. I wrote out this really long sarcastic "review" of last night's RAW about how everyone who lost last night was getting buried right before WM. But I just couldn't bring myself to actually post it after reading it, because I know there would be a certain demographic of posters who just wouldn't "get the joke".

  6. So... anyone play PC games around here? Anyone getting Empire Total War?


    I play almost exclusively PC games, but I think I've gotten a little behind. I just beat Call of Duty 4 on Hardened this afternoon. I tried playing on Veteran, but it was just too hard to be enjoyable. Is Empire: Total War a real-time strategy game, because I really suck at those. Even so, I'll probably give Red Alert 3 a chance later on this week. I've always had a soft spot for the cheesy acting and revisionist history/alternate futures crap they do.

  7. u1pyt9ltmjprbf6mf6bmhkyyo1_500.jpg



    This reminds me of when I used to play Tony Hawk 3 online and there was always this guy named Osama bin Skatin' who would come around late at night and kick everyone's asses. This started about a week after 9/11 too, so he drew a lot of heat for that.
