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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Taiga Star busily makes her way down the hall. She almost walks straight into a wobbly and stumbling Landon, singing in some language that is not English and wrapped in the flag of Spain. "LA VIVA ESPAGNAAAA WOOOOOOOO!!" "AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Taiga screams. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Landon screams. Though he is not screaming from being startled, as Taiga clearly was. "SPAIN WON!!! WOOOOOO!!" Landon smells like a brewery. "Um..." Taiga doesn't quite know what to say. "Congrats?" "A-la-lala-lalala-la-la LA VIVA ESPAGNAAAA!" Landon continues on, singing loudly. "Hmm, I didn't even know he was Spanish." Taiga says. ~~~~~ The door to Toxxic's office is open. He is at work behind his desk, with Megan behind him, copying papers and filing files. "Mister Toxx!" Taiga says, offering a big handshake, which Toxxic accepts, standing from his seat. He shakes out his hand, surprised at Taiga's grip. "Wotcha Taiga. What's up?" "Oh, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate giving me the time off. I really needed it to do this memorial show. There's a lack of bookers and all..." Taiga is interrupted by what sounds like the ring of an old-fashioned phone. She pulls a sleek purple phone out of her pocket, looks at the screen, and flips it open. "Yeah? I know. Yes, I did say... No, I just got in his office now. I will, I will! Okay, I'll talk to you later too." Taiga turns back to Toxx. "I'm sorry about that. I was just mentioning how the DVS is lacking a solid direction at the moment. We do have some new bookers and talent agent... Again, Taiga's phone rings. She picks it up, looks at the screen, and flips it open. "Hey yo. Yeah I just got here. Customs and all. Yeah, they tried to confiscate my psyche meds, but it's all cool now. Nope, haven't asked yet. Duh! I told you I would. I have to go, talk to you after the show man." Toxxic looks at Megan, Megan looks at Toxxic. He exhales forcefully. "As you were saying...?" "Yes, I was saying about how the DVS is working to get itself going again. It's never going to be the same without Pepsi Man running the joint, but we're going to try a reduced schedule for the time bein...." Phone again. "Yeah? I know, you're the third one that's called me in the last thirty seconds. I KNOW! Sorry, didn't mean to yell, but with all you calling, I haven't been able to ask yet. Okay, I will. Bye." Taiga goes to put her phone back in her pocket, but stops to shut the phone off. "I'm sorry Mister Toxx for the interruptions. With the reduced schedule, we're not working like we were. I've had some DVS superstars asking me about the SWF, and I sang your praises. These are some good workers, decent guys, and they're looking to wrestle somewhere else while the DVS is trying to get back off the ground. I know I'll definitely be working both here and there. But I'd still like to bring in some of these guys. Could you maybe think it over, have some tryout matches or something?" "Taiga, in the last couple of months we've signed a 41 year-old whatever-you-are-when-you're-older-than-a-veteran, the older brother of a rookie, who used to wrestle but no-one really remembers him, an idiot who thinks he's a street thug, a goof in a multi-coloured mask and some numpter from Las Vegas who turned up too drunk to wrestle last show," the Englishman says with a wry half-grin. "Plus I think Landon's got someone called Legs Flamingo he wants to bring in. If you have some real wrestlers who want a job I'll tell them exactly what I told those people - it's a hard job, it can be a tough crowd, if you can't keep up you'll have the shit beaten out of you and be made to look stupid by those who can. It's their call." "Okay, thank you so much for this opportunity. These guys aren't going to let you down." She offers another handshake. Toxxic puts on a wrist guard before accepting this time. "Good luck tonight against Dance Dance Dragon." "Thanks!" Taiga says with a smile, before bouncing out of the office. Once back in the hall, she takes her phone out and turns it back on. "Damn, four missed calls? These guys sure are desperate..."
  2. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    if i'm writing something substansial... a match for the fed, a story, an essay, a letter to someone important, etc... then i pull out my big-girl capitalization... but for IMs and message boards and informal communications, i don't bother. i'm a shitty typist as it is, and half the time when i DO try to do caps, i seem to be too retardedly uncoordinated to get the shift and letter keys in the right order or whatnot, and i end up going back to fix a shitonne of lower-case-but-should-be-upper-case-i-used-the-fucking-shift-wtf. i do, however, try to use caps for proper nouns. that's my story and i'm sticking to it. i hate when people get anal about shit like that. don't you have any real drama to deal with?
  3. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    People who post in lower case. Use a shift button, assholes. i used the shift for ARE. Opinion snob. Everytime I read one of your posts I see opinion, opinion, opinion. Quit being so opinionated. Say what you want to as if it were the word of god. i do not have the word of God. i have the word of a Molly McNobody.
  4. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    i'm not much into music, but the snobbetry thing transends into other areas. i hate music snobs. and even worse... wrestling snobs. and they ARE the worst, according to me. and really, i'm the only opinion that matters to me.
  5. i have the same problem. sometimes i find myself drifting into past tense when i'm writing a match. then sometimes i find myself drifting into the presant tense when writing something story-like.
  6. Retard Girl

    Who here is racist?

