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Nitro 24/7

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Everything posted by Nitro 24/7

  1. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Damn, hopefully Morrison gets drafted to Raw tonight or Wednesday during the Supplemental Draft
  2. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Kofi wins..Morrison to Raw..Please!
  3. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    I guess there trying to show the reactions as a way to envision them possibly having a match or showing if they think the draftee is good for the brand.
  4. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Maybe now with the Womans Champ and Divas Champ on Smackdown they will unify the belts at Backlash
  5. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Yeah, I highly doubt this. No way Vince puts her in a match if she's preggo. Yeah true. Ok well perhaps shes just ate to many buns then.
  6. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Good match there with Cena vs Swagger, I would say these two will have many more good matches with each other. Great night for a Raw fan like me. I always watch Raw, not so much the other shows so the more talent Raw gets the better for me. I like Mickie being thick and curvy, I just noticed some extra belly rolls tonight though. Maybe shes got a bun in the oven.
  7. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Mickie James preggers? She seems to get fatter every week. Lots of rolls on her belly this week.
  8. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Kendrick looks like a wild bird flapping his arms and prancing like an idiot. Looks like Im the only one who so Joshs disgusting nose bleed. Wish I hadnt seen it, was really gross.
  9. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Yeah sounds like WCW Saturday Night jobbers music. Did anyone happen to see Josh Matthews nose bleed when the show started? That was nasty, he was talking and then his nose started gushing blood, the camera moved in on Striker and off of Josh.
  10. Nitro 24/7


    Why? It's just fucking comedy. Lighten up. Except that it's not, well, funny.
  11. Nitro 24/7


    Why? It's just fucking entertainment. Lighten up.
  12. Nitro 24/7


    Damn that Santina stuff was disturbing. Thank god nobody knows I watch this stuff.
  13. Nitro 24/7


    Apparently a few of them.
  14. Nitro 24/7

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Well that Hall of Fame sucked. I watched the live stream and then the TV Version of the Hall of Fame and thought the show was boring. Everything seemed rushed even on the live stream.
  15. Nitro 24/7

    What ended the Late 90's Pro Wrestling Boom?

    Vince didnt put his rivals out of business, his rivals put themselves out of business. It was a war. Talent jumping from different promotions, talent secretly jumping ship, trash talking , giving away results, big time matches up against other big time matches. The MNW era was the greatest era ever for wrestling fans. But Vince did not put anybody out of business. ECW went out of business for there own reasons (and there are many reasons), and WCW went out of business for there own reasons (and again there are many reasons) Vince was putting on a product that more fans decided to watch then WCW. Vince had better long term planning, built new stars into huge household names, made lots more money for his company, just simply made better business decisions then ECW and WCW. Its nobodys fault but there own that they went of business. Look how much talent WCW lured from Vince from 94-98. Hogan, Hall, Nash, Piper, Savage, Luger, Bret, Henning, Rude, Bulldog, Anvil, Heenan, Mean Gene, Alundra Blaze, just to name a few. Look how much talent WCW lured from ECW, Benoit, Malenko, Eddie, Raven, Sandman, Saturn, Juvi, Pyschosis, Awesome, Storm, Douglass, Bam Bam, to name a few. WCW was clearly going in for the kill and trying to put both companies out of business. Vince on the other hand was financially helping ECW and giving them exposure. While WCW was luring away talent, Vince created huge stars like HHH, Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Kane, The Outlaws, DX. Its WCWs own fault they went out of business. Not Vinces. Its ECWs own fault they went out of business. Not Vinces. Like I said it was truly a war among all 3 promotions with all 3 trying to come out on top and put on the best product they could. In war there are casualties, and WCW and ECW are victims of the Wrestling War. Vince and WWE were victorious. The majority of wrestling fans decided that. With all that said though, the death of WCW and ECW is what I believe ended the "wrestling boom" Fans enjoyed watching 3 DIFFERENT great promotions putting on the best show they could. It was a very exciting time in wrestling. All those promotions that Vince now owns (AWA, WCCW, SMW, CWF, WCW, ECW) went out of business because of there own poor business decisions/financial reasons. You cant hate Vince for putting on a superior product that more fans decided to watch then the other companies and for having much smarter business sense, and the ability to change with the times....(Im looking at you Verne Gagne). I think WWE does a remarkable job in showcasing these promotions from there video library, much more so then the original owners did. Remember this. Vince and WWE were very close to going out of business a few times from 94-97. Vince was competing against a Billionaire who owned his own TV Networks, and who was also signing the checks for Bischoff to lure over big name WWE Talent to Huge Money Contracts and less days to work. Its really amazing that WWE and Vince came out on top in this battle. I think Vince said it best himself..."How do you compete with a Billionaire?...You become one yourself!"
  16. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    I think people just pop for his theme music. These Legacy dudes look robotic walking to the ring. Boring.
  17. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    Jericho beat the crap out of Flair, made him look like a bloody mess, took his watch that was given to him last year for Mania and smashed it. Oh and Flair is fatter and saggier then ever.
  18. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    It might (Even I'll admit it's the biggest match on the show), but a World Title match should always close Wrestlemania. Why does it even matter at this point. Neither title means anything at this point, plus the main event at Mania has been above the title matches before (VIII and XI). HBK/Taker should absolutely close. Wrestlemania 24 ended with Taker doing his pose in the ring; I don't think 25 will too. Good call considering his demonic pyro enducing pose caused the crowd to ignite. Maybe Wrestlemania 25 will end with HBK doing his pose in the ring ???
  19. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    Vickie kinda looks like an Oompa Loompa
  20. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    Hey it could be worse, Big Show vs Edge could have been closing Wrestlemania lol
  21. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    I was hoping HBK vs Taker would close Mania
  22. Nitro 24/7

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    Yeah Michael Cole is a real Mountain of Misinformation
  23. Nitro 24/7

    ECW Thread 2/17/09

    dont hate. appreciate.
  24. Nitro 24/7

    ECW Thread 2/17/09

    pffft what a dramatic drop in interest in this weeks ecw thread compared to last weeks
  25. Nitro 24/7

    WWE.com Legacy

    No offense but can't you just spend $4 and find out the match listings for yourself? I dont have high speed internet at the moment, cant afford it. I am hoping to have it by Christmas. No offense but cant you play the episodes on your computer and find out what matches are on there and post it on here? That goes for all you lazy Dill Weeds