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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    then maybe just an ab machine. edit: what i should really do is go to the doctor. woman reproductive issues run rampant in my family. and there was my aunt, whose stomach just kept going and going, and when she finally went to the doctor, she had ovarian cancer. the issue is finding a doctor that isn't fat-discriminative. yes, it's a rampant problem most people don't think of. but every doctor i've been to has been like that. i go in for a cold, i get told to diet. fun, right? or what happened to my friend's sister, she went to three doctors about this pain in her foot, all three said it was because she was fat... the fourth doctor actually looked, and she had a tumor in her foot, fucking the bones up. as we've established, food isn't the issue here. i don't need to be sent to a nutritionist, i need to be sent to a gastronomisist. or a gynocologist. actually, maybe they should be my first stop. yeah. i'm typing too much again.
  2. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    actually, i would totally invest in one of them bowflex thingies. i'm strong as it is, so the Chyna look isn't too far off. though i look more like Amazing Kong. but there's nothing wrong with that. she's... amazing
  3. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    teenagers have been having sex the whole time. one of you said it up there... a hundred years ago, fifteen year olds were getting married and pumping out kids. only recently has it been "wrong". oh, and i don't care what got me pregnant, i'm not going through having another baby. it's an obviously touchy issue for me.
  4. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i'd rather just not get pregnant in the first place. remembering that thread, i just got a craving for a nice undercooked hamburger...
  5. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    feeding fetishism confuses me. it doesn't seem to be sexually based at all. maybe it's a power thing. besides, i'd get way ill if i were to eat the amount implied. though if someone would be turned on by me getting fatter, i guess they should watch me waddle my fat ass all over the city. (there was supposed to be a joke in there, i think) and if i ever get pregnant again, i wouldn't be pregnant for long. i'd stick a knife in my cunt. or pay an abortionist to do it for me. then i'd do something extreme like sew my labia shut and join a colony of trannies or something. getting pregnant again is about my worst fear ever.
  6. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i drink minimal soda. liquid calories, bad chemicals, stomach problems, brittle bones... all in one bottle~! this is why i drink so much water. which was my rant two pages ago.
  7. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    you pregnant again? phisically impossible, due to having my tubes tied and not having penis/vagina-centric sex. first i shall define eating less. i don't eat that much to begin with, but what i have done is cut out junk food and replace with veggies. bigger as in my stomach is just growing to absurd proportions. i know i handle the "i'm fat and okay with myself" thing, but WHAT THE FUCK. i don't expect some quick results, or even results at all. i'm only in this to be more healthy. but i went and bought a pair of jeans on Sunday that were fucking bigger than the ones i was wearing. after three months, shouldn't i be, if anything, the same size at least? maybe i have some fucking growth or something. i mean... if i were getting fatter, wouldn't it be everywhere? ask Annie, my legs are buff. it's all in the middle. i just set myself up for a huge backlash, but fuck it. congrats for all you and your skinniness.
  8. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    please? also, after months of eating less and walking more... i am now bigger. can someone please explain to me how this is possible?
  9. Retard Girl

    May shows availability thread

    the first show, we're sorta already planning for. the second show, i will not be available, as possibly the show after that also. i'm writing a memorial show in the old fed. i have no idea how long it will take.
  10. Retard Girl

    What kinda weapons do you own?

    i have about no weapons at all, and i dunno if i should be horrified that so many of you do. especially guns. i have a huge issue with guns. i'm not one of those people that wants to take legal guns away from decent people, so please don't think of me as some uber-liberal (more libertarian, but i digress). i just personally... am scared of them. you may laugh now. i won't even touch a gun, because i don't want my fingerprints/DNA on something that had or will kill someone. some weapons are cool though. i'm fond of the basic and old-fashioned. like this big stick i like, it used to be a closet rod. and i adore swords and knives, mostly because they're shiny and pritty. i'd like me a nice dagger. how about a mace? those things are brutal. but my favouritest weapon of all is myself. basiclly try to stay out of danger in general, and if i can't, i can land some pretty mean kicks.
  11. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  12. Retard Girl

    ChocoSocko Roundtable: The Deep South

    you know, i have to agree with this. about the lack of black people, i mean. the only black people here are from Haiti. i don't see any other black people. but i do see puerto ricans, mexicans, dominicans, indians, greek, iranians, koreans, vietnamise.... oh, and sometimes, i even see white people~!
  13. Retard Girl

    PROMO: A preview

    thanks guys. i'm oddly proud of this one XD
  14. Retard Girl

    Idea for a new Fed... Shock Wrestling

    it wasn't very pleasent. at least, not for the guy that lost the match
  15. Retard Girl

    Idea for a new Fed... Shock Wrestling

    i'm the reigning queen of barbed wire dildo on a pole matches. that's why efeds are so much fun, you can do anything. best reply in this thread.
  16. Retard Girl

    I'm gonna try something here

    i've been smoking pretty consistently for a decade or so. it's just the way my body reacts... i react differently to some things than most people. and don't get me started on people that get all brand name-y with weed. the only weed strains one needs to know: bad, decent, okay, good, great, spectacular.
  17. Retard Girl

    I'm gonna try something here

    pot makes me hyper as hell. just a side note as you're attempting to sleep.
  18. Retard Girl

    ChocoSocko Roundtable: The Deep South

    there's a lot of rednecks in NH also. Florida is beyond south, to where it's tropical. more a Latino/island vibe. so it's too far south to be south.
  19. Retard Girl

    My Chocolate Socket

    at a funeral, now that's kinky.
  20. Retard Girl

    ChocoSocko Roundtable: The Deep South

    it's like that in New England as well. we'll have four seasons in a week. it's amazing. they go all the way up here. at least i know they do in Mass. or at elast, at Ten's showclub on Salisbury Beach <3
  21. Retard Girl

    My Chocolate Socket

    i don't see anything wrong with one touching oneself at night. or any other time really.
  22. Retard Girl

    ChocoSocko Roundtable: The Deep South

    i hate southern food
  23. Retard Girl

    Marney: RIP

    both of my sons have done that. there, now it's the worst thread ever.
  24. Retard Girl

    Marney: RIP

    You'll find no argument here. unless one of them is gender-queer....
  25. Retard Girl

    Hell Freezes Over Prediction Thread

    when will all the rhetorical questions end?