    i admit, there's only one group i'm truly racist against... wealthy people. thank you for your time.
  7. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    these could actually be the very same people.
  8. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    i went to the site those pics are from... stopping prostitution on Main Street in Chattanooga. i have a mildly amusing story about that. after a huge fight between like eight people, i needed to take a walk before i killed someone. it was 3am. i hiked it out of the 'hood and up main street. i was stopped by FIVE different people, within the span of twenty minutes, wanting to pick me up as a whore. the first one i was like "wtf, do i look like a 'ho?" the second one i said that i was ready to kill and wouldn't suggest spending time with me. the third one i told that i had already murdured someone that evening, and i would kill him next if he didn't leave me alone. the fourth one i told that i was a cop, and i didn't want to arrest a decent looking man. the fifth one i told i was a cop also. at the same time, my (now ex) fiancee drove past, in the opposite direction, in our '86 Caprice Classic, police car edition, painted in "hai im undercuver" white.... i told the guy "look, there's my partner now!" and i waved around like an idiot, screaming "I FOUND ANOTHER ONE!" and the dude took off all squealing his tires like. my ex asked what was up with him, and i explained, and he was amused. come to think of it, driving around scaring johns would have been a fun nightly activity. poopy.
  9. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical position which argues that existence is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. Nihilists generally assert some or all of the following: - Objective morality does not exist; therefore no action is logically preferable to any other in regards to the moral value of one action over another. - In the absence of morality, existence has no intrinsic higher meaning or goal. - There is no reasonable proof or argument for the existence of a higher ruler or creator. - Even if a higher ruler or creator exists, mankind has no moral obligation to worship them. we love wiki.
  10. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  11. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    oh, and something else i hate, is living in other people's houses (or apartments, as the case is). i can't wait to get back into my own place.
  12. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    i hate that the kitchen faucet seems to have no mid-range temperature control... it's either lukewarm, or EXTREMELY FUCKING HOT. and moving the handle .000001 micrometers changes it between the two. makes it hard to wash dishes. if it were my faucet, i'd be all taking the shit apart. but it's not my place, so... it's not my place to do it :x
  13. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  14. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i agree with the "I Love the New Millennium" shows. too soon. the decade isn't even over yet. what if the defining moment of the decade hasn't happened yet? though i'd love to see something be more defining than 9/11. BUT YOU NEVER KNOW!
  15. Retard Girl

    I've been drinking

    i like to smoke pot because i like to get high. is that a great excuse or what?
  16. Retard Girl

    I've been drinking

    i use the shift... occasionally.
  17. Retard Girl

    I've been drinking

    it means a lot actually. a lot of prescription medication is more dangerous than 'street drugs'. this would be the perfect place for this rant i feel coming on, but it would be underappreciated and i don't feel like extending the energy for a bunch of people that either don't give a shit, or already know what i'm taling about. i know how much everyone just loves wikipedia, but there's a good article about it there. http://www.activism.net/wosd/ this is pretty good as well.
  18. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  19. Retard Girl

    I've been drinking

    my experiences with hallucinagens hasn't been spectacular. i mean, acid/shrooms got me high, but it wasn't like some seeing/hearing things situation. i could try taking more but i'm not all up on taking shitloads of something that can have some serious health risks. so i save my money for weed.
  20. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

  21. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    no, it's not a poke at anyone in paticular. i don't roll like that. if i had something to say about someone... i'd say it. omgwtfnowai.
  22. Retard Girl

    Promo: Pop Goes the Weasel

    this was really good. i loved the phone bit as well. serious and funny, it's a good combination
  23. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    imagine what it would be like if everyone was just... nice? and i don't mean making friends with everyone you meet and giving your shirt off your back. being nice as opposed to being grumpy, angry, and irritable all the time.
  24. Retard Girl

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Islam has a 'required' giving of funds to the poor and the 'church' (or whatever they call it) also. it saddens me when people bash on religion as a whole. i'm not religious at all, but i'm not going to go around and bash on what other people need as a crutch to live. ....that was a bit of a bash in and of itself, wasn't it? but anyway, can't people be not religious and NICE? or just nice in general. though i must say, the super religious people of the world seem the least nice people if them all, and they're the ones that are taught to love all. weird, huh?
  25. Retard Girl

    What does your surname mean?

    Surname: Black This very old and famous surname, equally popular in Scotland and England, has at least two possible origins, the first being a nickname given by the invading Angles and Saxons to the native Celts and Britons who were darker-haired and darker-skinned than themselves. There is an ancient fable that Wulfricus Niger, otherwise known as Wulfric the Black circa 980, received his name after blackening his face in order to pass undetected through his enemies. The second possible origin is as a shortened form of Black-Smith, a worker in cold metals, as distinct from a White (Smith), one who worked in hot metals. The surname was popular in Scotland from the 15th Century. Adam Black of Edinburgh (1784 - 1874), a publisher, acquired the rights to the Encyclopedia Britannica in 1827. No less than ten Coats of Arms were granted to families of this name. Those borne by Gilbert Black, Dean of the Guild of Aberdeen (1672), depict a black saltire between a red mullet in chief and a red crescent in base, on a silver shield with a black chief. A demi lion proper is on the Crest, and the Motto, "Non Crux, sed lux", translates as, "Not the cross, but its light". The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Wulfhun des Blaca which was dated circa 901, in the "Old English Bynames Register", during the reign of King Edward, known as "The Elder", 899 - 924 A.D. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.