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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl


    okay, she's not a porn star.
  2. that pic is class, man.
  3. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  4. Retard Girl


    Bryce + bondage = love.
  5. Retard Girl

    Black People Slowdown

    and all this time i thought a "trill" was a kind of sound. like how Spanish speakers trill their "r"s.
  6. Retard Girl


    There's now at least four people in the fed who know what CHIKARA is. I feel so happy. *raises hand* five. who do you think introduced her to the wonder thant is CHIKARA? *points to self* that's right.
  7. Retard Girl

    The Repot A Post feature

    the "report" button is right next to the "top" button. this poses a potential issue for those with skippy mouses. like me :/
  8. Retard Girl

    Awful suggestions for TSM's new regime

    It's funny how I've corrected you and others who have said that about 50 times in total, yet you still choose to misquote me every single time. You're either determined to twist my words to your favor, or just plain stupid. What I've said, for slow folks like Dandy here, is that I get along with the majority of people everywhere but here. I never said I was "popular" (as Leena claimed at The Pit) or even "well-liked". I just get along with most people. Seriously, it's like people don't even read what I write. They just make up words to put in my mouth to accommodate whatever point they're attempting to make. you're so dreamy
  9. Retard Girl

    Battleground comments thread

    because everyone loves the losing matches. it's like getting two shows!
  10. Retard Girl

    Battleground comments thread

    it was the caps with the "~!" that did it in, wasn't it?
  11. Retard Girl

    Shit's on

    i don't have anything to say, i just wanted to make a random post for no good reason.
  12. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    is embedding wirking again? i guess it is XD
  13. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like of Don Dokken or Chocolate Sockets

    his voice hurts my ears.
  14. Retard Girl

    April Availability Thread

    i don't see why i wouldn't be available. so i'm in... and if something comes up i'll let it be known.
  15. Retard Girl

    Hybrid Vigor

  16. Retard Girl

    Erect penis pictures

    you lie!
  17. Retard Girl

    Cream of Wheat gets blowjob as Bread plays saxophone

    words cannot explain...
  18. Retard Girl

    Grab the nearest book

    By the same mathmatical model, eight sociopathic symptoms and their absence were found to be sugnificantly heritable. They are, in decending order of theoretical heritability: "fails to conform to social norms," "aggressive," "reckless," "impulsive," "fails to honor financial obligations," "incosistant work," "never monoganous," and "lacks remorse." Still other studies have found that sociopaths have low "agreeableness," low "conscientiouness," and low "harm avoidance," all of which personality dimensions have a genetic conponent. The Sociopath next Door
  19. Retard Girl

    Does anyone here -play- music?

    never happened. because it was boston creme donuts, not sticks. ew?
  20. Retard Girl

    Does anyone here -play- music?

    i can play a mean air guitar
  21. it all makes so much sence now. i never noticed the similarity before. now i won't be able to forget it.
  22. Retard Girl

    Does anyone here -play- music?

    i have no musical talents what-so-ever. i can't make a kazoo work. when i was in the 2nd grade, we had a class-wide music and singing thing. they gave me the triangle because they knew better than to give me anything more complicated. though if i had one of them expensive keyboards, i could prolly lay down some beep boop beep shit, but the world doesn't need more electronica crap.
  23. Retard Girl

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    ^ that amused me greatly. thank you. ^
  24. i'm still upset that i didn't make it past the second round
  25. Retard Girl

    Harry Palmer discussion

    so anyway, here it is. i've only read one match, and that was SIN versus myself. there were a lot of little things in that match that had be cracking up and it was overall a good match. except that i lost. but that's okay, i only had like half a match written. i'm going to post it here, when i stop being lazy about it.